Beedrill, Pierces Everything!

Chapter 68 Emergence Of The Zygarde? Core, Collective Will

Indus is now like in the movie, lying down on the high mountain forest, holding a telescope to look at the valley below.

"Thanks to Uncle Greasy's boss for providing the work equipment, now I can use it for private work."

Indus watched the law of the patrol below.

He looked at it for a while, stopped for a while, and wrote the patrol route with a pen in his notebook.


It is in the form of three circles, and the three circles intersect to form a circle in the middle. The route covers the entire valley.

"Clay is supposed to be employing civilian security companies, apparently military-trained patrols.

Indus carefully recorded the equipment of these people.

The uniforms are very common, all have helmets, and there are six teams in total.

Each team has a person leading a Pokémon, Growlithe, York dog and Houndour.

His canine sense of smell prevents him from getting too close, especially if he is upwind.

The commanding heights have a wider view, and the smell is also easy to be smelled by the patrol dogs below.

The basic rule of hunting wild animals: Approaching against the wind, making it difficult to smell the hunter's scent.

Frontal attack?

Wutong is not afraid of this kind of reckless battle, but he is unwilling to hurt the innocent Miner.

He has a simple view of right and wrong in this regard.

Miners are good workers, and plasma groups are bad skinny preachers.

"Underground words..."

Indus tries to develop new ideas and make more use of the magical abilities of Pokémon.

Tunnel battle?

I'm afraid it's not safe either.

Can he imagine that these professional security guards would not have thought of Soaring in the sky Ground underground and waterways?

Being underground, there is a big disadvantage.

Earthquake-type skills will cause fatal double damage to underground targets.

Indus gave birth to a sense of helplessness.

But he didn't give up.

If you just leave like this, what is the difference from the Mei who gave up pursuing after a few words from her mother?

What qualifications does he have to pull her away from the "cowardly pit of fire"?

Indus took a deep breath to dispel the cowardly idea of ​​escaping.

"It should be a two-shift system, excluding Miner, there should be two groups of security guards, a total of 12 teams with 24 people, the pressure is not small.

Indus quickly thinks about its strength.

He backed away quietly, releasing five Pokémon.

"Shh! See below?"

Indus gestured for the five Pokémon to be quiet.

"We want to hide or rob from those buildings guarded by humans. The target is the Precious bones inside."

Indus explained to them carefully what he was going to do.

"They may be able to help Orange and Ley improve their strength, but I think it is difficult to do so, and we need to find a way together.

Indus stared at them with wide eyes, he decided to talk about his train of thought first.

"I think, Godzilla, you can launch Sandstorm and cover our tracks.

Larvitar held up his hand, indicating that it was perfectly fine.

"Ley can dig sand traps and assist us in a smooth and safe retreat."

Trapinch opened his mouth and took a few bites, indicating that he was fine.

"Oranges can cause fire to burn, causing confusion and fear in them.

Charmeleon's eyes lit up, he gave a soft Roar, and swung his paw vigorously.

"I need Thorn and Shadow, you stay by my side, when one goes to attack the approaching enemy, the other stays to protect me.

Beedrill made quick thrusts with his double thorns, and Persian nodded silently.

Indus is actually the most reassuring to Persian, who has the least reaction.

"Okay, next, if you have any ideas and opinions, just raise your paws and raise them."

After Indus finished speaking, Persian responded the fastest.

It took a step forward, glanced sideways at the valley hundreds of meters below, and meowed twice.

【Too many people, can't beat it!】

Persian's speech was unanimously approved by the other four Pokémon.

They are not Rhyhorn with big orange brains, and their intelligence is not bad at all.

Even the most powerful Beedrill doesn't think it can face Beat Up with ten people plus ten Pokémon.

"That's right, so we need some 'allies'. Let's go separately to find out the news."

Indus looked down and smiled contemptuously.

These Miners are good people, but to the Pokémon who originally lived here, they are evil people.


The roar of the machine.

Cut down surrounding trees.

These actions all have consequences.

The original living environment of Pokémon is disturbed by noise day and night.

The woods, crypts, and caves that Pokémon live in have all been discovered.

For the sake of "safety", the Miners will naturally drive out the aborigines in exchange for their peace of mind.

Indus has no doubts, without strict discipline and civilized education, these workers hired by the mine boss are the barbaric invaders who landed in America and cut the scalps of Indians for fun.

If this is a mining site with super high value, maybe there will be a commemorative Thanksgiving Day.

And this festival is a day of great suffering for the "indigenous" Pokémon.

Wutong wanted to detonate the bomb in advance, and also reduce the scope of influence that grew over time.

The plan went extremely well.

Although the Pokémon in the nearby Rage already hated humans, they naturally feel close to the power of Viridian on Viridian Son.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

It was about two o'clock at night.

On the hillside, there was a rolling sound.

Miner and the patrols were quickly awakened.

giant tree!

More than a dozen giant trees rolled down from the hillside to the west, carrying huge impact force and inertial potential energy.

To the east, there are huge boulders.

The west side of the valley is the exit.

Finally, on the edge of the valley to the north, an outpost was settled.

Indus didn't know what happened to the sentinels.

He doesn't care.

Indus didn't do anything anyway.

Either way, it's the Pokémon whose homes were destroyed here.

He is just the torchbearer who blows up the original contradiction.



"Not yet!"

Wutong stood at the front with his right hand raised high, letting the black figures behind him obey the Instruct.

Very cool!

Blood boiled in the middle of the night.

At this time, Wutong felt the agitation of the information of violence and war engraved in the genes of men and women.

The Pokémon who were driven out and their homes were destroyed also felt the same.

Emotions are like sparks that are constantly contagious.

The will of Pokémon has infected this piece of nature.

Silently, more mysterious energy quietly penetrated into the torchbearer who burned the brightest.

This is a feedback mechanism of natural law.

Under the forest land not far away, a small cell life "woke up".

In cellular form, it resembles a Green planarian.


It looked puzzled in the direction not far from the forest.

This bug-like Pokémon has a name, Zygarde? Core.

It has a will of its own, "alarmed" by the collective will of the regional ecosystem.

A single human brain cell, or even tens of thousands of cells gathered together, will not appear "will"

But the whole brain is combined with the body, and countless cells together produce the "self-will" of human beings.

The ancient will of the Viridian Forest is the collective will born of the consciousness of the life in the entire vast Viridian Forest ecosystem.

It is an unstoppable momentum, a pattern of behavior that follows the impetus generated by the entire circle.

Just like a stone rolling down a hillside, it will only be attracted by gravity and keep rolling down, and will not suddenly fly into the sky.

Curious, Zygarde? Core dived back into the ground, stalking the bright little torch of perception.

In this magical world, the mysterious energy makes new Pokémon born continuously.

All kinds of "collective wills" have also been born, the number and frequency of which are far beyond human imagination.

Wutong didn't know all this, and he didn't know that he was also changing quietly.

If all this is a huge system.

Then, as the son of Viridian, the forest in his hometown raised him, a person without authority, to the "lowest level of authority".

Wutong's current autonomous behavior meets certain "authority elevation conditions", which comes from the collective consciousness feedback of a group of Pokémon.

Those Psychic people are born "low authority people".

As for him, he was given a "low authority level" by Toki Pansen Lin Yizhi, the "high authority person" the day after tomorrow.

In the huge scale of the entire planet, Wutong's current authority is reflected in the power he can control.

However, he can only vaguely sense all these incomparably miraculous things.

Indus vaguely sensed that something was different in his body, but he couldn't clearly understand these changes.

"But I feel a little stronger again, good thing!"

Indus decided to remain optimistic.

With less than a hundred people, it is impossible to defend this place.

Logs and boulders wreak havoc and chaos.

Then the Pokémon rushed down from the northern hillside, and they "separated their actions"

Several Pokémon who know Eruption, led by a Charmeleon, lit one end of the log one after another.

Pokémon of great strength, with the Conkeldurr family, Throh, Sawk and Mienfoo, etc. forming a group.

Larvitar led the charge without hesitation, causing Rock to smash everywhere, just as a demonstration of destruction.

The Fighting Pokémon in the back held up huge torches and used them directly as weapons of mass destruction.

Excadrill, Sandile and other Ground Type Pokémon act under the leadership of Trapinch.

They drilled under the human earth and stone structures and set off shock waves.

The valley began to shake violently, the walls of houses cracked and collapsed!

The York dogs rampage on the patrol dogs, the Pokémon, with Purrloin and Liepard flanking them.

The Pidoves and Woobats in mid-air, led by Beedrill.

Those of us who can fly, staring at those humans in mid-air are constantly pumping out air cutters or confusion shocks.

The human Pokémon have to fight against the native Pokémon of Rage, and also protect the howling human Trainer, and they are quickly retreating steadily.

Indus was a little surprised to find that these wild Pokémon achieved complete suppression.

"Shadow, let's wait."

Ten minutes later.

The sound of fighting died down.

Wutong doesn't look sideways, and only picks out one of the collapsed warehouses (Nuo Li walks closer.

"Can you help me? I need some..."

Indus squatted down and asked for some Ground Type Excadrills.

They are now very satisfied that the human building is now in a mess, and they are happy to help this human boy find what he wants.

Most Pokémon have simple cognition, they hate those humans who destroy their homes and drive them away.

But for the human boy who helped them, he is very happy to give back his kindness to him who has expressed kindness.

With the help of Excadrill, Wutong quickly found what he wanted.

"very good!"

Indus eyes brightened, quickly

It is confirmed that these large Pokémon skeletons several meters long are indeed dragons!

He quickly called five Pokémon over.

Indus first made part of the skeleton, and quickly used the power of fusion to help Charmeleon and Trapinch fuse.

With fusion, he slowly discovered the change.

The effect of the power of fusion seems to have improved a little?

Wutong was surprised to find that both the conversion speed and conversion efficiency seemed to have increased by about 5%.

"I'm going to invite you to be our guests. There are delicious food, but can you help me move some things by the way?"

Wutong thought about it, and suddenly thought of a good way to transport the remaining pile of big bones and some of the Precious raw ore.

As for money and other things, he didn't move.

Indus has firm principles and bottom lines.

If you move money, you will really degenerate into robbers and robbers.

But these skeletons and ores buried deep underground are not what these miners produce.

Wutong has his simple values. .

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