Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1480: Finally accepted the facts

Tangtang had nowhere to go. She had never considered the Ruan family a place to stay. Now she was suddenly swept out of the house, feeling very confused for a while.

Can't even accept it, like dreaming.

The late autumn night was freezing cold. She sat on the suitcase and stared at the closed carved iron door.

At six o'clock, the sky was bright and Gu Liang's car came back from outside.

Tangtang quickly stood up, holding the last glimmer of hope in her heart.

However, the people in the car never got off, and only stayed at the door for a while. After the courtyard door opened wide, they drove straight in——

Bypassing the open lawn of the courtyard and the well-defined flowerbeds, the car stopped at the entrance of the front hall, and Gu Liang got out of the car, full of alcohol.

Walking into the living room, the servant took off his jacket, prepared slippers, and handed hot tea...

"Sir, madam has been outside last night." The maid couldn't help but mention.

There was no expression on Gu Liang's face. He took a sip of the tea and rinsed his mouth full of alcohol. The mouth and taste buds were full of bitter taste, then he put down the tea cup and went upstairs to the room.

The room had been cleaned up. After the hangover, he had a headache, closed his eyes and fell on the bed to rest.

The pillows and quilts have obviously been replaced with new ones, but the breath of her still remains in the nose, shallow and faint, wandering like something and nothing...

Gu Liang sat up with his head on his head, and was silent for a while, his eyes fell on a pot of begonia flowers by the window.

The mood is like a tide.

Even at this point, he still couldn't see through her.

He even couldn't help wondering whether she had premeditated the reason she chose him? Is it because he has the ability to compete with Murong Cheng? Otherwise, I am afraid that Murong Cheng will let Murong Cheng take her away if I change to anyone.

Can't think about it anymore...

Gu Liang pinched the center of his eyebrows, with a splitting headache.

He walked out of the room and ordered the servant to throw out the pot of crabapple flowers.

"Throw as far as possible," he said.


At breakfast the next day, the servant asked Gu Liang cautiously: "Sir, would you like to call Ruan's family? Ask them to send someone to pick up his wife."

Gu Liang was stunned for a moment, and then he paused for a moment, and asked, "Is she still outside?"

"Yeah..." The servant looked embarrassed, "The wife has been guarding outside. In such a cold day, the body will not be able to hold it."

Gu Liang was silent for a while and continued to eat breakfast: "Don't worry about her."

The servant lowered his head and said yes, not daring to mention such things again.

About people have a pity and weakness. Tangtang always looks like a child in Gu's house. Although squeamish and arrogant, to the servants, he is much easier to get along with than the ladies who like to talk and hide needles in cotton and ridicule.

The maid took some sandwiches and milk from the kitchen, put them in paper bags, and sent them to Tangtang outside.

"Madam, you haven't eaten for two days, so let's pad your stomach."

Tangtang said, "Thank you."

The sound was like rough sandpaper rubbed across the bark, fragmented and hoarse.

"Did Gu Liang forgive me? You help me talk to him, okay? Tell him, I know I was wrong, and let him not be angry with me..."

"Madam, you should go back to your natal house for a while. When your husband calms down, you will definitely be sent to pick you up. How can these couples live without quarreling?"

Tangtang listened quietly, without a trace of vitality on his pale face.

Gu Liang really doesn't want her anymore.

Just like Mu Zening didn't want her, they didn't want her anymore.

She turned and walked forward slowly, but she didn't know where to go. There was no room for her anyway.

The servant called her from behind: "Madam, your luggage!"

Tangtang didn't seem to hear, but just walked forward step by step...

There was a lot of **** in the trash can on the roadside. She saw her Begonia flower lying in it, the leaves were yellow, and the flowers were gone. She pulled the crabapple flowers out of the trash, wiped the dirt on the ceramic basin, and carefully carried them into her arms...

Now, she finally accepted the fact: Gu Liang didn't want her anymore.

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