Bigshot Gives in to His Wife Again

Chapter 10: She's getting more and more mysterious

  Chapter 10 She is getting more and more mysterious

   "Okay, I'll call Mrs. Lin right now."

  When Shen Qinghe heard that someone could save Gu Shiyan, he hurriedly put down his chopsticks, and immediately got up and went back to the bedroom to pick up the phone.

  She knows that this kind of news is mostly true and false.

  In the past few months, they have indeed encountered many such liars.

  But because of Gu Shiyan, she had no time to verify the truth.

  Even if there is only a one in ten thousand possibility, she still has to try.

   "Mom, don't worry, you eat first." Gu Shiyan on the side held her.

   "No, I've already eaten, take your time."

  Shen Qinghe left in a hurry.

  As long as she can save her son, eating is nothing, she is willing to let her die.

  After dinner, Gu Xingyu ran to complain to the old lady.

  Gu Shiyan sent Lu Miao upstairs, "Have you slept well these days?"

   "Yes." Lu Miao nodded.

  Gu Shiyan turned to look at her, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

  Lu Miao glanced at his extremely pale thin lips, "You don't have time."

  Gu Shiyan pursed his lips, with a lazy smile on his face, and said indifferently, "Isn't there still one day, enough to help you."

   There is no fear and anxiety about the imminent death in the words.

   This person will always be like this, as if he doesn't care about life and death at all.

  Lu Miao didn't say any more, and said directly, "Help me find the textbooks for the first and second grades."

  Electronic textbooks really hurt her eyes.

  Gu Shiyan couldn't help but frowned slightly, first and second year in high school?

  She is 16 this year, and she is only in the first year of high school. What do you need the textbooks for the second year of high school.

   "Listen to Mom, you want to go to Zhenhai Middle School?"

   "Yes." Lu Miao responded.

  Gu Shiyan didn't ask much, just nodded, "Okay, I'll let someone arrange it."

  It’s just a school. If she wants to go to the moon, he can also build a spaceship for her.

   "No need, I have already arranged it myself, just help me find the textbook."

   After Lu Miao finished speaking, she walked into the room with her legs up and closed the door with her backhand.

   Didn't have the slightest intention to chat with him a few more words.

   Arrange by yourself?

   This girl seems to be getting more and more mysterious.

  Looking at the closed door in front of him, Gu Shiyan couldn't help chuckling, it was really heartless.

  Go back to your bedroom.

  Take out the phone and dial a number to go out.

  The phone rang once and was connected immediately.

   "Fuck, boss, you're still alive.

  Boom, that's great.

  Based on the way you have explained your funeral these past two days, I thought you were going to the Paradise of Paradise today. "

  Gu Shiyan had a headache from the quarrel, and raised his hand to press the frantic forehead, "Go and help me find out about Lu Miao's previous affairs in the country."

  On the other side of the phone, Tang Mochen finally stopped pretending to cry, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with that little girl?

   Didn't I check it once before? "

  Gu Shiyan walked to the desk and frowned slightly when he saw the refreshing pines and cypresses on the wall.

   Did not answer him, but said directly, "I want all the textbooks for the first and second grades, and send them to Gu's family early tomorrow morning."

  Tang Mochen was shocked, "The textbooks for the first and second grades?

  Boss, are you out of emotion for joy, are you planning to go back in person and accompany you for the first year of high school? "

   "Are you too busy recently?"

  Tang Mochen immediately denied Sanlian, "I'm not, I haven't, don't talk nonsense."

   "Starting tomorrow, you will lead the team to the Sahara for a month of physical training."

   "I'm sorry, boss, I was wrong..."

  Gu Shiyan hung up the phone coldly.

   Thinking of the kid in the next room, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

  From the first time he saw her, he thought she was very interesting.

  It seems that he is not the same person as the one in the investigation data.

   There is no trace of the stubbornness in the rumors. She looks well-behaved, sensible and polite, but in her bones, she is naturally cold and alienated.

  No matter what happens, he will never show any emotion on his face.

  A mysterious ability is hidden.

  He really wanted to know what kind of experience made a 16-year-old girl become like this.

  Downstairs in the bedroom.

  The old lady looked at Shen Qinghe, "What did the Lin family say?"

  Shen Qinghe shook his head sadly, "Mrs. Lin said that her son found the master by mistake on the Internet, and they can't get in touch now."

  The old lady thought for a while, "Do you have a name?"

  Shen Qinghe sighed, "No."

  In their line of work, they all have masters and sects. If they have a name, they can send someone to find them themselves, so she won't be so worried.

  The old lady put down the teacup in her hand, "It's fine if you don't have any news, the master you found online doesn't even have a name, even if you really find her, you may not have real skills.

  What happened to the Lin family was probably just a coincidence.

  I just got the news that Master Jiuhua will be leaving the customs in two days.

  You have people staring at you, tell me immediately if there is news, I will go to invite people in person. "

  In the past few months, she didn't know how many people she had found through her relationship.

   It was a helpless move to celebrate the engagement at the beginning.

  She couldn't pin all her hopes on this.

  Master Jiuhua is the most respected master in the metaphysical world, and he has been in retreat before.

   This is also their last hope!

   Early the next morning.

  Gu Shiyan got up and went downstairs. When he passed by Lu Miao's door, he heard the silence inside, and realized that the child was probably still sleeping.

   subconsciously lighten his footsteps, and walked straight downstairs.

  Shen Qinghe just got up at this moment, seeing Gu Shiyan coming downstairs, hurriedly greeted him to go to the restaurant for breakfast together.

   "Aunt Lan has prepared light porridge and some side dishes. You can eat some before leaving."

  Gu Shiyan raised his hand to tidy up his cuffs, "No need, the plane is at 7:30, I'll just get some food on the plane later."

  Shen Qinghe knew that these words were just Gu Shiyan's comfort to her.

  He can't even eat the meals carefully prepared at home, let alone those unpalatable airplane meals.

   said helplessly, "Don't be too busy with that, your body is the most important thing."

   "I know." Gu Shiyan replied.

  Shen Qinghe naturally knew what he was thinking.

  In recent years, the Gu family has been standing on top of the peak, with infinite scenery, but because of this, there are more jealous people around.

   Now his future is unknown, and he doesn't know when he will die.

   How many eyes are staring at the Gu family, waiting for the day when he falls down, they will group up and divide up.

  He has to arrange everything in advance to ensure that even if he is not around, the Gu family will be safe for a hundred years.

  Although she feels distressed, Gu Shiyan has always said one thing, and she has nothing to do with him.

   said angrily, "You know what you know.

  Everyone has their own personal blessings. If you want your mother to rest assured, you should care more about yourself.

  Besides, Miao Miao just came here, so you don't say to spend more time with others at home. "

  If only Gu Shiyan waited for Lu Miao to get up before leaving, maybe that girl could let him eat more breakfast.

  Looking at the back of Gu Shiyan going out, Shen Qinghe couldn't hide the redness of his eyes.

  Every time he goes out, for them, it may be life and death.

   But as a mother, there was nothing she could do about it.

  If possible, she is willing to use her life and that of the Gu family to switch Gu Shiyan safe and sound.


   After Gu Shiyan went out and got in the car, he directly picked up the computer beside him and started processing emails.

   "Go to the airport."

   "Yes, Second Lord." In the driver's seat, Baili responded and drove the car out smoothly.

  When the car drove through an old street, Baili suddenly saw a familiar figure not far away.

  (end of this chapter)

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