Bright Era

Chapter 1401: Shrine for marriage (2)

Any outsider who knows the existence of the Temple of the Fallen must die. This is the iron law that all members of the Temple of the Fallen must abide by!

Lin Qi didn't hesitate to say the name of the "Fallen God Temple". In the hearts of these Fallen God Temples, Lin Qi and the Longshan family were destined to be destroyed.

But Yan Chimei suppressed the impulse of her heart. She looked at Lin Qi with a horrified expression, and asked in a deep voice, "Behind the Longshan family, there is another family? This surprised me! The Longshan family The current forces are already strong enough!"

Lin Qi smiled and looked at Yan Chimei, he said peacefully: "Well, everyone don't waste time! I don't want to say much about the Longshan family. If Miss Yan Chimei can put down her anger and go back well. Punish Yan Chixing, then I can help you once when the Great Yan Dynasty is facing a life and death crisis!"

"Life and death crisis?" Yan Chi eyebrows flashed, and suddenly sneered: "Are those nomads? They are also qualified to bring us life and death crisis?" Lin Qi's words are too sensational, Yan Chi eyebrows subconsciously ignored Lin Qi The so-called family business.

Lin Qi shook his head gently. He looked at Yan Chi eyebrows with pity, and sighed gently: "The ignorant are fearless. Those nomads may not be qualified to threaten the survival of the Great Yan Dynasty, but if it is Biyou What about herdsmen who are a hundred times stronger or even ten thousand times stronger?"

Although I don’t know how far the mobilization order of the Blood Qin Empire has progressed, but based on Lin Qi’s understanding of Ying Zheng, this old monster that never died, a mentally distorted old ghost who took the flesh of his descendants and born him, would not move. Already, once it is moved, it is the momentum of thunderbolt and plowing!

With the forces hidden by the Tianmiao and Yingzheng, the desert temple and the grassland temple are estimated to face annihilation!

With the territory and population resources of the Eastern Continent hundreds of times larger than that of the Western Continent, the number of troops dispatched by the Blood Qin Empire would be an unheard of astronomical numbers. Maybe the number of troops he dispatched would be more than the total population of the Western Continent!

This is not impossible. With Yingzheng's great joy and enthusiasm, he can definitely do such a thing!

That is really a torrent of locusts that destroy everything and crush everything!

Those nomadic khanates, including the countries of the Western Continent, as well as the alien races of Wudalian Island and Odin Temple, all these forces probably did not expect that the Blood Qin Empire would emerge as a freak like Yingzheng! The day the army of the Blood Qin Empire arrived was the time when countries large and small on the western continent were destroyed.

Lin Qi's promise was not empty talk, but a real life-saving rope, but Yan Chimei couldn't understand the deep meaning of it now. But Lin Qi only gave her such a promise. If Yan Chimei rejected Lin Qi's kindness, then Lin Qi would take their Yanjia to die?

Although Longcheng was attracted to Yan Chimei, with the nature of that **** in Longcheng, he estimated that he would be more willing to directly take Yan Chimei and throw it into bed, forcibly accomplishing good deeds. That kind of romantic pursuit of the opposite **** is not what Dragon City is good at.

So the Great Yan Dynasty was destroyed by the Blood Qin Empire, maybe Dragon City would take the initiative to ask Ying to be a swordsman! Of course, the males of the Yan family are going to be beheaded to death, but for women like Yan Chimei, Longcheng would be happy to have a few more stunning eyes in his bedroom.

Looking at Yan Chi eyebrows with pity, Lin Qi said faintly: "Then, let's stop here, if the Great Yan Dynasty still wants to attack my Longshan family because of such a trivial matter for the insignificant little person like Yan Chi Xing, then, I can guarantee that you all will die here!"

"A joke!" An elder of the Yan family sneered.

Just as his words were spoken, a piece of afterimage suddenly revolved around him 18 times. A series of palms slapped the flesh and the body made a long sound. The elder of the smoker was rapidly aging under the eyes of everyone. He gave birth to white hair, his beard turned yellow and shiny skin. It quickly dried up and withered, and his tall and straight figure buckled.

In a short time, time seems to have passed by tens of thousands of years. The elder Yan, who has reached the mid-level of the demigod, suddenly fell to his knees heavily. His lifespan passed quickly, and his youth and vitality quickly left. His body, he can no longer rely on his own strength to stand firm.

A panting blissful sky appeared next to Lin Qi out of thin air. She waved her two white tender hands and muttered in a low voice: "The life span of a demigod is too long. A thousand years of palms, I just slapped him with two hundred and eight palms. Burn out the rest of his life. I knew it would be easier to break his neck!"

Lin Qi smiled and stroked the lustrous and soft long hair of Elysium, his smiling face instantly turned into a fierce Shura face: "Now, do you believe it? Even a little maid of my Longshan family can't handle it, you smoke Are you sure you want to fight us?"

A great sense of humiliation flooded Yan Chi Mei's heart. She stared at Lin Qi firmly, hating Yan Chi Xing who caused this incident in her bones. If it weren't for Yan Chixing's wanton behavior, how could the Yan Family of the Dayan Dynasty fall into such an embarrassing situation?

The Longshan family had already shown their fangs, but Yan Chimei saw the miserable appearance of her own parents, a deep fear made her lose the courage to deal with the Longshan family! Instantly deprive a demigod of the long vitality and let him naturally age and die. What a terrible method is this?

Is it the legendary space magic? But Elysium made such an attack with the palm of his flesh!

Yan Chimei couldn't figure out what a terrifying skill this was, but could the power with such a skill provoke the Yan family?

The people in black in the Temple of the Fallen Temple also looked at the elder smoker who was kneeling on the ground to earn his life with horror. They had never seen such a weird method. If a demigod were killed by someone, they would have nothing. Of horror. But the vitality of a demigod passed away out of thin air, and the rapid aging to such an extent within a flick of a finger was so shocking.

For a while, they didn't dare to speak, and they didn't dare to say to Lin Qi that they must destroy the Longshan family.

Even if Lin Qi clearly said the name of the Temple of the Fallen God, these people in black dared not do anything. Before getting the upper-level instruction, let's maintain the current ‘peace’ situation with Lin Qi. Lin Qi's brutal killing in the Palace of the Gods of War the night before, really made the people in black in the Temple of Fallen Temple a little bit scared, and the bliss of heaven amplified this fear to the extreme.

What made everyone in Yan Family and the people in black in Fallen Temple even more alarmed was that dozens of Ruoruuowu breaths suddenly appeared near the meeting room. These auras are domineering and arrogant, and many of them are high-level demigods or even the pinnacle of demigods. These people alone are enough to instantly kill these people brought by Yan Chimei in the living room!

Everyone closed their mouths, naturally including Yan Chi Brow! They suddenly realized that Lin Qi was really not bragging, the little Longshan family really had the confidence and strength to fight against an empire.

"Sure enough, the necessary force to show off is the best way to maintain peace. Now, let's talk peacefully!" Lin Qi pointed to the opposite sofa, Yan Chibrow subconsciously followed Lin Qi's movements. under.

Yan Chimei's face was flushed by his actions, and the dignified queen of the country was actually photographed by Lin Qi's momentum. If this were to spread, the Great Yan Dynasty would not have a foothold in the Western Continent. With red brows and red eyes and green eyes, Yan Brow stared at Lin Qi fiercely like a she-wolf guarding her cub.

"That's right, that's right, I hate those who are aggressive and bullying." Lin Qi looked at Yan Chibrows coldly, and said without hurried: "I hate those who hold power at hand and oppress and oppress casually. Humanity. Your Majesty is a wise man. Naturally, he should know how to maximize the benefits of the Great Yan Dynasty, instead of provoke enemies for the empire and family indiscriminately!"

"Best benefit!" Yan brows flushed and his face turned purple: "The two elders of this family, one was seriously injured and the other was killed on the spot, Wan En Longshan, do you think that the term benefit is not intentional? Mock me?"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes, his eyes were radiant, forcing Yan Chi Brow and the elders of the Yan Family to turn their heads, no one dared to look directly at Lin Qi's compelling gaze. Lin Qi snorted coldly: "Sneer? Is this necessary? Maybe I would do this before, but since I have enough power, I have disdain to mock people."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Qi said calmly: "Two low-strength, self-righteous old men, die and die, what's the big deal? Frankly speaking, your Majesty, if I can help you remove all the elders of the Yan family Kill them all, you should be grateful to me, right?"

The veteran elders who were filled with righteous indignation suddenly chilled, they looked at Yan Chi eyebrow thoughtfully, but no one spoke to Lin Qi. Yan Chi eyebrows raised her eyebrows. She noticed the strange gazes of the elders, but she didn't give any explanation, but looked at Lin Qi quietly.

Lin Qi gently patted the rabbit on his knees with both hands, and Lin Qi said calmly: "The cathedral of the Temple of Dawn will be built by our Longshan family. We will determine the location of the church and start construction as soon as possible. This requires an decree from Her Majesty. , Let the local officials of the Great Yan Dynasty do their best to cooperate, otherwise, I don’t mind letting the Assassin’s Guild and the killer make a few extra money!"

Yan Chi eyebrows stared at Lin Qi, without saying a word.

A nobleman from another country, in front of the queen of a country, made a grand threat that if the local officials did not cooperate with their projects, they would buy murderers! The threatened empress was indifferent and did not respond. This scene is really weird! But in Lin Qi's view, this is really natural, because he has enough confidence to say this, and has enough power to do so! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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