Bright Era

Chapter 1408: Engaged in marriage (4)

Mu Wei, who was born with a habit of cleanliness, and even to the degree of morbidity, had ever seen such a terrible scene. A moving big dung pile rushed towards her, and the terrible stench made her crazy. Her strength far exceeds Fraternity·Huanyu, and her fighting skills are not comparable to Fraternity·Huanyu. As long as she moves her little finger, ten Fraternity·Huanyu are killed.

But Mu Wei was shocked by the terrifying appearance of Boai·Joyfulness, she didn't even expect to dodge!

Lin Qi patted his hand gently: "It's perfect!"

With a ‘pop’, Boai Huanyu firmly hugged Mu Wei who was dumbfounded and stiff, and a mass of foulness even splashed directly on Mu Wei’s small face. Mu Wei's small body shook, and then she screamed hoarsely. The sharp voice was so terrifying. With Lin Qi's courtyard as the center, all creatures within ten miles of strength below the sage master were stunned. past.

The billowing sound turned into a white shock wave visible to the naked eye and swept all around. All the wealthy and nobles in the Yancheng area were pour out blood mold, purchased from the Vias Commercial Federation, a thousand gold coins made of large crystal glass floor-to-ceiling windows, Glass products such as the full-length mirror were shattered at the same time, and the high-end porcelain from the East in the home was exploded into countless pieces at the same time.

With this scream, the rich and nobles of Yancheng lost more than one billion gold coins! War really is a monster that eats up money.

Accompanied by Mu Wei's scream, a cloud of golden flames spurted from her body, instantly burning all the filth on her body. The Shield of Victory appeared out of thin air, and Mu Wei squeezed the Shield of Victory with both hands, and slammed it down towards Fraternity·Joy.

The Shield of Victory is the goddess of victory's natal artifact, known as the most defensive artifact among the gods, even so, his lethality is not great. However, in order to teach the **** fellow Fraternity Happiness, Mu Wei only took out the victory shield instead of summoning her own natal artifact-because the victory shield is the natal artifact of the goddess of victory, which has soiled her. Heartache! If it's your own natal artifact, how uncomfortable it will be once it gets dirty?

Mu Wei's power is amazing, every blow is as heavy as a mountain.

Boai's cheerful bones made a crackling sound, and in the blink of an eye, his whole body including his skull was beaten to pieces. Mu Wei screamed hoarsely, and suddenly put away the shield of victory, her body soared into the air, her hands gripped towards the void, and a spear composed of golden thunder appeared in her hands out of thin air.

"All filth and evil will be shattered before the raging flames of war! Purify thoroughly, **** thing!"

Mu Wei's eyes turned into a magnificent golden yellow, and behind her appeared the phantom of the goddess of war. She mobilized the strongest power she could use now, and vowed to be happy with this filthy fellow. Smashed.

She faintly felt the peculiar lewdness and extravagance of the gods of the joyous spirit in Boai Huanyu, but Mu Wei didn't care who this guy was. It doesn't matter whether he is reincarnated or reborn, whether he comes physically, and if he provokes her, he will have to pay the price of life! At most, she just severely injured this guy's soul, leaving him with a small life. The Joyful God System is too weak, so weak that Mu Wei has no interest in asking who this guy is.

The golden spear released the huge pressure of despair, curled up on the ground, and his bones were'cracking' the fast-healing fraternity. Joy raised her head and looked at Mu Wei floating in the air, screaming hoarsely: "I It’s a happy god, you dare to kill me?"

Mu Wei curled her lips mockingly and muttered silently: "Even if the Goddess of Joy provokes me, I will kill it if I kill it! What are you?"

The huge soul locked on Fraternity·Happiness, and Mu Wei was about to throw the thunder light spear in his hand.

Suddenly, a mysterious spirit wave quickly rushed to Mu Wei's side. Mu Wei was taken aback. She frowned, glanced at Boai·Joy, lying on the ground, and suddenly sneered. The thunder and lightning spear in his hand slowly dissipated, and Mu Wei said with a gloomy face: "This matter, I must give me an explanation, otherwise, I will go to the group of **** in the joyful **** system and let them know what it is. statement!"

I don't know where it came from. Uh, the spirit wave quietly dissipated. Mu Wei fell on the ground with a sullen face, carefully avoiding the stolen goods on the ground. She looked at Boai·Joy with cold eyes, and shouted coldly: "Get out, or die! Choose yourself!"

Bo Ai happily gave Mu Wei a bitter look, he nodded stiffly, and said viciously: "Okay, you are from the Temple of War? I've taken this matter down! You wait, I won't I'll let you go, you wait!"

Mu Wei showed a bright smile, she was waiting. If it wasn't for her unwillingness to reveal her true identity, Mu Wei could just say her name, and the guy in front of her would kneel on the ground begging for mercy, right? Mu Wei is much stronger than Boai Huanyu. It is impossible for Boai Moulting to recognize her breath, but Mu Wei has now determined the identity of the guy in front of him.

The reincarnation of the **** of lust!

Mu Wei pursed her lips with a sneer-in the final battle, the gods of the pleasure gods charge behind and retreat first. They have never confronted an enemy that is too powerful, although they are too weak. I was severely injured in the aftermath of the battle, but compared to other gods, what was their injury?

Therefore, such a weak existence of the **** of eroticism was actually reincarnated and reborn at the same time as Mu Wei. It can be seen that their spirits are repaired very well, which also proves that the damage they received in the past was really not that good.

"Get out!" Mu Wei waved her hand impatiently. Such a dirty and humble god, she didn't even bother to talk to them.

Boai Huanyu glared at Mu Wei fiercely, then he turned his head and smiled grimly at Yan Chi's eyebrows: "The oracle of the Goddess Joy is that you are destined to become my wife. I will become your husband. We Your child will become the master of this empire! You are just a mortal, you can't resist the power of the oracle, so wash it up and wait for me!"

Yan Chimei's face turned pale and uncertain, she stared at Fraternity·Joy with resentment, her heart full of murderous intent.

Lin Qi coughed, he looked at Yan Chimei, then at Longcheng, and finally looked at Mu Wei and Boai Huanyu. He suddenly laughed happily: "Master Mu Wei, you Here, what a distinguished guest! Well, there is something, please be a witness!"

Mu Wei looked at Lin Qi in surprise: "Wan En Longshan, what testimony do you want me to do?"

Mu Wei was full of affection for Lin Qi, and Lin Qi beat her violently, which made Mu Wei, who advocated violence, gave birth to the idea of ​​absorbing Lin Qi and becoming a new **** of war. Lin Qi is such a violent and crude guy, he should become a person in the line of the **** of war, he actually believes in the **** of dawn, which is really a waste!

Therefore, Mu Wei is very interested in Lin Qi's so-called testimony.

"That's it, our friend, Duke Lusen, fell in love with Majesty Yan Chimei at first sight. They are willing to marry!" Lin Qi smiled and put his hands on his back, and his face was not red and heartbeat. The eyebrows almost thunderously said: "You are the archbishop of the Temple of War who is stationed in the Great Yan Dynasty. If their marriage contract can be witnessed by you, that would be great."

Mu Wei blinked, Duke Lusen and Yan Chimei fell in love at first sight? Is there such a thing?

Without waiting for Mu Wei to speak, Fraternity Huanyu on the side jumped up angrily: "Nonsense, Yan Chimei is my woman! This is the woman appointed by the Goddess of Joy for me. Only I can enjoy her body. Capture the faith of this empire..."

A pleasure knight covered the mouth of Fraternity Joy, and he could not tell him the intention of the pleasure temple. With the help of the name of the gods, become a husband with red eyebrows, and then take control of the Great Yan Dynasty, making the Great Yan Dynasty the place of faith in the Temple of Joy. This is the wishful thinking of the Goddess of Joy. How can you not say it in front of the people of the Temple of War Come out.

Mu Wei is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very clever. She couldn't help but sneer when she heard the words of Fraternity·Joy.

With the fragile power of the Temple of Joy, dare to use this method to look at the power of faith in the Great Yan Dynasty? Does the goddess of pleasure think that she can act unscrupulously if she is in favor of the **** of punishment? Where did she put the Temple of War?

With a sneer, Mu Wei's figure flashed in front of Yan Chimei, and looked at Yan Chimei very seriously: "I think the marriage contract between Queen Yanchimei and Duke Green Forest is bound to be blessed by the **** of war and the goddess of war. , I witnessed the conclusion of this marriage agreement in the name of the Temple of War God!"

"Me!" Yan Chi opened his eyebrows and opened his mouth to say something.

Lin Qi's voice sounded in Yan Chi's ears: "Duke Green Forest is a good person, and the family is extremely powerful. If the Great Yan Dynasty can get his help, then the Great Yan Dynasty will benefit a lot."

Yan Chibrow looked at Lin Qi angrily. Her expression has fully explained what she meant. Today, she went to the door to inquire, but Lin Qi used violence to oppress her all the way. She has promised the Yan family to become a vassal family of the Longshan family. , If she still signs a marriage contract with Duke Green Forest, she thinks that the most funny and absurd thing in the world is nothing more than that!

The dignified generation of empresses was actually forced to such a point, who would believe it if they said it?

But Mu Wei had already pressed Yan Chimei's shoulder, pulling her and Longcheng together without any further explanation.

"Then, in the name of the God of War, your marriage contract is protected by the God of War. Anyone who dares to destroy this sacred marriage contract will be regarded as an enemy of the God of War and will be pursued and killed by the God of War!" Mu Wei smiled very much. Brilliant, she didn't pay attention to the complicated expression of Yan Brows, her gaze was just staring at the frustrated Fraternity·Joy.

Boai Huan clenched his fists in a desperate manner. He stared at Mu Wei fiercely, cursing her countless times in his heart.

Even Boai·Huanyu still had all kinds of unbearable thoughts in his heart. He secretly vowed that he must let Mu Wei, the broken woman of the Temple of War that suddenly appeared, understand his power! Boai Huanyu is very confident and determined to calculate the plan of revenge. With the means of his **** of lust, any woman as long as he gets into bed by him will only end up under his control.

With a ferocious smile, Boai Huanyu patted his hands gently, and nodded to Mu Wei and Yan Chi.

"Well, congratulations, congratulations! What a great thing! Well, Yan Chimei, you have violated the oracle of the goddess of pleasure, you will regret it!"

Smiling and pointing to Mu Wei, Boai·Joy turned around and left without saying a word.

He smelled so bad that he had to find a way to clean himself. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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