Bright Era

Chapter 1591: Life will not end, struggle will not end, please vote for me~!

Eight more! ! ! A little burst! ! !

The double is over, but May is not over. Keep working hard.

Comrades, please vote for Zhutou, because I have not asked for it for several days.

This is not the rhythm of fighting for the first place! ! !

How can it be the rhythm of not asking for votes?

So Dutou asked for votes. Everyone will give a ticket for the first rhythm.

Can't relax, because we don't have the confidence to relax, so, let's give the pig a lot of tickets.

Don't shock the world with updates, just ask for monthly tickets to move the world.

Rong Zhutou slowed down a little bit, and another eight shifts.

But today, I ask everyone to vote for more monthly votes to get the rhythm of the first place.

These gaps can be exploded at hand, so give the pig head monthly pass.

Laziness makes it easy to drink. Do comrades want to try the **** pain or the sense of loss of missing the first?

Anyway, Dutou doesn't want to try either.

Then there are 18 days, we will continue to walk away!

Ask for a monthly pass!

Goal, first in the monthly ticket list in May!

Go to war, go to love!

Come and love the pig's head. . . . .

The monthly pass, walk up, see if there is something in your pocket, and vote for the pig's head.

Thank you everyone~! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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