Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1402: Check out pregnancy

Mu Zichuan is not a doctor, and staying in Mu's house is futile.

To Bai Wei, he is just the young master of the Mu family, a 15-year-old boy, regardless of his status or age, there is a huge gap with her.

She shunned him.

Mu Zichuan followed his father's advice and went to school to report first.

It was extremely painful when I left, trying to tell her the thoughts and dissatisfaction in her heart, but her eyes were confused, so she swallowed all the words...Finally, she said nothing and left in silence.

I have to admit that I am incompetent and weak.

Apart from studying hard and growing up as soon as possible, he seems to have no other way out.


After Mu Zichuan left, Bai Wei remained the same, doing her own job, taking care of Master Mu's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Sometimes when she passed by the mirror, she couldn't help but stop, staring at herself in the mirror dumbfounded, unable to recover for a long time.

Master Mu regularly takes her to the hospital for check-ups.

One month later, Bai Wei's amnesia had not progressed, but it was discovered that she was pregnant.

Counting the days, it should have been pregnant that day.

Master Mu knew who's the child, and knew that the child could not stay, so he asked the doctor to deal with it as soon as possible.

He didn't tell Bai Wei.

The poor girl didn’t even know that she was pregnant, thinking it was just a routine check-up. After all, she had gone through various strange check-ups and medical equipment in order to treat her amnesia. What's more, the doctor had countless ways to confuse her after being bought. Audiovisual.

She obediently walked into the treatment room, unaware of the fate she was about to face.

Master Mu sat outside and waited, his fingers trembling slightly uncontrollably.

In this era, abortion is not common, abortion operation is not mature, operation risk is very high.

Thinking of that child's blood was flowing from the Mu family, Master Mu's heart cramped and his expression became more solemn... He couldn't bear it, but when he was born, how to raise it?

Leaving aside Mu Zichuan, who is only fifteen years old, but Bai Wei, who is twenty years old, is actually just an immature child!

In the future, she is rich and can marry at any time, but with a child, how will people talk about her?

Children with unknown fathers, children with possible inherited diseases, children with disorder after medicine...

No matter how you think about it, you shouldn't stay.

Master Mu waited with a calm face, but the doctor came out quickly and shook his head embarrassedly: "The condition of the uterus is not very good. If you don't have this child, it may be difficult to get pregnant in the future. I suggest you communicate with Miss Bai again..."

Master Mu's tight heart was inexplicably loose.

"So..." He sighed softly.

After a moment of silence, he beckoned to the housekeeper next to him, and Master Mu said, "She saved my life. I can't let her have nothing to do for the rest of her life. Raise this child in Mu's house, and she will be able to take care of her in the future. If she wants to. Take it away, then take it away. If you don’t want to take it away, the child will stay at Mu’s house and give her a sum of money. It’s compensation...

The butler asked hesitantly: "But, the identity of the child..."

"Never have a relationship with Zichuan." Master Mu said in a low voice, "He is the proud son of heaven. He has an unlimited future. It has nothing to do with drugs, homicide, or children."

"Master..." The butler looked at him worriedly.

Master Mu closed his eyes and said, "Take her back first...Let me think about it, think about it again, how can I explain it to her."

Inexplicably big belly, always explain where the child comes from.

Bai Wei slept on the operating table. After the effect of the anesthetic passed, she opened her eyes, completely unaware that the little life in her stomach had experienced a catastrophe of life and death.

When I came out, I saw Master Mu, who was in his 50s, still waiting outside.

It was clear that she was in poor health, but she would always take care of her personally, and Bai Wei felt warm in her heart.

Isn't she just a caregiver?

Is it necessary to do this for nursing?

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