Days passed, and the waves were calm.

Mu Zi felt that she hadn't been driven mad by such days, she was already out of will.

An episode occurred in the middle.

A crow flew nearby and hovered a few times on the roof before resting on the courtyard wall.

The whiteness of the snow made the black feathers very obvious.

Mu Zening shot the crow but missed it. The crow lost a few hairs and flew away screaming.

There is no white hair on the crow's head, Mu Zi is not sure, maybe it is Xiaoya's child, maybe it's just an ordinary crow nearby...

Then I thought that Murong Cheng had already sent Xiaoya and them to Xianghai last time, and they would suddenly appear in Jingling without reason, and Mu Zi's heart faded.

Mu Zening fell in love.

After the crow flew away, Mu Zening began to leave early and return late, as if preparing for the transfer location.

This is not easy. You cannot live in a hotel or rent a house to buy a house. Even if you trade in private, you must prevent being betrayed, and you must ensure the absolute safety of your residence.

As long as Mu Zening goes out, only Mu Zi and Tangtang are left at home.

Mu Zi felt that this was probably the only opportunity she could grasp.

Waiting patiently until this afternoon, the weather was extremely good, the warm winter sun shining on the white snow, and everything was shining brightly.

She looked up at the sky for a long time, then looked at the living room, Tangtang sat quietly and watched the cartoon.

Mu Zi silently put on his coat, scarf, gloves, hat, and tightly dressed up and down, walking up to Tangtang, trying to be as peaceful as possible.

"I want to go out," she said.

Tangtang was taken aback for a moment, turned his head and looked out the window, hesitating: "Now?... But it's still early, let's go out later."

"Go out now." Mu Zi insisted, "It's cold and cold at home. I want to go out in the sun for a while. It will be cold outside when it's late."

Tangtang glanced at the cartoon reluctantly and was reluctant to go out, but Mu Zening asked to take good care of Mu Zi. After all, if his health was not good, he would talk about pregnancy.

Tangtang raised his head and sighed, slowly putting himself on a cute and warm red cloak skirt, then opened the door and went out with Mu Zi.

Today's sunshine is particularly brilliant, shining on the snow and reflecting the white light, bright and dazzling.

Tangtang frowned and put on the hat on the cloak. The big broad hat concealed most of her face and blocked her from the sun.

She is not afraid of the sun, but she is more accustomed to the dark, too bright environment makes her uncomfortable.

Mu Zi gave her a calm look.

Tangtang has a human body as a cover, but those ghosts are not. When exposed to the sun, there should always be some restrictions...

Mu Zi silently walked ahead, walking slowly, as usual.

Tangtang also tended to follow her.

When approaching other houses, Tangtang urged: "Go back, you can't go any further."

Although Mu Zi could go out for a walk and breathe, it was restricted. Mu Zening would not allow her to exceed the limit, and Tangtang even took Mu Zening's words as imperial edict.

"Tired." Mu Zi didn't go any further, nor did he go back. He just stopped on the spot, "rest a while before leaving."

Tangtang frowned and waited for her in place.

Mu Zi squatted down, picked up the snow on the side of the road, and made a snowball, which was stuffed with a hard rock.

Tangtang looked curiously.

Mu Zi stood up holding the snowball, cheered herself up silently, spotted the distant target, took a deep breath, and threw it out! ——


The snowball fell on the door of the courtyard of a family, smashed to pieces, and the stones jumped out.

Mu Zi looked disappointed.

The stone was deliberately stuffed, but it was still not far enough, she originally aimed at the glass window of the house.

However, within two seconds, there was a fierce dog barking in the yard!

With a heartbeat, Mu Zi saw a sturdy brown mastiff running out of the yard, roaring at them!

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