Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1447: Wear or not wear

When I walked to the door of the office, I could vaguely hear the voice inside through the glass door.

"...If you really don't know how to match it, choose shoes of the same color as the skirt. The color shouldn't be too bumpy, once darker or lighter."

"But I don't have such blue and purple shoes..."

"Then choose white, versatile, it is not easy to make mistakes... But your dress, I think the effect of wearing stilettos is better, the overall temperament will be more fairy and more elegant..."

"The kind that is uncomfortable to walk."

"Do you have Mary Jane shoes? A mid-heel is enough. It's retro, fresh and young, and it matches your temperament very well.

Gu Liang didn't knock on the door, and pushed the door directly in——

"Tangtang." He frowned slightly and called her.

Tangtang turned his head and saw Gu Liang coming. He smiled happily, leaped happily and hugged his arm, "Gu Liang!"

Hugging for two seconds, remembering that he said he can't pull or pull, and quickly let go.

"Why are you here?" Gu Liang frowned and asked.

Tangtang remembered, and immediately complained: "That elevator, it seems to be broken, I can't get to the top floor!"

Gu Liang was too lazy to explain to her, and said lightly: "I'll let someone repair it in a while, let's go, and go back."

At the same time, Chao Ningmeng waved his hand as a greeting.

Ning Meng got up to send them off. When she walked to the door, Tangtang was attracted by the model in the filming, and she leaned over to see how they put on makeup.

Ning Meng looked at Gu Liang with a smile, "Your taste has changed too much."

Gu Liang smiled faintly, feeling very complicated...


After returning to the office, Gu Liang gave Tangtang a key card and taught her how to use the elevator.

Tangtang lacks common sense about things that he hasn't touched before, but as long as he has touched them, he will learn quickly, and he will learn by analogy and is very smart.

Because he is smart, he is a little smug, and his personality is a little spoiled.

She sat on Gu Liang's lap and put her arms around his neck and said, "I will listen to you in the future and promise not to cause you trouble. Gu Liang, will you always support me?"

Gu Liang smiled without saying a word.

He has clearly realized that this little thing is best at speaking well and making people happy.

Don't trouble him? Ah……

Whoever believes is a fool.

"Go down." He patted her little butt. "Put your pants on."

"No." She refused, "It will hurt."

Gu Liang frowned slightly and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

It has been so long, if it still hurts, he has to consider whether to take her to the doctor.

Tangtang shook her head, Jiao Didi replied: "It doesn't hurt anymore, but put on your pants, what if it hurts again..."

Gu Liang is angry when he mentions this!

"It's definitely painful for you to wear that T-shaped one. There is a new bag on the bed, so you should put it on first."

Tangtang hesitated. She had been empty for a long time. After getting used to it, she felt refreshed and comfortable, and she was reluctant to wear it back.

"The skirt is so long...I can't see it anyway..." she murmured.

Gu Liang didn't wait any longer, took off her shoes and threw her on the bed, then tore the bag of nei pants and forced her to wear them.

Tangtang slid into the quilt, curled up inside and couldn't come out.

Gu Liang reached out and grabbed her ankle and dragged it out vigorously.

Tangtang turned over, the other leg flexibly hooked his waist, clamped him, and smiled triumphantly: "How do you wear it now?"

Gu Liang's breathing was stagnant.

Tangtang lifted up his upper body softly and gently pecked his chin, his voice was so tender that he could pinch water out: "Gu Liang, you are the best. I don't want to wear it now..."

Gu Liang was silent for a long time, then he lowered his voice: "Okay, then don't wear it..."

...So, Tangtang finally understood that it would hurt after wearing it, and it would still hurt if I didn't wear it...

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