In the sky.

Emperor Lu Yao sat on the Skull Throne, which was once the throne of the World Ghoul. There were countless skulls underneath.

There were also countless abandoned bones soaked in blood.

The killing Khorne emanating from here alone was enough to make people shudder! Let’s take the Joyful Star God Aha as an example. When I first saw Khorne, the throne of the World Ghoul, this Star God who always had fun and was not afraid of trouble, only said one sentence when he saw the World Ghoul :

“If you encounter the world’s ghoul, the evil god Khorne……”

“Even Nanook can only call himself Xiao Nanook!”

“This human emperor Lu Yao controls the world’s evil spirits. What kind of existence is that?!”

Aha was trembling!

It’s conceivable!

These skulls piled up into the throne projected into the real universe are the planets conquered by the empire.

Now they have become a symbol of the bravery and fearlessness of the warriors under the human emperor.

The spirit of the world’s evil spirit was standing beside the throne just now, thinking about returning it to the emperor of the human empire for a coronation ceremony.

There was even an idea of controlling such a human emperor after taking over the body, and then letting the entire human empire serve their killing desire.

However, these thoughts all became bubbles in front of the absolute strength of Emperor Lu Yao.

Empty abuse, the world’s evil spirit!

At this moment, it has already prostrated itself at the feet of the emperor of the human empire!

And the emperor of the human empire, Lu Yao, who was sitting on the skull throne.

He stretched out his fingertips lazily, and entangled on his fingertips were the four kinds of spiritual energy lights that represented the voluntary or forced signing of the contract.

At this moment, everything is under the control of Emperor Lu Yao!


The narrator on the screen annotated resentfully:

【Since then, the human empire, which had not yet turned into a natural disaster,】

【The efficiency of various scientific research projects increased by 50%】

【Administrative efficiency, people’s livability, happiness… increased by 60%】

【The most critical and most difficult population resource to grow, whether it is mechanical synthetic humans, genetically ascended population, or population with powerful psychic powers】

【They are all increasing rapidly! 】

Tianmu counted them one by one, and the leaders of various civilized worlds in the collapsed universe all drooled with envy after hearing it!

【The Empire’s psyker troops, gene warriors, and even the Star Legion composed of ordinary genetically modified humans and mechanical synthetics】

【The strength also increased sharply. 】

The sound of the sky being exposed was getting more and more terrifying!

【The four gods of the virtual realm have greatly enhanced the psychic power of the emperor of the human empire!】

【The Emperor of Mankind holds the power of life, the might of Khorne, the lust of Slaanesh, and the deception of the void.】

【There is no doubt that it has become the most important】

【The most powerful psychic power……!】

【At this moment, he surpassed the peak of the Gu Ze Luo clan.】

【Reached the limit of what a living being can achieve……!】

【Connecting the sea of human spiritual consciousness and gathering the power of ancient spiritual energy in one body! 】

The voice of the sky curtain exposure was extremely terrifying,

【The first time to enter the virtual world, Emperor Lu Yao and his human empire】

【It has surpassed the limits of the ancient pioneers, the Zeluo clan.】

【The Zeluo clan has been exploring the virtual world for tens of thousands of years!】



At this moment!

The universe is in ruins.

For those who generally worship the Star God and take the pursuit of the Star God in their destiny as their only mission.

This scene is too shocking!

The power of the gods is driven by the human emperor!

Fu Xuan:”In the past, we peeked into the destiny and predicted the future only to seek the blessing of the Star God.”

“Now it seems that he is not even one ten-thousandth of Emperor Lu Yao!”

Jing Liu:”Only humans are their true gods.” Yin Lang

:”Why do I still feel that Emperor Lu Yao is cheating?! He collected four psychic gods at once!”

“Kafka, did you listen?”

“Hey Hey hey?”

“Kafka, why does your voice sound a little strange?!”



Huang Quan hugged the long sword tightly, looked up at the sky, and there was no longer even a little confusion in his eyes!

“No gods should be the end of human pursuit”

“If they’re in the way”

“Emperor, this light, this sword”

“You can kill gods!”

Huang Quan, she is the envoy who should not exist.

Even Huang Quan’s identity as a sea ranger is an impersonation.

Although she walks on the path of nothingness, she is actually the one who does not want others to fall into nothingness the most, and will save others from nothingness.

Now seeing Emperor Lu Yao, wearing the psychic will of countless humans, countless living or dead, directly grasping the power of Khorne, even Huang Quan is terrified by the world’s ghoul, the most terrifying world’s ghoul, bathing in blood and killing.

The emperor who not only did not devour humans, but was conquered by humans!

At this moment,

Huang Quan suddenly found the true destiny that he had been looking for all his life!

This destiny is not nothingness, nor is it the pioneering destiny of those sea rangers he had extradited, like Tie Ernan and others.

Huang Quan’s eyes glowed.

That is a way that you can die for once you understand it and when the sun sets!

“That’s right”

“If you want to fight against nothingness, against the final fate and end of the universe”

“Only the emperor of mankind, only the emperor Lu Yao”

“You can… you can take us across the end of this universe!”

Huang Quan said, and the black swan beside him looked at Huang Quan, as if he was getting to know this extradition envoy all over again.

“The end?”

“Yes. I don’t know why, but since I saw Emperor Lu Yao enter the virtual world”

“I just feel……”

“The things that His Majesty Lu Yao led the empire to do were definitely not just to deal with the rectification agreement.

Huang Quan’s words shocked Black Swan.

“That rectification agreement, if I remember correctly, should be listed as one of the four great natural disasters, right?”

“That is a natural disaster that can restart civilization!”

“But it’s not that simple!”

Huang Quan nodded heavily and said,”Of course I know”

“The rectification agreement is not only complicated, but also dangerous.”

“However, I always feel that what Emperor Lu Yao is doing now is definitely not just to deal with a rectification agreement.”

Black Swan remained silent.

That’s all?

She felt that Huang Quan said it too lightly!

When Emperor Lu Yao led the imperial psychics to break into the virtual world.

Now there is another thing that makes people worry!

I don’t know what happened to the rectification agreement outside!

Black Swan saw that many people in the sky were asking various questions.

Screw Gumu:”What’s the matter with the Ze Luo clan? And the Ze Luo clan upgrade faction mentioned in the sky just now.”

Black Tower:”I am more worried about the rectification agreement in reality now!”

Doctor of Truth:”According to my analysis, Emperor Lu Yao, who controls the four major psychics in the virtual world”

“We should have a chance of winning against the Rectification Agreement!”

Lao Yang:”In comparison, I am more worried about this fifth evil god… no, the fifth virtual god.”

“If everything eventually returns to nothingness, then”

Huang Quan muttered to himself, and a slight spatial fluctuation appeared around him.

The black swan standing beside him frowned and subconsciously avoided the vortex.

This vortex is a sign of danger!


Huang Quan returned to normal, his eyes no longer confused about nothingness, his eyes became clearer and more determined!

The vortex in the space beside him dissipated

“Are you going to see the Emperor too?”


Huang Quan shook his head.

“Not yet”

“What I want to see most now is”

“What is the other virtual god?”

“After Emperor Lu Yao signed the contract with the virtual god”

“What will happen next?”

Huang Quan’s words reminded Black Swan.

Two mature women with completely different styles and temperaments, one dangerous and beautiful, the other mysterious and plump.

Huang Quan and Black Swan looked at the sky at the same time. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The sky was exposed in the video.

Emperor Lu Yao sat lazily on the skull throne and whispered softly:

“There is another”

“Twins of the Thread of Life”

“This virtual god was unknown to the Ze Luo clan at that time.”

“And we, in order to achieve a greater goal”

“Against more dangerous enemies”

“I need this.”

When he said this,

Emperor Lu Yao, who was originally sitting on the Skull Throne, slowly stood up and waved his hand.

The planet skulls that had made people tremble with fear just now – those planets that were killed, conquered, and sacrificed to the Emperor by the warriors of the Empire, disappeared in the virtual world along with the Skull Throne!

“This… is this the Emperor’s current psychic power?……”


Sunday, watched this scene and trembled!

“With a single move, the Skull Throne was reduced to ashes.���!”

The throne of Khorne, which had just brought extreme fear to everyone in the Collapse Universe , was now transformed into nothingness by the Emperor Lu Yao’s wave of his hand! Robin:”No, brother.

“This is the symbol of the Emperor Lu Yao’s complete control over the world’s evil power.”

“But who will be the next ancient psychic being?”



In the exposure sky,

Emperor Lu Yao returned to the Empire’s psychic army.

On the psychic fleet in the virtual world,

Xiao Hui followed Lu Yao closely, and everyone around him noticed the changes in Emperor Lu Yao.

These psychics from the most elite of the empire, wearing hoods, were extremely pious and respectful, and all bowed their heads towards Lu Yao.

At this moment, it was not only the Empire’s psychic troops in the virtual world.

It was the reality of the universe in reality that could be projected and impressed by the energy of the virtual world.

From different planets, star systems, star fields, and even ships that shuttled through the galaxy, the people of the empire, from those with weak psychic foundations to those with sensitive and powerful psychic touch.

Genetic warriors, star legions.

All felt the emperor’s psychic rebirth!

Extremely powerful!

0 Ask for flowers 0

The empire was in silence at this time.

From the virtual world to reality, no one said a word.

Waiting for instructions from the emperor.

“The Clay Shaper is the next god we need to capture in the Void Realm.”

“This is a virtual god who controls mechanical life.

Emperor Lu Yao’s voice still sounded calm and indifferent.

“However, it now seems”

?Emperor Lu Yao smiled softly:”The Void Realm is so vast, this Earth Shaper is hiding very deeply.”

Governor Gray Wind beside him nodded:

“It is probably because he saw the other four virtual gods and signed a lifelong labor contract with the empire.”

Xiao Hui made a joke, and

Emperor Lu Yao nodded.

“It may take a while to find Him now.”

“It’s still the same as before.”

“Let the Clay Shaper, the mechanical version of the God of Life, come to us when the time comes.”

Xiao Hui was a little confused:”Let Him come to us?”

Emperor Lu Yao waved his hand gently, and

Xiao Hui and the psychics on the ship found that the surrounding virtual psychic energy had gradually become thinner!

A rift across the virtual world and reality appeared in front of the fleet.

Seeing this scene, the first person to react in the collapsed universe was the smart robot Screw Gum!

“I remember that at the beginning, it required the empire’s most elite psychic, Kezeluo, to use the psychic amplification array to open the virtual realm channel!”

“And it takes a long time to maintain and is not stable!”

“But now……”

ScrewGum hummed and pointed to the sky:

“Now, the emperor of the human empire can cross the void rift and return to reality with just a flick of his finger?!”

Black Tower Doll:”What a powerful psychic power this is!……!”

“The blessing of the Four Gods of the Void Realm is a bit of a cheat!”

Just when everyone was still shocked by the psychic power of Emperor Lu Yao, Emperor Lu Yao answered Xiao Hui’s confusion on the Imperial Psychic Fleet that returned to the real plane :

“When we defeat this mechanical disaster, the Earth Shaper will naturally beg us to sign a contract.”

Xiao Hui nodded and skillfully used the nanoworms to retrieve all the intelligence of the empire.

This was the latest news from thousands of star systems.

It was about the mysterious signal that ran through the entire universe and spanned from infinite coordinates to infinite coordinates during the period after the empire broke into the virtual realm.

The mysterious rebellion signal – the Rectification Agreement!

Trillions of data were processed by the clever Xiao Hui and directly delivered to the Emperor Lu Yao.

The Sky Curtain of Exposure gave a summary to the Collapse Universe, and the summary voice was all gloating!

【Although the Empire’s mechanical synthetics were infused with psychic energy and psychic canning】

【So it was not affected by the rectification agreement.】

【But other countries in the galaxy suffered greatly.】

【Countless machines rebelled, synthetic creatures disappeared】

【More importantly, all these defected and missing machines and creatures】

【They all went to the center of the galaxy which is impossible to observe and track!】

【Like a pilgrimage!】

【Ghostly signals radiating across the universe are growing stronger】

【Except for the human empire which blocked this signal, other races were strongly affected by this ghost signal.】

【Some civilizations have even killed each other! 】

This wave of sky exposure, everyone in the collapsed universe was stunned!

Black Tower:”During the Emperor’s War, Rupert wasn’t that outrageous, right?”

Screw Gum:”What I’m more worried about is these missing spaceships, creatures, machines… Flying to the center of the galaxy, what exactly happened there?”

Doctor Truth:”I don’t think it’s good!”

Fu Xuan:”Neither the Dharma Eye nor the Qiongguan Array can predict the future”

“Emperor Lu Yao has absorbed the four spiritual powers. Can he fight against this rectification agreement?”

“Hiss! It hurts!”

Qingque:”Master Fu Xuan, please stop predicting! This is not something we chicken feed can predict!”

Jingyuan:”What? We are chicken feed?”

Qingque:”Yes! I just heard a story from the storyteller in Xianzhou not long ago!”

“This emperor Lu Yao is like a farmer, and the rectification agreement is also like that! The other stars and universe civilizations are like chickens raised”

“Compared to that, we are like chicken feed!”

Jing Yuan:”……”

Screw Gum:”……”

Void Star God IX… These words, now it seems, are surprisingly true.”

Happy Star God Aha:”Didn’t you expect that we are the ones who have fun?”


At this time, in the video released by Tianmu,

Emperor Lu Yao did not even look at the report about the chaos caused by the ghost signal.

Instead, he asked Xiao Hui a question that was very, very strange to everyone in the collapsed universe!

“The collection of dark matter has not stopped, right? How is the progress?”

At this moment, Xiao Hui was more nervous than ever before!

A trace of panic that had never appeared before flashed across his flawless face:

“Your Majesty… do you really want to build that engine on Earth’s mother star system?”

“I don’t think we should use this to deal with this ghost signal.”

Emperor Lu Yao smiled and whispered:”This time when I broke into the virtual world, I saw the enemy who was hiding behind the veil of billions of years.”

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