Bright Era

Chapter 1577: Chaos Great Plains (4)

"Alive!" Lin Qi grunted hard.

"What should I do if I don’t live?" The woman stared at Lin Qi blankly: "It’s easy for me to die, and it’s easy to die; but little Julie, I can’t take her to die together. I can’t leave her behind, but I Can't take her to die together, what else can you do besides being alive?"

Lin Qi bent down and gently stroked the woman's filthy long hair. He said in a low voice, "You can still see how this chaotic city disappeared! I swear, you will see this **** chaotic city. How it disappeared. Those who made it all, those who turned a blind eye to it, I will make them all pay the price!"

"Are you God?" The woman's sluggish eyes exudes a brilliant light: "People from the temple will tell us that if we can believe in the gods, we can be saved. But after so long, I haven't seen Until someone is rescued! Can we really be rescued?"

Lin Qi was silent for a long time, and he remembered some words that the osmanthus tree had said to him.

"Believe in yourself, don't believe in gods!" Lin Qi showed a bright smile: "I am not a god, I... just a human being!"

Straightening up, Lin Qi looked at the boundless tattered tent area around, and said gently: "But humans can also make this chaotic city completely extinguished. We don't need the help of those gods, we can do it!"

Gods? Lin Qi looked at the north side mockingly, and then at the south side. There was a deity sitting in the north and south, a deity who came in possession, and a deity who was reincarnated, but they just sat outside the city, they didn’t. Pay attention to the life and death of these people in the city.

Holding the straw ropes around the necks of three donkeys, Lin Qi left the tent step by step and walked slowly towards the inner city.

If Lin Qi had some other ideas before entering the city, now Lin Qi just wanted to kill Arthur and Diogo personally, and completely wipe out the last trace of their existence. No matter who dares to stand in front of him, he will completely wipe them out.

At the core of Chaos City, in the black hall that was several times larger than before, an uncovered convention was going on in full swing. Hundreds of great dragons incarnate in the hall

"No, no, Diogo, you have to find me some secret medicine to restore strength! You can't become the emperor of the chaotic empire! Even if you become your puppet, you must make me the emperor of the chaotic empire!" Ya Shocked and shrank on the soft board, he looked at Diogo pitifully: "Especially my identity, only through me, only Gerdas, can suppress the law, what do you think?"

"Want to restore a healthy body? Hey, that's only possible if the Temple of Life is resolved!"

Turning his eyes quickly, Diogo said slowly: "Just use the excuse that we were fighting with the nomadic army for too many casualties, and apply to the Temple of Life for a group of female priests to treat our soldiers. The secret medicine they carry should be easy. Can you recover your body?"

After a few weird laughs, Diogo laughed in a low voice: "Not to mention, you can hook up a few female priests of the Temple of Life. It is said that they are all resident of youth. No matter how old they are, their faces are very outstanding. !"

Arthur laughed ‘hehe’, he laughed a few times, but he couldn’t stand the constant challenge of the succubus around him, and he tore them again.

Diogo showed a weird grin, even if he was a puppet, he only trusted the descendants of half-dragons of his own race. Instead of letting an incompetent waste like Arthur occupy that position, it is better to use this gentle method to torture him slowly, let him die on a woman, and then let a half-dragon fuse his body, so that it will be more carefree.

Using the succubus body to slowly consume Arthur's vitality, while slowly draining his soul power, this is the safest way to kill. Diogo was not sure if Gerdas had done anything with Arthur. If there was a soul contract like the "blood of revenge" blessed on Arthur, if Diogo killed Arthur himself, it would be very Obviously it will attract Gerdas's crazy revenge.

But with the talent of the succubus, he gradually squeezed Arthur’s vitality and soul, and slowly weakened Arthur to the limit. Even if Arthur’s soul really hides the soul contract like the blood of revenge, Diogo has a certain Be sure to force the half-dragon to merge with his body and soul, without worrying about too fierce resistance.

"This is what I learned from the method of the coming of the gods!" Diogo looked at Arthur triumphantly. This guy was alive and well with such a genius idea to die.

Chaos City separated the inner city from the outer city by the trenches, and a few well-dressed middle-aged nobles stopped Lin Qi.

Just like receiving Mu Wei that day, several middle-aged nobles explained to Lin Qi in detail about the expenses and expenses of the inner city. Lin Qi nodded slowly, and then he took out a stack of gold tickets with a huge denomination and waved it gently, and he successfully obtained the right to enter the inner city.

Following Mu Wei’s route that day, Lin Qi came to a gorgeous hotel, and then he asked for the most high-end suite. After paying a high fee, Lin Qi also gave all three donkeys. Brought into the room.

As soon as they entered the room, Da Hei and Xiao Hei quickly turned into the original shape of a rabbit. They bounced around the room for a while, and then rushed back to Lin Qi's shoulder. While squirming and chewing on magic gems, the two rabbits complained at the same time: "Why don't you just rush to kill the person you want to kill? Why are you wasting gold coins here?"

The two bad rabbits looked at Lin Qi sadly: "Look at the price of this room, don't you think you are committing a crime against gold coins?"

Lin Qi shrugged. He stood on the terrace and looked at the black palace in the distance.

"I can easily kill them, but I don't dare to do anything indiscriminately, unless you want me to kill all the civilians in this chaotic city!" Lin Qi scratched his scalp in distress, then his nails and hair rubbed against each other, bursting. A big shot of Mars was shot: "You know, I can't control my power well now. Maybe I can turn the entire chaotic city into ruins with a single punch?"

The two rabbits closed their mouths obediently, they glanced at each other, and then said to go sightseeing at the same time, they quickly turned into two black shadows and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Qi tilted his mouth and went sightseeing? Is it to go sightseeing in the treasure house of Diogo and Arthur? He knew what these two rabbits were going to do, but he didn't bother to care about such things. Diogo and Arthur have searched for so many people's anointings, and they should be brought back.

It is almost impossible for the money to be returned to the original owner. No one has ever counted how many people here have been exploited, nor do they know how many gold coins they have been exploited. Lin Qi simply used the money to build a decent city and buy daily necessities. For these hapless residents of the chaotic city, this is the most realistic.

"Donkey, think of a way to let me kill Arthur and Diogo!" Lin Qi grabbed the donkey by the ear and slipped him to his side.

"Think of a more reliable method, any weird method, don't use it!"

"By the way, those half-dragon soldiers, who of you can let me control them?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support. Is my biggest motivation.)

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