Zhuang Jia packed up his luggage and was sent downstairs by the family and got into Yu Yang's car.

It is impossible not to be nervous to go to see the future in-laws so solemnly...

The whole family gave her ideas directly or implicitly.

Grandpa and grandmother asked her to be polite and abiding when she was out.

Uncle asked her to pay attention to Yang's two older brothers. If the older brothers are all flowers, they have to consider the possibility of Yu Yang's derailment after marriage...

The aunt is also very concerned about this matter, let her observe whether the relationship between Yu Yang's mother and daughter-in-law is harmonious, and what is the family status of her daughter-in-law.

Zeng Zhen asked her to beware of Yang's eldest sister. Those who have older sisters at home, if they have a strong personality, usually like to point fingers at her younger brother's housework.

Zhuang Jia listened awkwardly, trying to remember everyone's instructions.

When it was Shen Xinru's turn, my mother frowned and thought for a long time. She seemed to have nothing to say, and said, "After you go, let it be the case. As long as the people in his family have eyes, you will see your good points."

Uncle was very speechless: "Well, we have a lot of long-winded words, and it's your turn to let the flow go, so we just said it all for nothing?"

My aunt also had an opinion: "Yeah, sister, you are too relaxed. When Zeng Zhen was going to Xiaomeng’s house, I talked to her almost all night by Zhuye. After she left, I was clutching my heart and wishing to compare She is still nervous."

Shen Xinru laughed: "I am a failed marriage myself. What advice can I give her? It's not bad to delay her."

Zhuang Jia was very happy at first, but she felt a little uncomfortable when she heard what her mother said.

At this time, my grandmother asked, "Why hasn't Xiao Qin come back?"

Zhuang Jia's attention shifted slightly, yes, where did aunt go?

Thinking of this, not far away, my aunt walked out panting, carrying a large gift box.

"There is still in the car. Go to someone to help you get it." Aunt said, panting.

The uncle and the younger uncle hurried to trot, and the mother and the younger aunt took the things from the aunt's hands, and stuffed them into the rear compartment of Yang.

"You can't go to someone's house empty-handed for New Year's Eve. You bring these things." Aunt said, "Although his family may not be short of these, it is his heart to bring them. There are some local specialties. Just eat them fresh. "

Zhuang Jia looked at the rear compartment filled with surprise: "Could it be too much..."

"Hey, there are so many brothers and sisters." Aunt wiped the sweat from her head.

After so many years of goods, it would be impossible to buy the goods in only one place, and many shops were closed on the first day of the new year. It seems that my aunt took a lot of effort this time.

Zhuang Jia was moved in her heart, as if her aunt's broken mouth was not so annoying.

Before leaving the car, his aunt took Zhuang Jia’s hand and whispered: "I’ve gone to behave well, have a sweeter mouth, it’s more important to make the old man happy than anything else. Don’t forget your aunt and give you Xinyu when you’re well Cousin find a good partner, and then help Shen Xinxing find a good school..."

Zhuang Jia: "Hmm..."

Can you move me more?

Finally set off.


The car steadily drove on the highway. After driving for more than two hours, Yu Yang slowly stopped the car in the emergency lane, exhaled and leaned back tiredly.

Zhuang Jia thought he was tired, so he moved closer and helped him tap his temples lightly.

"You close your eyes and take a rest and then drive, anyway, we are not in a hurry."

When Yu Yang heard her care, the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, and she lowered her seat, and put her in his arms.

"Actually I'm not tired, it's because our car is out of gas."

"No oil?" Zhuang Jia opened her eyes wide. Yu Yang is not like someone who can make such mistakes.

"According to my calculation, we should have arrived at the next gas station by now." Yu Yang smiled helplessly, "But, I missed our aunt."

As the load becomes larger, the fuel consumption becomes larger.

Zhuang Jia was stunned. After a while, she couldn't help but buried herself in his arms and laughed.

Our... aunt.

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