Bright Era

Chapter 1618: Cry! ! ! Seek comfort, ask for tickets!

Back alive! Pigtou finally came back alive from the hands of some terrifying alcohol lord!

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Crying, crying, crying!

OMG, Dutou was forced to kiss by a drunk guy! Even if his sister is a beauty! He is a man! This group of goods all say that the pig head provokes trouble after being drunk, but compared to them, I am as pure as a donkey! More pure than Brother Rabbit!

Cry, ask for a recommendation ticket for comfort, ask for a monthly ticket for comfort! The pig head is struggling to escape from the blood pan mouth!

Gosh! After drinking with this group of goods, I must go to the street to post advertisements and hire 20 temporary girls to go there, otherwise I can't hold them! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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