Beedrill, Pierces Everything!

Chapter 64 Charmeleon, Fire Inspired, Wild Awakens

Xiaojuer's second Pokémon—— Emolga!

As soon as Wu Tong saw this Pokémon, he immediately knew that it was difficult to beat.

It has taupe outer undercoats, inner undercoats and cheek pockets are yellow, gray outside and yellow inside.

He recalls Pokémon Pokédex and Pokémonpedia, basic information about it:

"Lives in the trees of the forest, and glides with membrane wings like a cloak.

The electricity produced by the power pack of the cheek is stored inside the membrane, and it can be discharged while gliding.

Use Thunder Shock to burn berry and bug Pokémon just right before eating them. The main nest is the tree hollow pecked by Pikipek.

Fly while Discharging everywhere, so the bird Pokémon will not approach.

Thanks to this, food can be monopolized. "

Judging from the comprehensive description, this guy is like a forest bully.

Although it is only an electric flying squirrel as big as Pikachu, its strength is quite impressive, especially its speed.

"Rock Slide!"

Indus tentatively attacked.


This was hardly expected.

Trapinch hit all the Rock Slides.

With Agility's flying speed and dexterous movements, Emolga easily dodges the slow-attacking Rock Slide.

In the real world of Pokémon, high speed = high dodge.

"Double Team!"

After Xiao Ju'er finished speaking, the body of Emolga, which was constantly gliding, suddenly split into eight Emolga.

"Mud Slap!"

Trapinch immediately made mud balls and flew out one after another, and some of them hit Emolga, and the opponent's figure suddenly shattered.

It's a phantom!

The remaining Double Team dodged the Mud Slap attack and cross-dive to Trapinch together.

"Iron Tail!"

Emolga's tail suddenly became Oreburgh-coated, and with a flick of the tail, it landed on Trapinch.

Trapinch was dazed and badly injured.

With a double mix of high-speed impact and the slam of the steel tail, this Iron Tail is powerful.

Trapinch shook his body, then loosened his limbs and fell down on his stomach.

"Trapinch lost the ability to fight, the round is over, please challenge the Pokémon!" The referee immediately announced the result loudly.

Indus takes out the Poké Ball to retrieve it, and releases the second Pokémon without thinking.



717 Wutong's combat style is changeable, and he prefers to use it with Zhengqi.

Charmander opened his mouth and Spit Up filled the sky with high-temperature smoke, covering a range of more than ten meters from Fang Yuan.

With its current level of 19, its strength is not enough for Smokescreen to cover the entire battlefield.


It can be said that Xiaoju'er was tit for tat, and immediately let Emolga fly at high speed.

The strong wind blown by Flying blew most of the Smokescreen away, revealing the figure of Charmander inside.

"Dragon Rage!"

When Wutong's voice fell, the corners of Charmander's mouth were actually gone.

This is the autonomy of Pokémon.

After using Smokescreen, Charmander has already started preparing for Eruption regardless of whether the opponent will disperse or not.

Dragon Rage is a Dragon Type skill, but it has the nature of Fire Type, spewing out balls of dragon fire.

Charmander opened his mouth wide open, and one after another fireballs flew towards Emolga one after another.

Emolga was dispelling Smokescreen's tail, and the speed of evasion was slowed down for a while, and was stunned by a few dragon fireballs.

The dragon fire exploded and the smoke dispersed.

A lot of fluff on Emolga's body was burnt, and she looked quite embarrassed.

Xiao Ju'er frowned slightly, she didn't like this feeling, she wasn't beautiful and shining.


"Scary Face!"

Emolga rushed towards Charmander, but suddenly saw the terrifying Scary Face, her body froze, and she fell into fear.

"Dragon Rage!"

Charmander worked hard to Spit Up the flame again, intending to finish the game and go back to ask the host for an extra meal.

Emolga suddenly opened her mouth and took a fruit in her mouth.

Swallow go!

Removes the effect of the abnormal Scary Face!

Wutong was taken aback, watching Dragon Rage being easily dodged by the suddenly recovered Emolga.

Charmander was also taken aback.

Can it still be like this?

Almost got caught by the game again!

Some tree fruits in reality can not only remove Status Condition, Scary Face can also be considered as Status Condition!


Emolga flew up to Charmander, brushing past.

The static electricity released from the electric pouch on the cheek instantly entered Charmander's body.

Charmander immediately felt stiff and numb!

"Encore, Scary Face!"

Indus' command didn't take effect, and Charmander's body was paralyzed.

"Nice job! Emolga, Electro Ball!"

Finally, Xiao Ju'er was no longer indifferent and fierce all the time, but her voice was a little excited.

Apparently, she was aroused by the battle with Wutong to win the fight.

Emolga in the air makes a roundabout movement, and a large amount of electricity in the tail gathers together to form a ball of lightning.

Like a dive bomber!

Just like in war movies, those fighter jets dived from high altitude, when they were very close to the aircraft carrier and warship on the sea, they suddenly dropped the bomb.

Emolga dived down from the air and fell at high speed until she was more than two meters above Charmander's head.

The Electro Ball on the tail was thrown out forcefully, hitting Charmander directly.

At the same time, Emolga quickly made a U-shaped maneuver and tried his best to increase his height.


The Electro Ball fell on Charmander, and the violent electric energy suddenly exploded.

Charmander was shrouded in electricity and issued a Growl of pain.

Meixin, who was watching the battle, was pulled up.

She hates this kind of cruel battle, and she can't help worrying about the Charmander of "her side".

After the Electro Ball hits.

Charmander's skin was a little blackened, just like Emolga who was hit by Dragon Rage before.

The difference is that the Emolga is higher level than the Charmander.

This electro ball hurts it even more.

It staggered and was about to fall down.


Indus roared at this time!

Charmander suddenly opened his eyes wide, and flicked his tail violently to the ground.


Assist tail, Charmander stabilized his figure, and finally did not fall down.

Little Ju'er's eyes started to shine like stars, and she began to agree slightly, saying: "That's right, the beautiful tenacious fighting spirit... Emolga, Acrobatics!"

Emolga, who was gliding in the air, immediately gave a cry of joy, and then swooped down again.


Get out of the way!

Round and hit again!

Dodged again!

Emolga whirls around and hits again!


Charmander was knocked to the ground.

It clenched its teeth, and the teeth were already clenched together with some canine teeth.

Supporting Ground with one hand, the tail is also working together.

Charmander stood up little by little.

I don't know why, it just doesn't want to fall down.

Charmander turned his head and saw a lot of people, and also saw a lot of Pokémon in the crowd.

no the same.

totally different.

Charmander felt that he was beaten and chased by wild Pokémon in the forest before, and he would not be so unwilling.

But now being watched by these eyes, it is suddenly very unwilling.

"Charmander! It's time!"

Behind it, the black-haired boy suddenly shouted.

Charmander turned his head and saw his master's clear and firm eyes, as if he was talking about something.

It nodded slowly, understanding what it meant.

It's time, Charmander thought.

The enormous energy in the body that had been suppressed for a period of time burst out suddenly.

Little Ju'er was about to let Emolga attack again to end the fight when she stopped suddenly.

Charmander's body glowed with a dazzling white light.

Xiao Ju'er's eyes widened slightly, and the corners of her mouth (afdg) curved slightly, fascinated by this light.

Light of Evolution!

Huge energies erupted, most of them filled every corner of Charmander's body, violently seeping into every cell.

The white light outside the body is only a small part of the leaked energy, which is used to protect it from being interrupted by external attacks at this time.

The energy that makes Pokémon evolve, it's extremely subtle.

Continuously deepening, reaching the molecular level of each cell, triggering the break and connection of specific sites in the gene chain.

Under the white light, Charmander's body is undergoing rapid changes both inside and outside.

The body began to grow taller.

A smooth, bald round head, with something protruding from the top.

The snout on the face also began to protrude more, and the sharp teeth in the mouth became thicker and sharper.

The eye shape begins to elongate and the eye shape becomes sharper.

The short neck has also been elongated, making it more slender and beautiful.

The arms, claws, legs, claws, tail... are constantly enlarged and elongated to become stronger.

Until thirty seconds later.

The white light dissipated.

A Charmeleon appears.

It has sharp eyes, steady posture, no longer the straightforward Charmander before.

Visually, the height has grown to be close to 1.5 meters, and the tail is so thick that it needs to be dragged on the ground.

"Charmeleon, come on!"

Wutong suppressed the excitement and joy in his heart, but his voice was still inevitably a little higher.

Charmeleon glanced at his master and nodded calmly.

There is no disobedience to orders, because it has a high degree of recognition of Wutong because of sufficient communication.

"Emolga! Send it a big Present, Light!"

Xiao Ju'er no longer folded her arms like a statue, and unconsciously changed her standing posture. While leaning forward, she swung her arms vigorously.

Emolga sensed the change of Trainer, screamed loudly, and swooped down again.

Meanwhile, its Dual Wingbeat sizzles Spark.

Discharge while gliding.

A typical scene appeared.

At this time, Charmeleon doesn't have the detailed commands of its trainer, but it is not confused.

Thanks to Wutong's usual teachings, it is not a fighting machine that will not move without orders.

Just when Emolga was near Charmeleon.

Charmeleon bent down on the ground, as if in pain, Bide with the incoming electric shock.

It jumped up suddenly!

That tail, which became thicker and stronger, had turned into an Oreburgh tail at some point.

Iron Tail!

At this time, the evolved Charmeleon, who has more hunting patience and painful Bide, successfully ambush to Emolga.

The electric flying knife did not anticipate the speed change and power change after the target evolved.


Emolga was knocked down with one blow, and Charmeleon raised his head, his eyes were a little fierce.

When Pokémon evolve, they tend to change drastically.

Changes in genes cause changes in the brain.

Genes affect the secretion of brain chemicals and control human emotions.

Pokémon is no exception. At this time, Charmeleon is no longer as docile as the Charmander period.

Wild Awakens!

Charmeleon opened his mouth, and flames gushed from it.

close range.


A bite of Ember fried on Emolga's body.

Emolga screamed and passed out immediately.

Charmeleon still tight

Staring at Emolga, there is something wrong with the movement.

If it is in the wild, I'm afraid it will be tempted to "make up the knife" immediately and make sure there is a roast bird food.

"Emolga, come back!"

Xiao Juer frowned slightly, and quickly withdrew Emolga.

This Charmeleon……….was a bit too wild.

She suddenly looked at the black-haired boy, worried whether he could control it.

Suddenly, when Xiao Ju'er met the bright black eyes of that young face, her heart throbbed slightly.

It was like an electric current passing through the body, trembling the heart.

Indus is nodding slightly to her, as if the two sides are self-evident, thinking of this at the same time.

The eyes meet, and the two sides understand each other's meaning without words.

The situation was under his control.

"Orange, do you need a break?"

Indus suddenly spoke.


Small fire... Charmeleon turned his head, spit up a wisp of flame lightly in his mouth, stared at the black-haired boy, and slowly shook his head.

It felt that its body was full of strength, and at the same time, with the sudden increase in strength, there was also a wild urge to destroy and bite.

The flame of Charmeleon's tail also burned more vigorously than usual.

Xiao Ju'er watched the flames of its tail, and thought that it had just killed Emolga with a mouthful of Ember, and was suddenly taken aback.

The same is true for sycamores.

She subconsciously looked at the black-haired boy.

The other party also looked over.

There is a tacit understanding, and one thing is confirmed.

It turned out to be the raging fire Ability was activated!

"Flaaffy, let's have a fight!"

Xiao Juer threw out the last Poké Ball, and she has fully entered the battle. Her voice is fast and powerful, like an electric current.

"Charmeleon, return!"

Indus only reminded one sentence, and stopped talking.

Charmeleon's dark blue eyes seemed to be on fire, and it liked the way it felt like a sign.


It opened its mouth wide, and a raging flame rushed directly at Flaaffy who had just been released.

The flames burned the hair on Flaaffy's body, and there was a burning smell immediately.

"Discharge and then Discharge!"

Xiaoju'er shouted coquettishly, she spread her palm and five fingers, and waved vigorously.

Flaaffy let out a bleat, and some burnt fluff all over his body and the electric beads of his tail emitted strong electric light.


The power of the electric current was violent, and more than a dozen electric currents were divided into continuous violent electric snakes, hitting Charmeleon fiercely.

Station output!


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