Bright Era

Chapter 1383: Westward, westward (1)

The cold wind from Odin Ice Field also began to raging on the Eastern Great Plains.

After the vanguard army of the nomads was killed by Diogo's secret sacrifice to the ancestor **** of the dragon clan, the arrogant nomads became more cautious. Moreover, the land was covered with snow, and the cavalry regiments of the nomadic regiment had already begun to mobilize.

Although there are priests from the Prairie Temple, when the ground is covered by snow that is two feet thick, even the power of the Prairie Temple cannot effectively solve the problem of mount rations during large-scale legion movement. Therefore, the invasion of the nomads suddenly stopped. They gathered in a foreign country that was ravaged by them, and began the long nest winter that nomads were accustomed to.

The nomads stopped their offensive, and this news was handed to the temple of punishment by Arthur as quickly as possible, to the major temples of the church, and to the countries of the western continent. In Arthur's ‘Official Document of the Victory’, Arthur brags without blushing because of his wise and martial command and Diogo’s heroic warfare, so that he has contained the invasion of foreign races.

In this official document, Arthur frantically asked the church to grant him a reward, asked the Gaul Empire to grant him a new territory, and asked the Great Yan Dynasty replaced by the Caesar Empire to grant him a noble title and give him corresponding noble treatment!

All in all, Arthur is like a mad dog, snarling ‘Aow’ with his mouth wide open, trying to tear off as much fat as possible.

The nomadic army in the Eastern Great Plains lost the ability to continue fighting in winter, but it is conceivable that once the spring begins, as long as the snow in the Eastern Great Plains melts and spring grass grows on the grasslands, they will be like a pack of hungry wolves. Da Pingyun in the east swallowed, and then threatened the eastern frontier of the Great Yan Dynasty, knocking on the door knocker in the heart of the western continent.

The snow is flying, but on the mainland bridge that connects the eastern and western continents, there is a tumult.

The slaves looted from the eastern plains have been distributed according to their military merits, and nomadic tribes large and small have made a lot of money. Especially those nomadic tribes that have assigned a large number of female slaves, they are even more ecstatic to organize a large group of strong young people, taking advantage of the time of nest winter to work hard, and strive to add imports to the tribe in ten months.

The plundered large amount of livestock, silk, tea, gold and silver jewelry and other properties made these poor nomadic tribes dazzled. Have the leaders of those tribes ever seen so much wealth? Especially those high-quality silks, they simply reluctant to use them as clothing, but plan to pass on as heirlooms from generation to generation.

Then they heard that the places that their sons and daughters had swept across were just a hundred small countries with weak strength in the Eastern Great Plain!

Just a few small countries have so much wealth, what about those big empires and kingdoms? How much wealth did the famous Gaul Empire and Caesar Empire have? The female slaves who were looted were so beautiful. Compared with the women on the Continental Bridge whose skin was so rough that they were rubbed by the wind and sand, the skin of these female slaves was so delicate and smooth, so white and lovely!

I really want to know if the women of the Gaul Empire and the Caesar Empire are more beautiful than the women of the Eastern Great Plains!

Wealth and women, these sturdy men of nomadic tribes, aren't they what they are after?

The cold wind and heavy snow ruled the entire continental bridge, and the high-levels of the major nomadic khanates sent a large number of envoys to each other to exchange information. The looted wealth made these khanate high-levels who occupied the largest part of the spoils ecstatic. They prepared that once the spring began, as long as they accumulated enough forage, they would mobilize more troops into the Eastern Great Plains!

For the high-levels of these khanates, the nomadic tribes are all soldiers, and thirteen or four-year-old boys can ride their war horses to draw a bow to kill. Even the women of those tribes, once they are launched, their lethality is not weaker than that of ordinary youth strong.

Basically, there are 10,000 people in the nomadic tribe, and they can arm up 7,000 qualified fighters as long as they are hard-hearted. The remaining three thousand people are nothing more than immobile old people and children who have not yet grown up. And the whole continent bridge has so many khanates, how many people do they have? It is really the same as the stars in the sky, and the yellow sand in the desert, it is innumerable.

And what if the soldiers died in battle? As long as they can grab enough wealth, which tribe can not easily give birth to a bunch of children? In less than two years, just like forage, a new group of soldiers will grow up again.

So the high-levels of the Khanate began to communicate closely, and they had the intention to go all the way to the west and have been conquering the entire western continent.

Their allies, the foreign races on Wudalian Island and Odin Icefield, are facing an extremely strong Norman Fortress, but there is a plain in front of the nomadic army, and their cavalry can arbitrarily traverse and no one can intercept their attacks. !

But what the high-levels of these khanates did not expect was that when they were just sending messengers to each other to pass on information, and to hook up nervously, in their territory, the patriarchs of those tribes, large and small, had already called for their friends to sit. Together.

Just like under the rule of the Golden Wolf Khanate, a hot spring springing from the ground, so in the middle of winter, there are still green pastures in the meadow, a huge tent decorated with silver is tightly guarded by tens of thousands of nomadic warriors. .

In the huge tent, hundreds of tribal chiefs with luxurious clothes and gold, silver and gold were sitting together around the bonfire. In front of them, there were dishes such as roast leg of lamb and roast beef. Plundered wine and fragrant tea. They were laughing and talking loudly, enjoying the wine and delicacies that they were reluctant to eat and drink in previous winters.

"The children are doing a good job! They sent back 5,000 fat cows to their tribe! It is said that they were snatched from a ranch in a duchy duchy. There are also thousands of good breeds-horses, ten There are tens of thousands of sheep, and there are more than 20,000 beauties who are out of water every pinch!"

"Yes, our children are also very upbeat. They captured a gold mine in the Principality of Montenegro and snatched countless gold coins and gold ingots. Hahaha, our tribe is now the richest tribe within a radius of three thousand miles. !"

"Huh, who said no? Our dolls are also working hard. The weapons and armor they sent back are enough for our tribe to arm another 300,000 soldiers! Humph, you haven't seen the bows and arrows produced by those countries, That's really good, one mile away, can shoot through the wolf skull!"

The patriarchs of the tribe brag about their own harvests to their heart's content. The soldiers they sent out worked hard to burn, kill and loot, and their tribe could have a fat and oily winter this time. Eat to your heart's content, drink to your heart's content, and play with the robbed female slaves as much as you want. When autumn arrives ten months later, a large number of newborn babies will be added to the tribe!

Isn't the reason why a tribe grows strong?

"It's a pity that Da Khan and the others have divided too many trophies!" A rough-faced man grumbled: "It is said that Da Khan and the princes took 70% of the trophies, and their subordinates took away one share. As for the tribes who have worked so hard, we only got 20% of the spoils."

"Gold and silver jewelry is the least. Silk is the worst. Tea is old. Women are also the ugliest, the oldest, or they are almost out of breath when they play with them. And slaves, Those slaves who were proficient in casting and other craftsman skills were taken away by them!"

The patriarchs of the tribe closed their mouths at the same time, and they listened quietly to this big man's complaint.

After a long time, an old man tremblingly said: "Yeah, this time the troops are dispatched, the direct clans of the Khan have not dispatched much. More than 90% of the fighters are dispatched by our little tribes who are suffering. !According to the truth, we should have more trophies!"

"Isn't it? When distributing the spoils, I fell in love with a little girl who had just turned thirteen years old, and wanted to bring back my youngest son as a child bride-in-law! The result? I, who sent out 150,000 brave soldiers, save face It's not as good as the patriarch of the Taurus tribe! But the Taurus tribe, they only dispatched two thousand longbowmen this time. What qualifications does he have to **** me?"

"Old Taurus, that's the nephew of Golden Wolf's profuse kin, old coyote, do you dare to **** the girl from him?"

"It's not fair! Anyway, it's not fair! Why can't we get more gold and silver jewelry? Why can't we get the best silk? Why can't we get better tea? Why can't we play more beautiful, What about a more noble woman?"

"Think about the princesses and princesses of the kingdoms and the principalities, the princesses and princesses who were robbed, and the noble beauties. It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of them, but they are all taken over by the sweat and the princes. What we have are the daughters and wives of some farmers and herders, ah, have we not been tired of playing with our own wives for so many years!"

There was a roar of laughter from the tent, and all the patriarchs laughed, didn’t they, my yellow-faced lady was tired of it, those female slaves who had been forcibly plundered from the eastern plains, the white-flowered skin, That delicate figure, how charming it is!

What about your own woman? Their arms are as thick as their own, their waists are as thick as their own, and their strength is as great as their own. With their sabers and bows and arrows, their combat effectiveness is as strong as their own. In addition to being able to give birth to such a woman, she really has to talk about her taste. Where is the taste of female slaves?

"Well, we still have to continue fighting after the beginning of spring!"

"No, it's the beginning of spring. We must continue to do it. We have already breached the iron wall!"

"Then, if we get closer to the frontline, we will... Ahaha, then, let's start first!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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