Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1410: The result came out

"Oh, here, it means that it does not constitute a father-son relationship, but constitutes a kinship of the patriline." The staff explained.

Luo Junqi's face turned ugly, "Kindness? What do you mean?"

"It's just blood relationship, maybe it's grandfather, it could be uncle or something...In short, it's a person from the paternal relatives."

"What is possibility? Isn't your organization's job to help people identify clearly?! Do you use a possibility to send me?!" Luo Junqi was furious.

"We can only identify whether it is or not, and there is no way to identify who it is. Not only us, but even if you go to other identification agencies, there is no such technology."

Luo Junqi turned black in front of her eyes and almost fainted.

Bai Wei usually does not go out of the door, and it is impossible to contact those relatives of the Mu family. There are only a few men in the family, who can be?

She thought of the joke that Mu Zichuan said last time, and also thought of the mess that night between herself and Mu Rongxuan, and her heart collapsed!

——What happened to the men in the Mu family? Women who like to play with him? !

Is it Mu Rongxuan? impossible! Mu Rongxuan didn't have the guts, and because of drinking with her that time, he never dared to mess around under his father's eyelids.

Is it Mu Zichuan? It's impossible! How old was her son at that time? ! How could it be with Bai Wei...this, how is this possible? ! !

The few pages of the appraisal report were tightly grasped by Luo Junqi, and the back of her hand was trembling with blue veins protruding.

The servants in the family always praised Bai Wei's son for being beautiful and looking like Master Mu. Luo Junqi sneered. She felt that the servant was either blind or flattering.

Thinking about it now, that Murong Cheng really looked like the Mu's child, but she herself refused to admit it.

Women’s instincts are sometimes unreasonable, and Luo Junqi is full of words from Mu Zichuan at the moment--

"Okay, you kick her out, and I will marry her back again."


It's crazy!

Luo Junqi walked out in a daze with the appraisal report.

Bai Wei and Murong Cheng saw her come out, stood up, their eyes fell on the pages of paper in her hand.

The expression on Bai Wei's face was a little startled.

She always has a clear conscience, and Master Mu said that the child belongs to him, so it must be his. She is not afraid to do a paternity test.

However, now the result came out, the dust settled, but there was a wave of waves in my heart inexplicably, inexplicably... into doubt.

Bai Wei took the child and asked Luo Junqi: "The result came out?"

Luo Junqi looked at her quietly, her eyes were extremely cold, her fingers holding the report book were gathered, tightly pinching the paper into a ball, and she continued to use her force, as if she wanted to crush the report book.

"Okay..." Luo Junqi took a deep breath, and slowly moved her eyes to Murong Cheng, "Very well... it's the old man's son, count you cruel."

After speaking, she held the appraisal report and passed Bai Wei without looking back.

The high heels stepped on the ceramic tile floor, making a crisp sound, step by step, not fast, but weirdly revealing a panic.

Bai Wei watched Luo Junqi walk away and breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she swept through her body in unnamed sorrow, not knowing what she was losing and what she was looking forward to.

The young son tugged at the corner of her clothes, she suddenly woke up, smiled at her son's comfort, and walked out slowly holding hands.

Being questioned about his life experience is a very shameful and angry thing.

Bai Wei felt guilty for her son. After leaving the appraisal agency, she took Murongcheng to go shopping, and wanted to buy gifts to compensate him.

The street was crowded with people, Hee Hee was mumbling.

She seemed to have an illusion and vaguely heard someone calling her name.

"Bai Wei...Bai Wei..."

The voice came close and far away, floating from nowhere. Looking around, only strange faces were seen.

Who is calling her?

"Bai Wei... White girl? Miss Wei? Angel sister?... Little baby? Sweetheart?"

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