Bright Era

Chapter 1614: Kinship (1)

Big bald head, big eyes, big nose, big mouth, big ears, plus a pair of big windy ears, and the black beard on the chin in five small braids-even more coquettishly, the end of the braid is still hit. With five little pink bows!

Lin Qi stood there stiffly, unable to move. Lin Qi saw a portrait of this man in the castle of the Black Tiger family in Dunelker. Lin Qi’s great-grandfather, a generation of famous pirate leaders on the northern coastline of the western continent, fan Three smiles in the butterfly forest!

Very coquettish nickname, very coquettish name!

Those five little pink bows made Lin Sanxiao's reputation, and his fierce name was Megatron Beihai, the leader of the pirate group that he personally beheaded after three long laughs, and the leaders of other big and small forces in the dark world , No fewer than a thousand people.

Like the other elders of the Black Tiger family, Lin Sanxiao suddenly fell ill and died after achieving the pinnacle of heavenly strength, or disappeared without a trace during a certain time out. There is his tomb in the family cemetery, alongside the bones of other ancestors who really died.

Before Blackbeard was born, Lin Sanxiao had already left Dun Erke. At that time, he should be the pinnacle of heaven, or stepped into the power of a saint. But Lin Sanxiao's breath that he deliberately or unintentionally diffused at the moment was at the pinnacle of a demigod. Moreover, his killing intent was all over his body, and his bronze skin was densely covered with countless hideous scars. Obviously he had experienced many deadly battles.

"Lin Sanxiao, your grandson dare to beat me! Anyway, I am also the elder of the clan!" The middle-aged man whose face was completely disfigured by the donkey raised his head with difficulty and howled hoarsely.

Lin Sanxiao ‘haha’ laughed and strode over, stepped on the face of the middle-aged man with one foot, and then hugged Lin Qi vigorously. Lin Qi stretched out his hands and cautiously smiled with Lin San into a bear hug. He was afraid that he would cut his body too hard.

The middle-aged man was stomped on the ground by Lin Sanxiao, bleeding from his collapsing face, and the scene was brutal for a while.

"Very well done!" Lin Sanxiao let go, and punched Lin Qi in the chest fiercely: "Look at your physique, you know that you are from our Lin family! Hey, hey, you're doing it over there. Yes, I heard that the other two families have asked you for supplies twice recently, and you have doubled in the past?"

Lin Qi nodded. There is something like this. When he was practicing in retreat on the island, a liaison of the Lion and Leopard tribes contacted Lin Qi through a secret stronghold set up by Lin Qi and asked for a large amount of food, weapons and herbs. . Lin Qi, who had controlled the vast land of Abyss World and had unlimited financial resources, replenished them with double the amount of materials they requested.

The liaisons of the Lions and Leopards were taken aback, and they quickly passed the news back to their homes.

The elders of the two families had already fed back this news to the Tiger Clan, otherwise Lin Sanxiao would not say this to Lin Qi here.

"Good job!" Lin Sanxiao's eyes widened in excitement, and looked up and down Lin Qi: "Well done! Much more beautiful than when Lao Tzu presided over the Black Tiger family in Dun Erke! At that time, we didn't have the confidence to replenish so many materials for the brothers of the ancient race. It is really that our strength is lacking there!"

"Hey" laughed, Lin Sanxiao moved his feet, kicking the middle-aged man under his feet and fainted. Then he turned around and snorted coldly at the young woman who was beaten with a bruised face and swollen face: "You and Lin Qi's marriage, whoever proposes it, go to whom! In short, Lin Qi will not marry you! That's it!"

Grabbing Lin Qi's hand, Lin Sanxiao took Lin Qi and left: "Things here are very messy, let's go to see the ancestors and talk about other things. Hmph, I want to take advantage of you. It's really our Dunerke Black Tiger family. It’s a big piece of fat, so anyone can take a bite?"

The young woman who had been beaten to the ground and unable to move let out a sorrowful cry, but none of the big men who came here with Lin Sanxiao looked at her. Unlike the middle-aged man who was stunned, the brawny men in front of him were all sturdy and unusual, and their bodies were full of amazing evil spirits and blood. They were real predators, the kind of fighters that met Lin Qi's appetite.

Looking down at the fainting middle-aged man in golden robe, Lin Qi sneered mockingly. The strength status of this middle-aged man was just the strength of a demi-god intermediate, and his aura was mixed and unstable, so he didn't know what external force was used to improve it. Judging from his words, deeds, and conversation, he is no different from the nobles and officials in the court in the western mainland.

This middle-aged man may really belong to the Lin Hu clan, but he, Lin Sanxiao, Black Beard, and the ancestors of the family that Lin Qi knew were not the same. Lin Qi and the others are a group of ferocious beasts, and this guy, including that Lin Huai, is just a group of foxes who are thinking about all kinds of careful thoughts in secret.

"You don't even qualify as a fox, look at those **** from the Sha family!" Lin Qi sneered a few times and shook his head gently.

A group of thirty men also walked down the cliff down the stairs, and they lined up and blocked the exit of the platform.

Lin Sanxiao coldly looked at the handsome man with a weird half-black and half-black hair, dark hair on the left and pale hair on the right, and shook his head gently: "What are you doing? Lin Bu Le, I’m here to pick up my grandson. Are you here to watch the scenery or to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff?"

Wearing a black robe, Lin Bule smiled and shook his head. He slowly walked forward for two steps and said slowly: "Three smiles, everyone is your own family, why do you speak so badly? Lin Qi is your grandson, and of course my grandson too!"

Suddenly a strange voice came from the side: "Lin Bule, is it your grandson? Back then, I didn't kick your eggs and let you have so many grandchildren for so many years? Sure enough, grandchildren. All the grandchildren are born. Look at the grandchildren behind you, all of them are scornful, and they have lost all the faces of the Lin Hu clan!"

Lin Qi laughed, laughed loudly, and gestured a thumb to the donkey.

The donkey stood up and looked at the pale-faced Lin Bule with a sneer: "Remember me? The uncle donkey who almost castrated you back then is back! Are you dissatisfied? Do you want revenge? Come on, come on, Donkey Uncle's skin is itchy, begging for beating, for smoking, for abuse!"

Waving two small front hooves, the donkey bounced forward with his hooves, his ears stood up straight, and the corners of his mouth were sprayed with white foam, provoking Lin Bule like a mad dog that had seen his enemy: "Come on. Come on, hit me, hit your grandpa! Grandpa doesn't turn you into a eunuch, grandpa is your grandpa! Grandpa turned you into a eunuch, grandpa is your grandfather!"

"Donkey!" Lin Bule couldn't take care of Lin Sanxiao and Lin Qi. He looked at the donkey bitterly and gritted his teeth and said, "It's you!"

Lin San laughed'hehe' and laughed. He nodded and sighed in a relaxed and happy voice: "How many years, donkey, I have heard your nonsense again! But today, what you said makes sense. You are grandpa. He is a grandson! Lin Bule is your grandson!"

Lin Bule glared at Lin Sanxiao angrily. He roared, "Lin Sanxiao, don't deceive people too much!"

Thirty or so, wearing black robes, and Lin Bule, were born into a yushu and handsome young man at the same time stepped forward, and drew out a six-foot long sword with a clang. Compared with the sturdy men of Lin Hu's clan, Lin Bule and the group of young people behind him looked much thinner. If Lin Qi is an old oak tree, they are just a group of green bamboo poles.

But compared with ordinary people, Lin Bule's figure looked so tall and upright, with the feeling of being near the wind.

Therefore, their portable swords are also much longer than ordinary swords. The six-foot long sword matches their tall stature, and looks absolutely mighty. Moreover, these six-foot long swords were half a palm wide and half an inch thick, and the sword body was shining with blue light, and there were faint dragon-shaped magic patterns on the blade. They were obviously high-grade sacrificial weapons.

More than 30 long swords came out of its sheath, and the air suddenly became murderous. Lin Bule stared at Lin Sanxiao sullenly, and said with a sullen face: "Elder Punan wants to see Lin Qi. Lin Sanxiao, do you dare to block the elder's order, do you want to stay in the extremity for another year? ?"

Lin Sanxiao laughed for a long time, full of pride for a time, and the huge laughter shook the cliffs: "Elder Punan! This is your support, this is your backer! Well, Lin Bule, I'm standing here and telling you that Elder Punan can't control me! There is a kind, you let him talk to me by himself! Lin Qi is my grandson, he is here, no one can bully him!"

Lin Bule let out a cold snort, his right hand was in the form of dragon claws, and five purple auras spewed out, and brought a terrible thunderous sound to Lin Sanxiao and grabbed it.

Lin Qi's face changed suddenly, he snorted coldly, and a thin cyan electric light shot out from his fingertips, and hit Lin Bule's fingers accurately. Suddenly, I heard a roar, a large amount of electric sparks spurted from Lin Bule's body, Lin Bule's clothes were burnt, and the people were blasted to darkness by the high-voltage current, and the whole body was sprayed with black smoke. Ten meters away.

"Idiot, even with your strength, would you dare to do something to my great-grandfather?" Lin Qi shook his head and sighed: "There are many people who are not afraid of death these days, but I am really the number one person who wants to die. Encountered this time!"

The donkey sighed in melancholy: "This is because they are all grandsons, and their brains are broken!"

Gently patted the donkey's head, Lin Qi drew out five large cigars and handed them one to Lin Sanxiao. He fed one to the donkey and the two rabbits, and the last one was held in his own. Corners of the mouth. Five big cigars sprayed clouds and fog at the same time, Lin Sanxiao smiled coldly at the group of dumbfounded young people, and then led Lin Qi and his party away. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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