Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 98: [Off your farts] No. 3

What can a review do?

It is only a small part of the people who see it, and not many people agree with this statement.

But by all means, Morrowth's honest aura has an impact bonus.

Although the impact bonus is not too exaggerated, the subtle and subtle effects are still terrible.

This little influence is not enough to persuade them, even if there is just a trace of suspicion, everyone will go to find out for themselves and investigate.

Xue Xiuping is a junior who is about to graduate. He is sitting in the classroom and brushing up his circle of friends. This time he went to the Morzos fan meeting to benefit greatly.

A lot of sister paper WeChat has been added, so he is very keen to participate in the fan meeting.

At this moment, someone suddenly took a screenshot in the group, it was Morozuosi's new review work.

Xue Xiuping happened to have read the two books in it, and he immediately said, "I'll check it out. If it's really plagiarism, then everyone turns up."

Just one sentence.

The rhythm brings up instantly.

Even though there are not many active people in the group, Yuan Xiaofen immediately mobilized all the people's strength after the incident.

"If you have friends who have seen this work, please take the time to summarize the plot of this book, and friends who have seen other works also summarize it. Let us see if there is a similar plot."

After this mobilization, the idle people began to search various materials.

As the saying goes, many people are powerful.

It took two days for Morzos to sort out the plagiarism evidence, and within an afternoon, the group sorted it out.

What is particularly interesting is that Morrowth has not disclosed the evidence for this part.

The people in the fan group took the initiative to post the results of everyone's analysis in the column message area.


The heat of things went up instantly.

More and more people are concerned about this matter, and Morzos left a sentence: "People who make mistakes are easy to make a second time, even if he thinks he is a little smart."

A snap!

A book hit the door of the study.

Hua Liangping got angry in his heart, how could this be true!

This guy has to be in size, so he really bullied?

Hua Liangping directly said in his Weibo public account: "Some people are afraid that they are not famous, so they pick all sorts of things. It is copying me. Everyone knows it, and only those who have bad brains will know I thought I had a new sixth."

He had a feeling of anger and anger, especially when he saw that sentence, copying alone was not as good as copying!

This sentence obviously implies that he is plagiarism!

This year, how can there be no copy?

Only some copy less, some copy much.

After a bridge section is used, everyone thinks it looks good, and naturally others will use it. Is this **** called plagiarism?

This is more of a reference!

After Hua Liangping's Weibo went out, it was the first time that he responded positively, with a large number of supported readers.

In the eyes of many readers, good-looking is good-looking, and so many years have passed, and legal documents come down, where is the plagiarism?

So the shouts of the readers are also very loud!

Many people are watching the show!

Including other people who are about to participate in the exchange of critics in Xuzhou City, they want to see how this stunned young man hit his head and broke his blood.

Some people can provoke casually, like Wang Dongxue at the beginning, scold and scold! It's okay!

But Chen Dongming is different, but there is a backstage.

Standing in a different position, this matter is obviously different.

For example, Fei Junjun, the executive president of the Chinese-language cultural group, thinks that this Mo Zhuo Si is quite interesting. As a new critic of Xuzhou City, he is very outstanding.

The previous sessions of the Xuzhou City Critics Exchange were all opening speeches. Therefore, I have had a lot of contact with the industry of critics, and I deeply know the character of many people in it.

All industries hate this kind of stunned youth, but Fei Junjun thinks it should be a model. The first comment is obviously to **** hatred. When everyone thinks that this Morzos will be in trouble, throw this bomb. .

He didn’t believe it if he didn’t mean it!

Be brave!

However, it offended many people. Fei Junjun needs to wake up the new critic, so that if he continues, something will happen sooner or later.

He dialed the phone in the office, "Wen Kang, it's me!"

Tong Wenkang pushed his glasses, and he probably guessed that the other party's finding himself should be about the critic exchange meeting.

"That's it, I want to confirm with you, where has that Morrows been arranged by you?" Fei Junjun said.

Tong Wenkang stunned, and said with some difficulty: "He...I look at the information."

"Well, I remember him on the list. Today, I watched noisy on the Internet. As a senior in the industry, I want to say a few words to him. You try to arrange him in the second row, preferably behind my position." Fei Jun Jun ordered.

Tong Wenkang was in a cold sweat, he only allocated his seat in the morning, and Morzos' position had long since been deleted.

"Why? There is no sound?" Fei Junjun asked with a frown.

Tong Wenkang hurriedly said: "I found it, I arranged it in a remote location. After all, he is a newcomer and he offends many people."

"Yes! You try to arrange it. I admire this kid, but it's hard and easy to break." Fei Junjun smiled lightly.

"Okay, let me see, there should be no problem!" Tong Wenkang said with a smile OK, that won't disturb you! "Fei Junjun hung up the phone.

This sudden phone call scared Tong Wenkang's sweat on his forehead. He didn't dare to say that he had removed the other party's qualifications.

This simply cannot be explained!

This is the arrangement of the boss in charge. He feels that he immediately dialed another phone: "Hey, Xiao Liu! You can rearrange the seat for me, insert it into a person, and arrange it to the row behind the total fee."

"Ah! But the people are just full, they can't be added!"

"I tell you, this matter is not negotiable. You can also plug it into me. You must be behind Fei. Fei always spoke."


This hearing was arranged by Fei, and the other party immediately agreed. After all, the world is vast and there is no leader with his own salary.

"By the way, there is another person on the list, called Morrows, who is a critic of the review network!" Tong Wenkang urged: "You can have a snack on this matter, don't appear the embarrassing situation that the guests are coming, and the result is not going in. ."


After the explanation, Tong Wenkang was relieved.

This is a joke, almost hurt by Gu Chengzhi!

Fortunately, Fei Junjun called himself. If the people on the list were kicked out by himself at the meeting place, it would be inexplicable.

Tong Wenkang sullenly sighed and turned over Gu Chengzhi's phone in his mobile phone.

He took a deep breath and then put the phone down.

Don't fight, and I don't bother to explain.

How about it!

This was originally arranged by myself, but now it is just to restore the original list!

As for Gu Chengzhi, let him tidy up!

At that time, the vice president of the literary association will be prosecuted. He also has good reasons. The leader who he wants to see by name has nothing to do with you. 8

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