Bright Era

Chapter 1400: Temple of Marriage (1)

In the living room, Lin Qi held his hands helplessly on his chest, watching the two rabbits crawling on the ground with three-petal mouths.

These two **** rabbits did a good thing. They ransacked Yan Chixing, stripped him naked, and threw him on the busiest, busiest, and most crowded Kaixuan Street in Yancheng. If it's just that, it's fine, they also put up a banner, marking the identity of Yan Chixing.

This is the face of the Great Yan Dynasty naked smoking, the face of the royal family of smokers.

Da Hei finished gnawing a carrot, and then erected his two long ears indifferently, staring at Yan Chi eyebrows in a daze: "Yes, our brother did it. We stripped Yan Chi Xing and took him. He was left on the street and his identity was exposed. We did it. We never quibble or hide it. We did it. What do you want?"

Yan Chimei's face, which was already as cold as an iceberg, has now become pitch black. Yan Chixing is an extremely outstanding one of the younger generation of Yan Family. He has very good abilities in all aspects. Although there are some minor flaws in dealing with people, isn't Yan Chixing still very young?

In Yan Chi Mei's plan, Yan Chi Xing is ready to use it, waiting for him to experience decades, he is bound to become the core minister of the Great Yan Dynasty.

But with these two rabbits doing this, Yan Chixing's reputation in the clan suddenly dropped. How can Yan Chixing, whose dignity is impaired, deter the people? How to govern the subordinate officials of the Dayan Dynasty? Not to mention Yan Chixing's own loss, the Yan Family's face was also smashed to the ground this time, and was severely trampled in the mud by these two rabbits.

"This matter..." Yan Chi brow took a deep breath.

"For this matter, the Longshan family must give us enough compensation to the Great Yan Dynasty! The Earl Longshan must summon all the famous families in the Western Continent to publicly apologize to our Great Yan Dynasty and Yan Chixing." One stood in Yan Chimei. The old man with white eyebrows grabbed Yan Chimei's words: "This incident has caused a great loss to the reputation of our Yan family. The Longshan family must become our vassals!"

Lin Qi's eyes widened, he looked up and down at the old man with white eyebrows, and suddenly laughed: "Are you dreaming? Haven't you woken up yet? Okay, the door is over there, don’t send it! Your Majesty, please. Compensation can be provided. We can still get 30,000 to 50,000 gold coins from the Longshan family, but apologize? Become a vassal of the Yan Family? Are you also worthy of the Great Yan Dynasty?"

Lin Qi’s words are harsh, but when Lin Qi thinks about it, the Longshan family is a branch of the Tiger tribe. With the strength of the tip of the tiger tribe that Lin Qi has seen, the true strength of the Tiger tribe is not even weaker than the church. Where to go! Not to mention that the Tiger Clan has eleven other allied families!

Such a behemoth's branch family has become a vassal of the Yan family? Are you kidding me? Although the Great Yan Dynasty was strong, it was only the second-ranked empire of the Western Continent. Such an empire was the size of two or three provinces in the Blood Qin Empire, and Lin Qi also had three major branches in the Blood Qin Empire. The province’s fief, there is also a Qingli country under the name of Princess Qingli as a fief!

Let the Longshan family become the vassals of the Yan family, to be honest, the Great Yan Dynasty is really unworthy!

Yan Chimei's pretty face suddenly changed, she squinted at Lin Qi tightly: "Mr. Wanen Longshan, you are talking too much!"

Lin Qi raised Erlang's legs, looked at Yan Chi Mei with a smile, and said slowly: "Miss Yan Chi Mei! I think you are quite good for you, especially Duke Green Forest has a great affection for you. In terms of points, I am very fond of the Great Yan Dynasty! But this kind of affection does not mean that your Great Yan Dynasty can oppress our Longshan family!"

The'crackling' said about what Yan Chi Xing did in the Longshan family, Lin Qi repeatedly sneered: "You are not polite, what is Yan Chi Xing? The strength of a mere saint class, I just finger If an ant can be crushed to death, what right does he have to be presumptuous in front of me? Not to mention Yan Chixing, who is this terrible old man with white eyebrows, what right does he have to speak in front of me?"

The old man with white eyebrows flushed with anger, he yelled, and hit Lin Qi's chest with a punch on his backhand.

Yan Chi-brow was horrified. She knew exactly how terrifying Lin Qi possessed. The night before, she had witnessed the terrifying scene of Lin Qi smashing into the sky with her mortal womb, which was not the power that a mortal should have. ! Although these elders in their own family are powerful, but they are only at the level of an ordinary demigod, how could they be Lin Qi's opponent?

"Three elders!" Yan Chimei grabbed the old man's arm.

Lin Qi sneered: "Close the door and let go of the rabbit!"

Bilibili closed the door of the living room with a ‘boom’, and the two rabbits violently rose up, and their sturdy hind limbs took a hurricane and smashed the old man with white eyebrows on the face. Yan Chimei didn't even see the movements of the two rabbits. He only felt that the black shadow flashed in front of her. The old man with white eyebrows, the third elder of the Yan family, would call Yan Chimei the elder of the uncle's grandfather. He flew back with blood and big teeth.

The two hind legs of a rabbit are the most explosive parts of the body. An ordinary rabbit can kick a falcon to death with a single shot. And these two rabbits of Lin Qi, they are not ordinary rabbits. They kicked out gently, and the old man with white eyebrows' bodyguard was shattered vigorously, the nose bridge and cheek bones were shattered by the bullets, and his mouth full of teeth flew like wings.

The dignified demi-god middle-level powerhouses, in the Western Continent, were all big figures standing on the top of the pyramid, and they passed out so cleanly.

Two rabbits landed on Lin Qi’s knees, one on the left and the other on the right. Their bodies shrunk to only one foot in length. They were pure and kind and harmless, staring at Yan Chimei and her with pure eyes. A crowd of smokers around him. They spit out a few carrot leaves, then took out a fist-sized magic sapphire and put it in their mouths, and chewed like a fried soybean.

The Yan family members around Yan Chimei looked terrified. Magic gems contained powerful magical powers, so they were hundreds of times stronger than ordinary diamonds, and top-quality magic gems were even thousands of times harder than diamonds. They have never heard of any monsters that directly use magic gems as snacks!

These two **** rabbits, how good their teeth are!

If such a mouth is used to bite people, even a giant dragon will be easily bitten through the scales and bones of the dragon, right?

"Your Excellency Wanen Longshan!" Yan Chi-brows trembled with fury: "You must give us the Great Yan Dynasty..."

Lin Qi looked at Yan Chi eyebrows indifferently, he said indifferently: "Don't say anything like giving you an explanation. Although the Great Yan Dynasty is powerful, without the support of the forces behind the dark banquet, your Yan family can't even deal with the Caesar Empire. This time, Yan Chixing insulted my Longshan family first. Although Da Hei and Xiao Hei overreacted, I personally think that they did nothing wrong."

Yan's brows were so angry that her eyes were as red as rabbit eyes. As the queen of a country, she personally went to the door to ask her for crimes. Lin Qi actually talked to her with such an attitude, and he even outrageously ordered these two strange rabbits to be injured. My own three elders! How can she bear this kind of thing?

"Since this is the case, then..." Yan Chi brow gritted his teeth, and ordered the soldiers to besiege the house. Even if it caused dissatisfaction between the Temple of Dawn and the Gaul Empire, Yan Chimei was confident that as long as she gave enough benefits, it would be enough to calm their anger. But the arrogant Lin Qi, and the even more arrogant Longshan family, she absolutely cannot tolerate the continued existence of this damned family!

She even began to plan how to deal with Lin Qi. After all, Lin Qi killed more than a hundred foreign demigods alone, and this kind of combat power was really shocking to the extreme. Perhaps she could only pay a greater price and invite the core master from the Temple of Fallen Temple to suppress Lin Qi.

The first meeting between Yan Chimei and the Longshan family made everyone very unhappy. Lin Qi did not give Da Yan Dynasty a face, and in front of Yan Chimei, he killed so many masters sent by the Fallen Temple, Yan Chimei. Although shocked by Lin Qi's strength, she finally reached many agreements with Lin Qi regarding the Temple of Dawn, but she really did not have any favorable impressions of Lin Qi and the Longshan family.

This time it happens, let's calculate the old and new accounts together.

Yan Chi's red lips became white, and the cold murderous aura turned into a small whirlwind hovering around her. She slowly raised her hand to order the people she brought to do it. This time, the Yan family mobilized most of the elites in the clan, dozens of elders from the Presbyterian Church were all present, plus many masters from the Temple of Fallen Temple, it should be enough to deal with a Longshan family.

The only trouble is Lin Qi, but just like Yan Chi's plan just now, as long as enough benefits are given, the few inhuman old monsters in the Temple of Fallen Temple sitting in Yancheng will not be stingy, right?

"I think, Miss Yan Chimei, you better not be impulsive!" Lin Qi looked at Yan Chimei in a leisurely manner: "This matter, my Longshan family doesn't take it wrong. If you can't kill us all here , Then you are waiting to deal with the revenge of the Longshan family and our family behind the Longshan family! I can assure you that the revenge of this family will completely destroy your Yan family and even the Fallen Temple behind you!"

With a ‘huh~~~’, the dozen or so members of the Temple of Fallen God standing in the meeting room exhaled at the same time. They looked at Lin Qi with cold eyes, and at the same time took a big step forward. The "Temple of the Fallen Temple" is secretive and the most important of secrecy. Their activities have always relied on the large and small external forces. It is almost impossible for outsiders to know the term "Temple of the Fallen Temple". (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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