After returning to Qingjiang City, Zhuang Jia's life returned to peace.

Normal work, normal love, every day is your daily life, slowly, she began to think about marriage.

Feelings are very mysterious. Some people have been getting along for a long time and still feel that they are not stable enough and do not have the courage to take the last step. Some people can't wait for a lifetime after only meeting a few times.

Shen Xinru also asked her about wedding and post-marital planning.

Thoughts... She thinks a lot, she has everything, but she doesn't know what Yu Yang thinks.

I heard that many couples parted ways because of disagreements in the process of planning their marriage.

Zhuang Jia was very cautious and wanted to test Yu Yang's ideas before making plans.

But Yang never mentioned it.

Is he not in a hurry to get married, or does he feel that the two get along too short? Not deep enough?

Zhuang Jia was looking forward to what would happen while worrying about gains and losses...

The weather became warm day by day, and soon came the spring season.

Everything recovers. Spring is always different. Animals thrive and thrive in spring. Humans seem to be prone to spring. Studies have shown that human happiness in spring is 13% higher than in other seasons.

Zhuang Jia felt that something good should happen recently.

A few days later, she received good news from Jiang Zhinuan——

Jiang Zhinuan couldn't restrain his excitement on the phone and said, "Wang Zilong has proposed to me!"

"Oh my God!" Zhuang Jia couldn't help exclaiming, "When? Today?"

"Just now! You don't know how nervous he is. He has to take me to take the bus. I wonder if he has a cramp again today. After getting on the bus, he found that all the billboards along the road were bought by him. Up--

It says, Jiang Zhinuan, marry me! Then he knelt... Ah, he really knelt!

He was kneeling on one knee, and just took out the ring, the bus just stopped, and he knelt on both legs inadvertently! Made me laugh! Hahahaha, this person is so annoying..."

Talking about nerves, cramping, and disgusting, but the voice sounded incredibly happy.

Zhuang Jia was infected by her joy through the phone!

"To prepare you for such a big surprise, Wang Zilong is really good!" Zhuang Jia smiled, "I want to take him seriously!"

Jiang Zhinuan was excited: "Let's not talk about it, I'm going to call Zizi, don't forget to prepare me a wedding gift!"

"I know, you can't forget this!"

When she hung up the phone, Zhuang Jia couldn't help but marvel, Wang Zilong was really a blockbuster if he didn't sound, and he was usually dull, but today he has formed such a big battle.

The smile on Zhuang Jia's face was still there when the assistant came in.

The assistant smiled and asked: "I'm in such a good mood, will I have a date later?"

Of course there are dates, but it's not because of the date that I feel good.

Zhuang Jia smiled and said: "My good friend finally waited until her boyfriend asked her to marry him, and he was happy for her."

"Oh, many people propose marriage today."

Zhuang Jia was stunned and asked, "Is there a special holiday today?"

"It's on the news. There is a meteor shower today. It is most suitable for confession, wishing, marriage proposal, and vows of love when the meteors pass. How romantic."

Zhuang Jia heard this, her heart moved slightly.


It's really romantic...

Compared to proposing on Valentine's Day, I feel much more advanced.

She was about to move in her heart and couldn't help but wonder what it would be like when Yu Yang proposed.

As a serious person like him, would he discuss the date and venue with her in business, and then go to register together?

This possibility seems great.

It's not unacceptable, it's just that today is such a good day, if you miss it, it would be a pity...

Zhuang Jia held his cheek, his thoughts drifted farther and farther...

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