
Chapter 189 Contradiction

From having dinner together, to reading "Das Kapital" and teaching Chinese, it seems natural for Qi Min to start falling in love with Anton. If you think about it carefully, this may be the first time that she has developed a relationship other than revolutionary comrades with someone who also holds Bolshevik views. Other relationships - Fortunately, Anton is not a Trotskyist, otherwise according to the principle of "Trotskyists are infinitely divisible", he would have to quarrel with Qi Min.

And as they interacted, he soon discovered that Qi Min was obviously not a perfect person.

Class differences certainly exist, but this does not have much impact on them. It’s even a little funny that Qi Min, as a person who relied on his parents to study for a Ph.D., also received a salary from the school and laboratory, but his living expenses excluding rent are far less than An An’s entire income depends on being a delivery boy. East.

She cried about poverty every day after knowing the exact amount of Anton's salary. At first, Anton half-joked and half-seriously said that she earned too little money while studying for a Ph.D., but later because he felt that the small shabby apartment she rented was not worth it, he agreed to let Qi Min live in his house - even though The rent is still paid with Anton's salary.

It was called a shared house, but it was actually living together. From then on, Qi Min lived a beautiful life where someone else cooked breakfast and dinner, and he didn't have to clean up the house, go home, lie down on the sofa, and have a beautiful partner. Not to mention how wonderful it was. Although Anton thinks she is a bit lazy, seeing Qi Min looking sad when she comes home after a day of experiments every night, he can also sympathize with her busy liver experiment. So it's normal for her to be lazy at home.

But there was something about it that made Anton angry.

One Saturday, he originally made an appointment with Qi Min to go to a member store supermarket in the afternoon to replenish the stock of daily necessities and snacks at home. For this purpose, he had already borrowed the pickup truck from the back of the Chinese restaurant. But something happened in Qi Min's laboratory. She went to work overtime in the morning. She was supposed to finish at noon, but it was still delayed until after two o'clock.

Anton drove the kitchen's old pickup truck to Qi Min's school and waited downstairs in her laboratory while making phone calls. The phone rang but he didn't answer it yet. Anton held the phone and walked around the door downstairs when he saw a blond girl walking out of the door.

The blonde girl glanced at Anton, walked out two steps and then looked back at him again. She seemed a little unsure whether it was him she was looking for, but she still asked: "Are you waiting for someone?"

"I'm waiting for Min, uh, Qi... it's just..." Anton didn't know how to describe it, and Qi Min didn't elaborate on the details of which laboratory she was in.

The blonde girl said: "Min is still in the darkroom. Maybe he left his phone outside."

Anton was a little dissatisfied with Qi Min's endless delaying behavior: "How long will it take for her to come out?"

"I'm not sure about that." The blonde girl took out her phone, unlocked it, and clicked on the dialing page to find a phone number. "If you're in a hurry, this is the lab's landline. Just call it."

Anton took the phone and dialed the number, and picked up the answer within two seconds: "What's the matter, Lian Na?"

This sounded like Qi Min's accent. Anton asked: "Min, when can you come out?"

"Anton?" Qi Min's tone sounded quite unexpected, and he coughed twice, "Didn't you bring your mobile phone?"

"No..." Anton looked at the blonde girl next to him who should be named "Lian Na", and wondered whether the laboratory's landline also had an address book, or whether Qi Min could actually remember her mobile phone number, "I'm calling you." I didn’t answer the phone, so your colleague kindly lent me his phone to call the lab’s landline number.”

"I left my phone outside... Okay, I'll go down right away." Qi Min said quickly, "Wait for me."

"Well, I'll wait for you." Anton couldn't help but smile at that person, and then hung up the phone. Before returning the phone to Qi Min's kind colleague, he habitually switched to the desktop...

Then he saw that the icon on Yelena's mobile phone desktop was in Russian, and the background was a little girl wearing "revealing" pajamas sitting with her legs spread on the bed.

Anton held the phone and glanced at Yelena with a frown.

To be honest, she looked quite human-like, but I didn't expect that she turned out to be such a disgusting pedophile. Qi Min's colleagues are all doctoral candidates in biology and highly educated people, but they use this illegal picture as the background of their mobile phone desktop - this is for those who were engaged in the illegal industry of child pornography when they were young. For Anton, who organized the trafficking to the United States, this was completely intolerable behavior.

Yelena also looked at him with the same bad attitude: "You should return the phone to me, right?"

Anton handed her the phone, and Yelena took it and stuffed it into her handbag. At the same time, both of them subconsciously made clapping movements, as if they were slapping away anything that made them unhappy in the other person.

Anton was obviously unhappy, especially the way the pedophile squinted at him, which made him feel very nervous.

"I heard Min say that she is going shopping with her boyfriend today." Yelena tilted her head slightly and asked, "This boyfriend should be you, right?"

What kind of questioning is this? Anton just thought that pedophilia was really strange, so he took a half step back and replied: "It's me."

"Oh, I can see why you can seduce someone as cautious as Lian Min." Yelena suddenly took a step forward, as if she was getting closer, and said in a researching tone, "Look at how you are dressed like this. You can tell he's actually a food delivery guy."

"Get off!" Anton was frightened by her and pushed Yelena away reflexively, "Disgusting Russian!"

This scene happened to be seen by Qi Min who came over. There was no sound through the glass door, so she quickly swiped her card out, but first asked Yelena: "Lena! What's wrong?"

"This BEACH BOY you are looking for is so rude." Yelena looked at Anton and chuckled.

"What BEACH BOY?" Qi Min had a headache. Yelena probably misunderstood something.

"Min, this boyfriend you are looking for delivered takeout to Freda's party last month. You probably don't know that, right?" Yelena tilted her head and said.

"Of course I know." Qi Min patted her shoulder helplessly, "He is not a BEACH BOY, just a DELIVERY BOY."

"I think he is both a DELIVERY BOY and a BEACH BOY." Yelena said casually, "Be careful with your various cards when you are with this kind of person."

These words finally made Anton understand what "BEACH BOY" probably meant, and he felt very angry: "Hey, what are you talking about?" He said to Qi Min, "Min, you probably don't know, you My colleague is a disgusting pedophile!"

"BEACH BOY, who the hell are you saying is a pedophile?!" Yelena became angry on the spot. Under the current law, pedophilia is very strict. Accusing others of pedophilia in school may really cause trouble, "I said BEACH BOY You are already very restrained, CYKA! BEACH BOY is the one who seeks out rednecks. Asking for money from the proletariat of developing countries must be considered cheating, right?"

"Is it because you are a pedophile that you dislike any adult?" Anton stepped forward and reached out to hold Qi Min's hand. "Min, let's go. It's really unlucky to have such a colleague!"

Qi Min just thought it was incredible that they could quarrel. Just when he was about to comfort Yelena, Yelena patted her on the shoulder in a "magnanimous" way: "Go ahead, Min. Since you already know that he is just a food delivery guy. , then if you want to play EASY Americans, go ahead and play, I just remind you to consume in moderation."

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