Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1433: Brain problem

Gu Liang sighed softly.

He couldn't think of why he was stained with this dirty thing.

Going abroad is for business talks. Sometimes in order to entertain him, the other party will arrange to visit some local places, historical sites, or art exhibition halls. But in those places, other people have also gone, why is he alone in the recruitment?

Some mages also wondered if someone had poisoned him through food.

However, getting the Gu usually makes the other person feel painful and tortured to death. The thing that Gu Liang grows on his body is not painful or itchy.

Can't think of a clue.

Back to the bedroom after bathing, the sky outside was already bright.

Gu Liang lay back on the bed and looked at the sleeping little wife next to her...The personality is indeed a bit annoying, but I still have to thank her.

He lifted the hair on her face, his fingers lightly touched the soft cheek, he felt a little heavy while he was relaxed, he withdrew his hand and closed his eyes to sleep.


Gu Liang didn't sleep well this night.

Anyone who is provoked at night will cause an erection and have a cold sweat, and it is estimated that they will not sleep well.

The next day he got up half an hour later than usual, got up to wash, and then went downstairs to have breakfast.

Tangtang also rubbed his sleepy eyes and went downstairs. Seeing his well-dressed appearance, Tangtang asked, "Are you going out?"

"Well, go to the company." Gu Liang said.

"I want to go too." Tangtang raised her head, with breadcrumbs on her face.

Gu Liang wiped the corners of his mouth slowly and said, "I'm going to work in the company, what are you going to do?"

She is confident: "I'm boring at home, I'm going to the company to play."

Gu Liang took another tissue and wiped the scum from the corner of her mouth, "The company is a place to do things. There is nothing fun. You can stay at home and watch cartoons."

Tangtang is unhappy: "You don't let me go, I want to go!"

Gu Liang: "..."

Unless his brain is flooded, how could he agree to take this product to the company?

Now at home, she dared to point at her mother-in-law’s nose to curse. If she gets to the company, who can guarantee that nothing will happen?

In the past, the women who got along with him were all types who knew how to wink and know how to advance and retreat. Tangtang like this... really made him a headache.

Coincidentally, Gu Yan came suddenly in the morning, walked to the table and sat down, and asked Gu Liang bluntly: "Brother! You can't always stop my credit card! I'm in my twenties." , Can I have a face too?!"

"Mom asked me to stop." Gu Liang replied calmly, "She is also doing good for you, for fear of you spending money outside."

"Brother, my brother! Help, can I recover? Doesn't stopping my card mean killing me?"

"Aren't there any other cards? You are working at the company now, and you should be paid every month."


"Salary spent?"


Gu Liang smiled and glanced at Tangtang who was aside, and said, "Well, your sister-in-law is bored at home. You take her out for shopping. When I get back, I will give you a new card."

Gu Yan was taken aback when he heard the words, and thought this was inappropriate, right? Little sister-in-law, uncle, it's a taboo!

But Gu Liang didn't give him any room for negotiation, he adjusted his tie, and left the house surrounded by the driver and bodyguards.

A man and a woman were left sitting at the dining table, staring wide-eyed.


Gu Liang is in a good mood today. The things on his arms have troubled him for almost a year. Now that he finally has a solution, it is naturally much easier.

It's just that the family worried him a little bit, fearing that Gu Yan might not be able to deal with her, so he called for help again.

Surprisingly, his phone was quiet all day.

It seems that his unlearned brother is still very good at coaxing girls.

After the afternoon meeting, Gu Liang returned home and saw Gu Yan lying on the sofa in the living room playing with her mobile phone. He glanced around and didn't see Tangtang.

"Where is your sister-in-law?" he asked.

Gu Yan heard the sound and immediately sat up, "Huh?...Oh, sister-in-law is upstairs!"

Gu Liang nodded and was about to go up, but Gu Yan grabbed him and asked in a low voice, "Brother, there something wrong here?"

He pointed to his head.

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