The horse's front hoof suddenly bent and knelt!

The center of gravity of Tangtang's body suddenly tilted forward, and he planted directly from the horse's back!

The trainer responded quickly and pulled up the reins, and immediately pulled the horse to a place far away from Tangtang to avoid her being stepped on by the horse's hoof.

If a horse's hoof is stepped on a person, even if it does not fracture, the soft tissue damage will never make people feel good.

Tangtang stumbled and fell into a daze.

She sat on the ground and subconsciously wiped the mud from her face, her expression dazed.

Gu Liang ran over and squatted down to check her condition. He didn't know where she was injured, so he didn't dare to help immediately, "Where did she fall? Where does it hurt? Can you stand up?"

Tangtang's gaze slowly moved to Gu Liang's face, staring at him blankly for a while, and shook his head: "I'm fine...just a sudden startled."

Gu Liang breathed a sigh of relief and helped her up.

Fortunately, I just walked slowly in the field just now, and didn't run at high speed. In addition, the riding gear had helmets, knee pads and other protective gear, so Tangtang didn't fall heavily.

It's just that she seemed to have been hit hard, her face was confused and dirty, and the more she looked, she felt pitiful.

At this time, the coach and the manager of the racecourse club also came over and apologized, explaining that there might be insects such as bees just now, which shocked the horses, so this accident happened.

She also promised that she would pick another horse for Tangtang, and she would be satisfied with it, but Tangtang was feeling down, and she had lost interest.

Gu Liang felt that she should be frightened. This emotion is not suitable for riding sports. It is better to rest for a while. In addition to the outdoor driving range, the Racecourse Club also has indoor leisure venues.

"Go inside and sit for a while." Gu Liang helped her take off her helmet and gently brushed the messy hair on the side of her face.

Tangtang shook his head and said in a low voice, "Gu Liang, I want to go back."

Gu Liang looked at her for a while, sighed slightly, touched her head and said, "Okay, then go back."


When I was going back, another little thing happened.

They met two Chihuahua dogs on the road. They were raised by guests or club employees. Although they were small, they were very irritable and barked at Tangtang.

He screamed fiercely, as if he was afraid of her, hummed and ran a few meters away with his tail, and then barked again and again, which was very annoying.

Tangtang pursed her lips and looked at the two puppies, her face very bad.

Gu Liang embraced her and sat in the car, but Tangtang never spoke again afterwards.

On this day of travel, we will come here in thrills, but will go back in defeat.

She is like a product destined to be unpopular, no matter how hard she tries to cater to the world, she still can't find her place.

Born to be ignorant.

Born to suffer.

Born guilty.

Born to be destroyed.

Gu Liang didn't know how to comfort her. In fact, he himself was in a predicament-when the "sickness" on his arm was cured, what should he do to Tangtang? What should he think of this relationship?

……too difficult.

Time passed by, and when he recovered, a circle of white soot fell on the table, and Gu Liang extinguished the cigarette butt.

He has no habit of smoking in the bedroom, and he doesn't know what to do today.

Looking up at the desk clock on the tabletop, it has been a long time since Tangtang entered the bathroom. She usually doesn't take such a long bath.

Gu Liang walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the door gently, "Tangtang?"

There was a splash of water inside.

The bathroom door was not locked, and when it was opened, the hot water mist rushed over his face, and his vision was dim.

Tangtang squatted under the shower head, curled up, her long black hair fell to the ground like soft silk, her smooth shoulders couldn't help trembling... She was sobbing, but her cry was hidden in the water.

Gu Liang suddenly felt sad, and his heart throbbed.

He turned off the shower head, wrapped her in a bath towel, and embraced her fiercely.

"Don't cry." He muttered.

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