
Chapter 72 Refuse to get married

Watching Anton taking Mimi to touch the bread starfish in the experience pool, Qi Min's heart was filled with peace and tranquility. Standing next to her, Zhang Songxue seemed to have some empathy for the mammalian nature of "caring for offspring."

She once again said with some emotion: "Damin, you are so cool."

"You don't have to be either." Qi Min said with a smile, "If you get married and have a daughter, she will probably be prettier than Mimi. My brother Da Yue's appearance is not a joke."

To be honest, Wei Siyue in middle school did not belong to the handsome type, but he was gentle, gentle and quiet, and he was not as geeky as Qi Min at that time, so he was quite popular with girls. Now Qi Min doesn't know what he looks like. The photos he saw in Zhang Songxue's circle of friends are pretty good, but in the photos he posted himself, he looks dark and ordinary.

But he is a buddy after all, even if he robs his girlfriend, he still has to say something nice.

"Great Leap...he probably wants Dink." Zhang Songxue said lightly.

"Ah, why?" Qi Min was a little strange, but what was strange to her was not that Wei Siyue missed Dink, "What do you think? Haven't we discussed it yet?"

Faced with this problem, Zhang Songxue hesitated. She was silent for a while and then replied: "I also want to discuss it with him, but now it seems... Da Yue doesn't seem to want to get married."

"What's wrong?" Qi Min asked quickly, "Songsong, don't be joking. What happened to you and Da Yue?"

Zhang Songxue turned her head and looked at Qi Min. Her fair face seemed to be fluorescing under the dim and cold light of the aquarium. It seemed that this question was difficult for her to answer, but Zhang Songxue still said: "I don't know what happened... I asked him about marriage, and he didn't refuse at the time, but then he let it go."

"Uh... maybe he doesn't feel anxious?" Qi Min tried to analyze.

"Isn't this urgent? Oh my God, it's been more than ten years." Zhang Songxue couldn't help but add a modal particle, "Apart from the two of us, who else have you seen who has only been in love for more than ten years? married?"

Qi Min thought for a while, she had never met anyone else, but she actually didn't know many couples in depth. And Qi Min doesn't think there's anything good about those who get married at a young age and right after graduation. There is no interest-related relationship when you are in college. Many people can show their most interesting side, but their utilitarian nature will be revealed after graduation when things that affect their future - such as the so-called successful people who work as PIs in top five universities. Qin Zhenjun.

"It's not that bad not to get married, right?" Qi Min comforted her, "According to the origin of the marriage system, it only exists as a part of private ownership. You and Da Yue are neither short of money nor care about it. Now you are so Nothing happened while we were here?"

Zhang Songxue felt that it made sense, but she still asked Qi Min: "Damin, why don't you get married?"

"I...uh..." Qi Min didn't want to admit that it was because she was poor, but apart from lack of money, she really had a more reasonable reason, "I just don't think I can rashly add immediate family members to myself."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Songxue asked.

"When you want your immediate family members to make decisions on your behalf, would you rather be represented by your parents or your boyfriend?" Qi Min said, "Of course, I believe that if something happens to you, Da Yue will definitely choose to save you without hesitation. You. But what can I say...I think it might be a good thing to have one less person who can interfere with your own destiny."

From the perspective of evolutionary biology, for a young human under the age of thirty, the parents are almost infertile and therefore have lower genetic value. It is very easy for the elderly parents to be determined to save their young children. . However, the spouse is different. The spouse itself also has high genetic value. We all know that "don't put all your eggs in one basket". If you have high genetic value, it is more in line with maximizing your interests in a genetic sense to make two preparations. In this case, most people would probably prefer to give their parents priority in decision-making in times of crisis—especially if they are in a coma and require life-saving surgery.

Of course, people's decision-making is not only affected by genes, but also by ideology - the so-called "meme" - otherwise no one would be able to treat unrelated children as their own. This is also why Qi Min and Anton gave Mimi the name Meme.

Zhang Songxue understood what she meant, but he was also very sure that this was not the reason why Wei Siyue was not willing to get married. She just asked: "What, Damin, don't you trust your boyfriend?"

"I believe it." Qi Min replied without hesitation. At least when it comes to life-related matters, Anton will still resolutely choose to save people. Of course, on the contrary, he may not care so much about his future, whether it is his own or Qi Min's. "But I don't want to pin my fate on 'belief'. After all, I can be sure that my parents will resolutely save me. There is no need to 'believe'."

"Then... on the other hand, if something happens to your boyfriend, will you resolutely save him?" Zhang Songxue asked again.

According to the logic of selfish gene theory, this question does not seem to be easy to answer. But Qi Min immediately said: "Of course he will. After all, he has no parents. If I don't save him, then am I still a human being?"

Hearing this answer, Zhang Songxue couldn't help but be stunned for two seconds, and then said with some surprise: "Damin, you... are really a good person."

"This is basic morality." Qi Min sighed helplessly.

Zhang Songxue felt that her friend Ji's sense of morality had improved too quickly, but when she thought about it, she could adopt a mixed-race little girl as a daughter, and she might not become a saint.

At this time, Mimi ran over again and pulled Qi Min to touch the bread starfish in the experience pool. Qi Min couldn't resist her and had to touch the starfish in the pool twice.

"Mom, why are the bread starfish not soft?" Mimi asked.

"Because starfish have a layer of hard spines on their bodies, they are called echinoderms. It is called bread starfish because it looks like bread, but it actually has nothing to do with bread." Qi Min started to pour her food again. A bit of zoological "inventory", "Mimi, do you remember that jellyfish are protostomes and humans are deuterostomes, so guess whether starfish are protostomes or deuterostomes?"

"It's a protostome!" the little girl guessed immediately. Those with radial symmetry are usually lower-level, and those with bilateral symmetry are usually higher-level. The lower ones are protostomes, and the higher ones are deuterostomes - this is a general rule.

"Generally, animals without chordates like this are indeed protostomes, but echinoderms are deuterostomes." Qi Min said, "Although starfish look a bit like jellyfish or something, they are both round and not Obviously the head, but their radially symmetrical structure is secondary..."

Mimi looked up at Qi Min with her little face raised, and nodded in understanding. Anton next to him deliberately took off his sunglasses and showed Qi Min an expression of "You are such a NERD".

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, comrades (oω`o)ノ

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