Being a bug in a survival game

Chapter 54 Ice and Fire 15

During dinner, the fat man specially brought Kao and placed it in the middle of the dining table.

The dining table is oval, and three people sit at one end to eat. The food is also placed on this side. Even if a pot of flowers is placed in the middle of the table, it cannot block the view of the dishes.

Su Tingyu's cheeks were bulging after eating. When she saw Fatty bringing Kao, she asked curiously: "Fatty, aren't you afraid that this flower will suck your lifespan? Do you dare to bring it here now?"

The fat man explained with a smile: "Fat man, I'm only twenty-eight years old. It's my prime years. I can just smoke this flower. As long as a copy is released, there will be no impact."

"Oh~ I can't tell, fat man, are you so young?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, very surprised.

The fat man modestly said: "I can't help it, I've become more mature."

Qin Qi finished the third bowl of rice in silence and just stood up to serve it. The sharp-eyed fat man jumped up, took Qin Qi's rice bowl and said with a smile: "I'll serve it. Brother Qin, just sit down."

Su Tingyu quickly finished the meal, raised his empty rice bowl with one hand, and licked his tender lips: "Fat man, I want it too!"

"No problem!" The fat man took it, turned around and went to the kitchen to fill the meal.

Su Tingyu held her chin with both hands and stared at Kao on the table with her big eyes unblinking: "Qin Qi, why do I feel that Kao seems to have no energy? Do you want to sprinkle some water on him?"

"Anything is fine." Qin Qi lowered his head and played with his phone.

"Qin Qi, could this Kao be the same as the stone tablet in Liming Mountain, or maybe some kind of hidden prop?" Su Tingyu's eyes lit up, and she wanted to put Kao in her inventory.

Qin Qi paused and glanced up: "Before I met you, I never knew that there were hidden props in the dungeon." At most, they were mission props, and basically you couldn't bring them out of the dungeon.

"Ah?" Su Tingyu tilted his head: "It must be that none of you have tried it before! You will know after you try it!"

Qin Qi was silent for a moment.

" try it."

The girl in front of me seemed a little different, so it would be okay to try.

"Then let me start!" Su Tingyu was gearing up, with excitement on his face.

He grabbed the flower pot with both hands and began to use his mind to try to put Kao into the inventory.


Collect it from me!

A panel suddenly popped up in front of Su Tingyu's eyes, on which he was typing frantically.

【warn! Player No. 444444 ‘Angel Su’, please stop your inappropriate behavior! 】

[Database analysis is messed up! 】

[This item has biological consciousness! Not a game prop! Cannot be included in inventory! 】

"Be careful!" Qin Qi's voice sounded.

A thick brown rattan arm penetrated through the translucent panel and whipped towards Su Tingyu with strong malice.

"Meow meow meow!" Su Tingyu rolled around in shock and jumped off the chair.


The brand new chair was broken up by the cane and turned into a pile of scrap wood.

Su Tingyu took a closer look. Kao, who was still wilting and weak on the table, seemed to have been given steroids. In an instant, his size suddenly increased several times. The roots rooted in the flower pot broke through the flower pot and continued to become thicker and longer. , baring his teeth and claws in mid-air.

The white flowers on the top swelled and shrank, and a lot of yellow pus flowed out from the gaps between the petals, which was like colloid and sticky. It was disgusting to look at.

Before Su Tingyu could scream to heighten the atmosphere, the fat man who had just come out of the kitchen shouted out first.

"Oh my god! What kind of monster is this?!"

Su Tingyu kindly reminded: "Fat man, this is King of Flowers. He was moved by your summons and has revealed his true form. Come over and let him take a sip."


Su Tingyu glanced doubtfully.


The fat man fainted.

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