Bright Era

Chapter 1542: On the ninth day, I will continue eight changes, half-deathism and euphorism!

Four shifts this morning, four shifts during the day, and strive to exceed 8 shifts, then it will be 12 shifts. Dutou cannot promise 12 shifts now. This is not hypocritical. This is not to ask for votes. It is not a draft. I am not sure.

But Zhutou will try his best to be crazy on the last day of this double. There will be 8 more and 12 more as much as possible.

The half-deathism of the pig head: half-dead by hunger, half-death by thirst, half-death by tiredness, half-death by pain, half-death by exhaustion, half-dead sleepy, half-dead brain, half-dead renewal...Clinical symptoms are: eyes cannot be opened, Ears can't hear clearly, too lazy to look up, too lazy to raise hands, too lazy to raise legs, too lazy to open mouth. Humped back and bent legs, being able to sit and never stand, being able to stand and never walk, walking and rubbing the ground, is purely sweeping the street.

Piggy's euphorism: thinking about your happiness when hungry, thinking about your happiness when you are thirsty, thinking about your happiness when you are tired, thinking about your happiness when you are in pain, thinking about your happiness when you are tired, and thinking about your happiness when you are sleepy You are happy, thinking of your happiness when your mind is up, and happy when you are more dazzled when you update! The clinical symptoms are: double the madness of the last day, Dutou and this high morale to challenge him!

Inspire me, encourage me, move me, and give me what I want.

On the last day of this double monthly pass, continue to fight.

Please vote for a monthly pass!

No madness, no life.

No madness, no Buddha.

without regret! Crazy to the end!

Please everyone, ride my madness! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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