Bright Era

Chapter 1340: Horrible Giant Sorcerer

Seeing that the giant catapult controlled by the goblin began to charge, the garrison magicians on the first wall of the Norman Castle opened the defensive magic circle on the wall in time, and an invisible magic enchantment quickly grew. A section of the city wall was shrouded for ten miles.

And this first-level defensive magic array can probably withstand the full blow of the heavenly mages and fighters.

When the diameter of the thunderball on the giant catapult increased to ten meters or less, the garrisoned magicians used the fastest speed to increase the strength of the defensive magic array to the extent that it could withstand a powerful blow from a saint-level wizard. After all, the lightning ball with a diameter of ten meters, this level of attack, can only be done by a holy magician.

When the diameter of the thunderball reaches 20 meters and it emits heart-pounding magic waves, the garrison magicians wisely increase the defensive strength of the defensive magic circle to the limit, that is, it can resist the peak-level magician of the saint. The intensity of a full blow.

This is also the first attack limit that the Norman Fortress can withstand.

If it is a demigod-level powerhouse, there will naturally be powerhouses of the same human class coming forward to fight, and there is no need to rely on the magic circle on the city wall to resist their attacks. The level of craftsmanship of the orcs and other alien races is there, and even the violent dwarves are specialized in killing and setting fire, forgetting the casting crafts handed down from the ancestors.

Therefore, it is impossible for a foreign race to have too powerful siege equipment. This is already the consensus of the human country.

In the eyes of the garrisoned magicians in the Norman Fort, this whole body is shining with a faint magic halo, and from time to time there are trebuchets with unrecognized magic words, at most it can give out the damage of the saints at the most? This is almost the limit that alien craftsmen can reach.

The thunderball shot out, almost at the same time it was launched into the wall.

The invisible magic enchantment on the city’s head suddenly flashed, the lightning ball hit a little obstacle and exploded quickly, and then the lightning turned into fiery fire and electric light, and a cloud of mushrooms spread out with a terrifying high-frequency oscillation. open.

The defensive barrier of the Norman Fortress shattered like a glass sheet under a dwarf's heavy hammer. A large stream of fire and lightning rushed to the wall. The defending soldiers standing on the top of the city did not even make a miserable howl, about three miles long. A section of the city wall, all the human soldiers were swept away. The soldiers' bodies and armored weapons were instantly vaporized, and the defense equipment on the city's head also ignited a raging fire, and then quickly collapsed and melted in the fire.

The 100-meter-high steel wall of the battle fort slowly heated up and turned red, and then gradually emitted a dazzling red light. Amidst the cheers of foreign soldiers and the screams of the human defenders, a section of the city wall, about two miles long, collapsed softly, like a snowman in the sun, and melted in local areas. The molten iron flowed out.

The city wall that was 100 meters high instantly became only 80 meters up and down, and a huge loophole had appeared in the strong city defense.

The most terrible thing is that the magic array pattern embedded in this section of the city wall was destroyed by high temperature, which directly affected the strength of the magic enchantment on a section of the nearby city wall that was more than ten miles long. Originally, the magic enchantment on this section of the city wall could withstand the attack of the peak of the saint, but now this magic enchantment can resist the power of the peak of the saint at most.

Leon and many non-believers of alien generals looked at the trebuchet in surprise, Leon licked his lips greedily, and mumbled subconsciously: "Is it a giant's relic? These green-skinned dwarfs seem to have their own set! , Send ten times more, no, twenty times more people are staring at them, and they are not allowed to slip away! This powerful relic of the giant should belong to the same great Golden Lion."

A royal bear and a royal tiger standing beside Leon snorted at the same time. They slammed an elbow on Leon's body, indicating that they heard Leon's self-talk, and He warned him that the Golden Lion is just one of the three royal families of the orcs, and it is absolutely impossible to monopolize such a powerful war weapon.

Kaka Vinci yelled and danced, and with his screams, the goblins were busy tossing on the trebuchet, and the long shot was bent again. This time, it was not a thunderball that condensed in the hemispherical slot, but a fireball that was like a substance like lava, still popping out fist-sized bubbles.

This time the trebuchet seemed to inject a larger magical element into the fireball. The diameter of the fireball quickly increased to 30 meters. What is more shocking is that the original red fireball has become red and black. It became a deep jet black. The bubbles on the surface of the fireball are gone, and the entire fireball is as quiet as a piece of ice.

And at the core of the fireball, a strange giant spirit rune belonging to the ancient giant is looming. The red rune reveals infinite meaning, and it seems that there is a hint of the law of flames.

Yin Qingyue looked at the fireball, her eyeballs suddenly became extremely bright, her pupils shrunk to the size of the tip of a needle, and she stared at the rune fiercely. If it wasn't that the place and time were inappropriate, and there were not many powerful followers around him, Yin Qingyue must have ordered all the goblins to be killed long ago and took this trebuchet as his own.

Because from this fireball, she actually faintly felt a faintly specific breath of certain powerful magic arts belonging to the desert temple. It was the charm of the original law of the flame and represented the most powerful force of the flame.

With her hands clenched tightly in her sleeves into fists, Yin Qingyue also had a strong peek at the trebuchet.

With a loud bang, the trebuchet started again, and the black fireball brought up a black hurricane. Accompanied by the dull air blast, the huge fireball hit the wall that had just been dissolved for a long time.

The power of this fireball is several times stronger than that of the thunderball just now. The magic enchantment of the first wall of the Norman Castle cannot withstand the thunderball just now, and naturally it can't stop the attack of this fireball. Almost at the same time as the fireball fell, the invisible magic enchantment made an overwhelming blast, large ripples in the air rolled violently, large flashes of sparks flashed across the steel city wall, and countless magic array nodes built into the city wall Shattered by the terrifying magical tidal impact force.

The ten-mile-long steel city wall collapsed, and the fireball slammed straight into the city wall.

A figure made a howling sound like a dragon, and straight out of the collapsed city wall. This is a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of the Honorary Marshal of the Caesar Empire. He held the huge fireball in his hands, and he held the fireball to an altitude of nearly a thousand meters above the ground.

A punch with a dazzling lightning blasted the fireball, and the demigod master of the Caesar Empire sitting in the Norman Fort screamed: "The ignorant alien is just a magic trebuchet, so you have the courage..."

Before he finished speaking, his fist had been smashed into the fireball.

The fireball suddenly expanded, from a diameter of 30 meters to a hundred meters. Then the black fireball suddenly collapsed inward, and quickly collapsed to the size of a fist. The demigod of the Caesar Empire was swept in by the collapsed fireball, and his crazy roar was heard from time to time in the fireball.


The red flame enveloped the world, and the dazzling light was so strong. Except for those goblins who quickly took out a pair of sunglasses made of black crystals on the bridge of their noses, the other aliens and humans all closed their eyes. But this is the case, the strong light still penetrated their eyelids and burned many people's eyeballs.

The skin and flesh of the aliens are much rougher than humans, and their eyelids are much thicker, so the aliens are less affected. Only the most unlucky thousands of aliens have burned their eyeballs and completely lost their eyesight. But the human defenders suffered a big loss. The fireball exploded above them. Tens of thousands of soldiers instinctively looked up at the fireball. Their eyelids were several times smaller than the defense power of the thick skin of the alien race. More than 30,000 soldiers were killed. The fire pierced his eyes.

A screaming howl came from inside the Norman Fortress, and then a terrible heat wave from high above howled down. A section of the city wall over three miles long was violently washed down by the heat wave and the soldiers on the wall burned at the same time. , They burned like torches filled with kerosene. The burning soldiers were blind and couldn't see anything. They ran around in embarrassment, crying in horror, and were soon burned to ashes.

The sound of ‘Kaka Kaka’ was endless. A large swath of magic traps on the snow outside the walls of the Norman Castle were set off by the heat wave. Hundreds of vicious traps and mechanisms were melted and destroyed by the heat wave, completely losing their lethality.

After the devastating heat wave stopped, everyone opened their eyes and saw the demigod of the Caesar Empire floating in the air.

His body was suspended there stiffly, with a trace of unbelievable horror on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but countless hair-like flames rushed out of his pores, making him abrupt. It turned into a ball of fire, and then it burned completely out of thin air without leaving any ashes.

The steel wall of the Norman Fort was blasted through a gap of more than three miles, the nearby snow was swept away, steaming heat continued to rise from the ground, and the water in some puddles on the ground was boiling violently. . The high-temperature steam distorted the line of sight, and the originally majestic Norman Fort defense line became a bit ridiculous in the twisted vapor.

Kaka Vinci danced and laughed: "I knew it, I knew it, stupid human beings, do they think that with their bodies, they can withstand the attacks of the giants of the giants? That is the control of the giants. The power of law, the human body, simply cannot withstand such a blow! Children, children, give them another shot!"

The goblins ‘haha’ laughed and became busy again with excitement.

The defenders on the Norman Fort were in chaos. They looked at the huge trebuchet in disbelief-it killed a powerful demigod in one blow! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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