Being a bug in a survival game

Chapter 62 Ice and Fire 23

Somewhere, a makeshift team of players fled in panic.

"The path of the tornado is a fixed straight line! Run in both directions!" Someone discovered that the tornado seemed to be programmed in advance and would only move forward.

"Quick! Run this way!" Someone saw the safe direction and shouted quickly.

A group of people hid in a shopping mall far away from the tornado's route. Everyone collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, gasping for air.

"Made! Isn't it a world of ice and fire? Why is there a tornado!" The boss of the team was a man with a thick hair, and he couldn't help but curse.

"Brother Deng, two people are lost, and there are only ten people left." A man with glasses walked towards Cun Bantou and reported the situation.

Cun Ban Tou: "Where are the supplies? Are they enough to last for five days?"

"Save what you use, it should be enough." Each of them was carrying a big bag with food and water in it.

"That's alright. There are only five days left before we can leave this hellish place..."



Su Tingyu, who was lying on the window sill watching the tornado, sneezed.

When the fat man passing by saw Su Tingyu sneezing, he immediately asked nervously: "Boss, are you catching a cold?"

Su Tingyu: Meow, meow, meow?

Su Tingyu, who was rubbing her nose with her hand, was about to say no, when a hand was attached to her forehead, bringing a touch of warmth.

A few seconds later, Qin Qi, who happened to be passing by, withdrew his hand calmly: "I didn't catch a cold..."

Hearing this, the fat man breathed a sigh of relief: "Then you should be more careful. I'll make ginger tea." It would be very difficult to get sick at this time.

Su Tingyu reminded: "Remember to put more sugar!"

"No problem, boss."

Su Tingyu turned her head and looked at the tornado far away outside the window. She hooked the corner of Qin Qi's clothes with her fingers: "Isn't this tornado caused by the increased difficulty of the dungeon?"

Qin Qi did not deny it: "It should be."

The three of them were lucky that Yunjian Community was not in the path of the tornado, so Su Tingyu still had time to enjoy the tornado.

On the edge of the windowsill, there is a pot of white flowers, which are a little wilted.

Su Tingyu went over and poked the petals: "Qin Qi, it's only been a few days, and this King of Flowers has grown fully again. Do you want to enlarge the ash and let them take a few bites? See if this King of Flowers can regenerate?"

Kao, who was automatically swaying wildly in the absence of wind, exuded an aura of sadness that dared not be angry but dared not speak, and seemed to be even more wilted.

Qin Qi: "You can try if you want."

Su Tingyu checked Kao's information and found that the durability had dropped to 35%. In other words, would this regeneration ability consume durability?

"Forget it, it's just a pot of King of Flowers. Once it breaks, it will be gone." Su Tingyu had to give up this idea with regret.

Turning around again, she found that Qin Qi had spread a piece of white paper on the coffee table and was drawing something on it with a pencil.

Su Tingyu walked over curiously and took a look, feeling that Qin Qi was drawing a map.


Qin Qi answered while drawing: "Well, I started from Yunjian Community and went to the map of Kao Planting Base on the mountain. I looked at it a few times in the library and I still have some impressions."

"Yes!" Su Tingyu suddenly realized: "The Baihua Market is in chaos now. We can sneak up there. There are many flower kings up there! There must be enough for Big Gray and them to eat!"

Kao, who was trembling after escaping from the window, said: "..."

"Yeah." Qin Qi also thought of something, so he started drawing a map.

It's rare to find a suitable method for upgrading your own props in a dungeon. Now that you've encountered it, you can't let it go.

Otherwise, it would be more delicious to eat, drink and stay in the villa until the game is over.

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