"How shameless!"

"In that case, you die in front of me!"

Before he finished speaking, an eight-diagram purple gold furnace appeared out of thin air and smashed towards Ren Huang!

"Xuandu, you are too shameless!"

The pharmacist's voice suddenly sounded, blocking Ren Huang in front of him, and a medicine pounding stick just blocked the Eight Diagrams Purple Gold Furnace.

"Haha, the chief disciple of the Western Religion, who is a personal guard for the Human Emperor, is even better than this seat."

Xuandu came in the air, and the power of the Golden Immortal of Daluo overwhelmed the whole scene. On the purple gold furnace of the Eight Diagrams, one hexagram after another lit up.

In an instant, the divine thunder suddenly rose, the yellow wind rolled, the divine water poured down from the nine heavens, the Samadhi True Fire burned fiercely, and the phantoms of the divine mountains fell from the nine heavens. The vast lake was billions of miles long, setting off the power of annihilation.

Countless human races trembled under this power of annihilation.

Ren Huang retreated in the imperial carriage, and the Holy Sword of the Human Emperor emerged in his hand, mobilizing the power of luck.


In a trance, a Great Wall stretched for thousands of miles, protecting all the human races present.

The boundless pressure was borne by the pharmacist alone.

He just threw out a pounding medicine pot, which grew in the wind and instantly became billions of miles long, covering all the strange phenomena.

The pounding stick stirred and knocked in the pounding pot, and the wind, thunder, water, fire, and swamp were instantly pulverized and turned into a stream of light.

The pharmacist swung the pounding pot, and the stream of light fell on the human race. The human army suddenly felt a surge in strength.

Using the myriad phenomena of heaven and earth to pound a pot of medicine! The battle between the eldest disciple of the Human Religion and the eldest disciple of the Western Religion!

At the same time...

the eldest disciples of the two were also fighting fiercely below.

For a while, the scene was extremely gorgeous.

Ren Huang looked at the battlefield, his eyes narrowed, and he kept calculating in his mind.

In terms of paper strength alone, the East is better.

Four Daluo powerhouses!

Five Taiyi Golden Immortals!

More than ten Golden Immortal powerhouses!

Even if the direct disciples of the Western Religion were here at this time, they would not be able to contend with them.

However, it is not impossible to operate

"Ren Yi, you go challenge them, kill a golden immortal first, and strengthen the power of our human race."

Ren Huang was full of murderous intent.

The four major armies of the human race in the West, it's time to show their strength today!


Ren Yi shouted:"Soldiers of the Heaven-shaking Army, follow me to the battle!"

Millions of troops marched forward step by step, raising clouds of dust.

""Ren Yi of the human race, I want to fight!"

Ren Yi's voice shook the heavens and the earth.

He couldn't bear it any longer.

Back then, he was born on the way to the West and was lucky enough to enter the West.

But his parents and elders all died on that road!

The blood and bones of countless people have built this way of life.

Now, he has been degraded as a traitor and a traitor.

How can he bear it!

In this battle, he wants to kill to his heart's content!

"A mere True Immortal dares to shout like that!"

"Did you think this was a mortal war, where victory is achieved by numbers?!"

"I am here to tell you that this is a battle between immortals. Even if you lead a million-strong army, you will fall at my hands!"

The strong man from the Eastern human race turned into a golden light and flew over.

"I alone am enough to destroy your army of one million!"

Golden Immortal!

Ren Yi's face turned cold and he grinned:"Tell me your name, and I will let you die happily."

""I am Gu Yuan, don't be so arrogant!"

Gu Yuan shouted, and took out a fairy sword. Instantly, a sharp sword energy burst out, sweeping across a hundred thousand miles.

He wanted to cut off the head with one sword, and take Ren Yi's head among the millions of troops.

Ren Yi smiled.

"A piece of trash who relies on golden elixir to cultivate, this sword... is far inferior to Ren Shi."

He just kicked the ground, and the halberd in his hand gathered endless divine power.


A stream of light flashed across.


The sky and the earth were bloody!

Gu Yuan was chopped down by a halberd, and the golden immortal blood flowed like a waterfall!

Ren Yi held the halberd and continued to move forward.

The Heaven-shaking Soldiers below, holding swords and shields, supported Ren Yi and killed him forward.

The whole audience was silent!

Even Xuandu and Pharmacist, who were in the fierce battle, couldn't help but look over here.

"How is it possible?!"

Xuan Du's pupils shrank. He had never expected that Ren Yi's strength would be so terrifying!

With just one halberd, he killed a golden immortal!

When Ren Huang did this, it amazed all the saints, and the teacher couldn't help but want to kill him.

How could Ren Yi do it too?!

He is not an ordinary golden immortal!

Although he was born with the help of the golden elixir, he has the teachings of him and the Chan Sect, and his combat power is far beyond that of ordinary golden immortals.

"Hahaha! It seems that the abilities of the Human and Chan sects are not that good!"

The pharmacist laughed loudly, and endless venom washed towards Xuandu.

Xuandu took a golden pill, no longer distracted, and continued to fight with the pharmacist. It was indeed unexpected to be able to kill the Golden Immortal.

But here, they are not just Golden Immortals.

The Eastern Army.

Everyone in the Chan sect couldn't sit still!

At the same time, they stood up and looked intently at Ren Yi who was moving forward step by step.

"There are actually two such geniuses among the human race! ?"

"No, there are not two of them among the human race. That Ren Yi did not kill the True Immortal by his own strength, but by the millions of troops behind him."

"Their military formation...seems to be some kind of mysterious formation. With the layers of amplification of the formation, he was able to exert the power to kill the Golden Immortal!"

Guang Chengzi saw a lot of clues

"No problem!"

"So what if I can kill the Golden Immortal? I want to meet him and see how much he is capable of."

After Manjusri's words fell, he flew up from the army.

He summoned the Dragon Pillar, and a boundless murderous aura burst out from his body.

The immortals of the Chan Sect looked at each other, then sat down and began to watch the show.

Gu Yuan was taught by Manjusri.

Now that Gu Yuan has fallen, Manjusri can't save face, and it seems that he is going to take real action.

"The Western human race is really ridiculous."

Guangchengzi chuckled with a little disdain.

Even if there are many geniuses in the Western human race, what does it matter?

Under the will of the saints, all geniuses will eventually fall!

Who is not a genius who can enter the Chan Sect?

With deep blessings and good background, how can these human races compare?

Manjusri made a move and the victory was determined.

Before everyone had this thought for long, they saw Ren Yi suddenly soar into the air under the blessing of a million troops. The Overlord Halberd in his hand seemed to gather the weight of heaven and earth, emitting endless pressure

"The law of the great way of power?!"

Guang Chengzi blurted out in disbelief. A long river suddenly appeared beside Ren Yi. Stars of light lit up in the long river. The power of endless laws gathered in the Overlord Halberd.

It was the great way of power!

How could he, a true immortal, comprehend the law of the great way of power?!

Guang Chengzi looked at the army of Hantian soldiers in disbelief, and his heart was shocked.

He didn't know that the four legions created by Ren Huang could all exert the combat power across two realms of the legion commander, including the power of laws and the great way, which could be activated in advance!


A huge shock!

The Overlord Halberd and the Dunlong Pillar collided!

The law of the great way of power and the law of the great way of gold swept the world at this moment! At this moment, everything was eclipsed.

Between heaven and earth, only the collision of two great way laws shook the nine heavens and ten earths!


Manjusri opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He was defeated by the collision of laws!

Ren Huang looked at this scene with murderous intent in his eyes

"Ren Yi, kill him for me!"

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