Zhuang Jia stayed at home for a day.

I didn't do anything. I slept, was in a daze, and sat on the sofa for a long time after eating.

Get up the next day as usual, do some makeup, and go to work.

"Don't you rest for a few days?" Jiang Zhinuan asked.

Zhuang Jia shook her head, "My mother made me pay more attention to the company's affairs when she left. I didn't go there yesterday afternoon. I have accumulated a lot of things. I have to go over and deal with it today."

"Okay," Jiang Zhinuan said, "I will look for you when you get off work, and we will go shopping together."

"Not in the mood..." Zhuang Jia walked to the hallway and slowly changed shoes, "You go home, don't delay your graduation thesis because of being with me... I don't want to do anything now."

Jiang Zhinuan replied: "It's okay, anyway, I have brought my computer, and I can write in your place."

Zhuang Jia was silent for a moment, and said: "I think you should go home... Although I am very happy that you and Wang Zilong can come with me, but I don't want to eat your dog food."

Jiang Zhinuan: "..."

After being speechless for a while, Jiang Zhinuan said: "Then you can just eat more, eating enough will help you rekindle your confidence in love."

Zhuang Jia opened the door and walked out, waving her hand with her back to Jiang Zhinuan, "I have indigestion recently."

After closing the door, the high heels stepped on the floor with a sound, gradually faded away.

Jiang Zhinuan in the room smiled and said with a smile: "No conscience."

After laughing, thinking of Zhuang Jia's little miserable relationship, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.


In the company, when there is something to do, time always flies quickly and people are relatively calm.

And when there is nothing to do, many things and many thoughts that are pressed in the bottom of my heart will crawl out one by one like a bug in a dark corner, occupying her heart, or biting her so much, or The buzzing annoyed her.

Zhuang Jia sat at the desk, unconsciously stunned for a while.

After returning to his senses, he was also in a daze, completely unable to remember how long his brain was empty just now.

She pressed the phone button on the desk and asked the assistant: "Lisa, is anyone looking for me?"

"No, don't you need to make an appointment in advance?" The assistant asked her uncertainly on the phone, "Who did you make an appointment with today?"

Zhuang Jia said: "No, I just ask."

"Uh...Is it really unnecessary? You have asked me three times today..."

"No need!" Zhuang Jia was inexplicably irritable and cut off the call.

She didn't want to see anyone.

She did not expect.

No no!

I grabbed the scrapped design draft at hand, kneaded it into a paper ball, and threw it out like a vent.

Obviously he has repeatedly warned himself not to think about it, but his thoughts are twisted and uncontrolled-will he still remember her in the future? He can remember Tang Linshuang for more than ten years, what about her? How long will he remember?

Will you forget her in a blink of an eye?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Jia would shed tears, tugging at her heart, unable to breathe.

It feels too uncomfortable.

Love is an addictive opium. If you lose it suddenly, you will suffer. When you can't help it, you even want to let go of all your hypocrisy and self-esteem, and call him to ask for everything.

Even if Shen Xinru scolded her for nothing, she would admit it!

But when she really picked up the phone, she became more sensible and started to hesitate...

Zhuang Jia, don't let yourself live like a beggar.


At four o'clock, there is still some time before get off work, Zhuang Jia just finished a meeting and returned to the office.

Before entering the office, the assistant outside gave her a very bright smile.

Zhuang Jia just found it inexplicable.

She was in a bad mood, even if others were greeted with smiles, she didn't have the energy to respond.

However, when I walked into the office, I found Yu Yang sitting inside!

"Why are you here?" Zhuang Jia was shocked, and after two seconds, he asked in hindsight, "How did you get in?!"

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