Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1414: Bai Wei and Pete

She shook hands with each other, and Pete smiled shyly and implicitly: "Leehao!"

Bai Wei translated for him, "Pete said hello."

Pete said again: "Wo has watched the Li news, Hei Li, hey!"

Mu Zi was still stunned, Bai Wei smiled again and translated: "He said he had read your news and praised you for being great."

Mu Zi couldn't help but smile, pursing his lips, "Thank you for the compliment."

Then Bai Wei took Pete to the banquet hall, and they talked and laughed.

Mu Zi felt that her mother had changed, she had changed a lot, and she was lively.

She told Murong Cheng earlier that her mother became younger after meeting Pete, but that was not the case.

When you get old, not only your appearance, but also an aura that is difficult to describe in words, like some people who look young but make people feel depressed and lack vitality.

Bai Wei is like a pool of water in the backyard of an ancient temple, calm and long-distance, warm and beautiful, but she is not young.

Now the water in the pool is finally rippling, how can I put it... with a little girl's playfulness.

Mu Zi remembered that Jiang Ci always complained about her, saying that when she was a prosecutor, she was serious and arrogant. Why did she meet Murong Cheng, just like she collapsed, like a second idiot girl?

Because I like him.

In front of someone who likes, there is no way to put on airs. The fiercest lion in the jungle can't help but run over and shake his head and act like a baby when he meets the owner who raised him when he was young.


After the birthday party, Pete stayed and had dinner with Bai Wei, Murong Cheng, Mu Zi, and the three babies.

It's a small family dinner.

The atmosphere is not bad, about language barriers, Pete doesn't say much. This is better, otherwise Murong Cheng will definitely think that the other party is too glib.

After eating, Bai Wei took Pete to see the plants and flowers she had cultivated.

Mu Zi and Murong Cheng leaned against the window, looking at a man and a woman in the distance.

"The people my mother likes seem to be of this type." Mu Zi muttered, looking at them.

At first I just felt familiar, but after a closer look, I found that Pete's facial features were actually somewhat similar to those of Master Mu, especially the eyes and nose.

A few years ago, Mu Zichuan who deceived Bai Wei away was also very much like Master Mu. If there was no age difference, they would be like twin brothers.

Murong Cheng let out a faint "um", with a rare leisurely expression.

He had a distorted childhood and dreamed of pursuing a quiet and warm family life. Now he has a wife and children, and his mother has also found a home. Murong Cheng has got everything he wanted.

As for who Pete looks like, he doesn't mind, as long as it's not that person.


The relationship between Bai Wei and Pete gradually heats up.

In the bookstore run by Pete, there is a separate room dedicated to jam fermentation.

The two often make various jams here.

The air is full of sour and sweet smells, like the smell of love, filling every pore, controlling breathing, and heartbeat.

Pete is always clumsy.

He overturned the bowl, and the blended fruit puree fell on the ground. Bai Wei accidentally stepped on it, slipped and fell into Pete’s arms, and then it crashed——

Cups and dishes were all broken, Bai Wei and Pete also fell heavily to the ground.

Bai Wei hurriedly propped up her hands and raised her upper body, looking nervously and apologetically at Pete, who was used as an adult mat underneath, "Are you okay? Did the fall hurt?"

Pete shook his head slightly, but didn't get up immediately.

This angle of view is very subtle. Looking up, the light glows from behind her, a little dazzling, a little dreamy, just like when he was lying on a **** in the morning when he was young, she leaned over and said to him: "Mu Zichuan , Get up, it's time to go back."

With some warm eyes, he squinted his eyes and said softly, "Bai Wei, let's get married."

Bai Wei didn't react: "Huh?"

He raised his hand and gently stroked the fine lines around her eyes.

She is old, and he is old, but in his eyes, she is still the little girl in a white dress who doesn’t know the world...

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