Become a Fairy

Chapter 969 Spirit Fire Buster

Lu Xiaotian used the mantra of sanskrit to clear the heart again to avoid too much impact on the two of them, and the sword rain in the air turned around, and once again attacked the eight-legged magic bull beast.

At this time, a red light flashed, and Zhan Yunliang once again used the miraculous escape method to block in front of the eight-legged demon cow.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his fingers and flicked, and the two wisps of spiritual fire flipped in the air, turning into Huo Luan's phantom, and flew over to help Luo Qing and Mrs. Hua Ying.

Luo Qing and Mrs. Hua Ying also quickly came back to their senses, and for a while, swords were shining everywhere, flying jade hairpins, often flying horizontally. It's just that although the eight-legged demonic bull beast is of the tenth rank, the pair of horns on the top of its head are extremely hard. Whether it's Luo Qing's sword energy or the flying jade hairpin, once it hits the demonic bull's horns, it will be destroyed without exception. Bounce back.

The two of them fought the eight-legged magic bull beast together with Huo Luan's phantom, and there was no problem for a while. Seeing that the two of them did not show their defeat, Lu Xiaotian was a little relieved.

At this time, Zhan Yunliang, who was facing him, lifted his two severed arms, and out of a large number of blue flames, a wave of spiritual fire that seemed to be flickering with stars surged out, attacking Lu Xiaotian. The sea of ​​flames filled the sky, rolling out.

In the sea of ​​fire, three short knives with blue flames burst out of the sea.

Sure enough, there are still some backhands, Lu Xiaotian sacrificed the Piaomiao flying sword, and strangled with the opponent's blue knife.

The fight between swords and swords was evenly matched for a while, but the extremely cold cloud and ice fire did not weaken their offensive.

"It's unlucky for this guy to meet me." A strange look flashed across Lu Xiaotian's face, and suddenly there was a strong wind.

"Not good." Lu Xiaotian only felt a chill in the back of his heart, and before he even had time to react, a chill came to his body, Lu Xiaotian moved his mind, and his back was covered by a layer of ancient silver armor. At the same time, Lu Xiaotian swallowed the rest of the spirit spirit of the tenth-level iron-backed monster. As for the eleventh-level cold dragon spirit, it has been exhausted, and the first one has been kept until now.


It was Zhan Yunliang who used the weird evasion technique just now, came behind Lu Xiaotian, and suddenly shot out a poisonous needle of ice and fire. Unexpectedly, the poisonous needle did not penetrate directly into Lu Xiaotian's body as imagined, but was blocked out of thin air by a layer of ancient silver armor on its surface.

Zhan Yunliang was taken aback immediately, he had used this trick to kill several Nascent Soul cultivators, but he never thought that Lu Xiaotian, who seemed to have an average cultivation level, would be blocked directly.

Lu Xiaotian spread his wings on his back, and the bat king's magic wings slammed, and quickly approached Zhan Yunliang.

Zhan Yunliang ran away again in a hurry, seeing the huge monster power rising from Lu Xiaotian's body, Zhan Yunliang couldn't bear the idea of ​​competing with Lu Xiaotian at close range.

With a sullen face, Lu Xiaotian patted the spirit animal bag, and there was a croak inside, it was the little fire crow who had already been so excited that he didn't know what to do.

Against monks with spiritual fire, the little fire crow can be regarded as a rare nemesis, and the spirit fire of monk Nascent Soul is undoubtedly a great supplement to the little fire crow.

There are so many cold clouds, ice and fire, even if Lu Xiaotian is in it, with the support of Fanluo Spiritual Fire, he also feels uncomfortable, especially if it is a different person, it will probably be more uncomfortable.

The little fire crow fluttered its wings and flew a few feet above Lu Xiaotian's head, the crow opened its mouth, and the large amount of cold cloud and cold fire receded into the little fire crow's mouth like an ebbing tide.

"No!" Zhan Yunliang never expected that such a bizarre scene would appear. The strength of the little fire crow looked no different from that of ordinary fire crows, and he actually sucked the cold cloud, ice and fire that he had cultivated for hundreds of years middle. This is his greatest supernatural power. Without this cold cloud and ice fire, Zhan Yunliang lost most of his abilities.

Zhan Yunliang hurriedly wanted to take back the spirit fire, but at this time the eight flying swords landed directly from the top of his head, and eight elegant and sharp sword lights shot at him from different angles.

"Sword array!" Zhan Yunliang was startled, there was no time left to take back the spirit fire. Hastily controlled three fire knives to resist desperately. At the same time, a blood-red cloak was displayed behind him again, wrapping his body inside.

Pupu several sword lights slashed on the cloak, but failed to break it. Lu Xiaotian was also a little surprised that Zhan Yunliang fell into the sword formation so easily.

Quack, the little fire crow inhaled all the cold cloud, ice and fire of the other party into its belly, screamed a few times, and submerged into Lu Xiaotian's spirit beast bag again.

Qiang Qiang, Zhan Yunliang's three dharma knives wailed several times, and were directly crushed in the sword array.

Zhan Yunliang screamed again and again in pain, the cloak behind him was also supported to the extreme, with a puff, several sword qi fell into it, and his body was cut into several large pieces in an instant.

Inside, the tall Nascent Soul that was almost identical to Zhan Yunliang's appearance escaped, Lu Xiaotian secretly thought that the speed of the other party's fire escape was indeed divine, if there was no exercise manual, or jade slips, wouldn't it be a mistake for him? cross arms.

With this in mind, a large amount of Vatican spiritual fire enveloped the space around the sword formation. Zhan Yuanliang's Nascent Soul rushed left and right in the sword formation. There was a sea of ​​flames, and there was almost no way out. Zhan Yunliang screamed in pain, and quickly retreated. Now he is only in the state of Nascent Soul, but he can't compete with this spiritual fire.

In the midst of despair, the phantom transformed by a big hand in the fire was grabbed out of thin air. At this time, Zhan Yunliang was already desperate, and was grabbed by that big hand. With a smile on Lu Xiaotian's face, he pasted a talisman on Zhan Yunliang's Nascent Soul, and then put it into a large soul-sealing bottle. It turned out that his soul-forbidden bead couldn't help but cultivate Yuan's Yuan Ying.

Putting Zhan Yunling's storage ring away, Lu Xiaotian turned his attention to the other side, Lu Xiaotian was secretly startled, this eight-legged monster is really powerful. Mrs. Huaying and Luo Qing teamed up together, together with two Huoluan phantoms, and beat the spiritual trees on both sides of the valley toppled, and the rocks collapsed. Also failed to divide the winning payment.

The spirit fire attack spit out by Huo Luan phantom spirit was directly shaken back by the eight-legged magic bull beast with a roar, making it difficult to get close.

"It's okay to give you the things in the valley. Since that Zhan Yunliang is dead, I don't need to fight with you anymore." The horns on the head of the eight-legged monster cow were pushed up, and the sword light that cut Luo Qing off Crash. There was a surge of eight legs, and a demonic wind blew up, and the magic cow quickly fled away. The magic cow suffered some injuries, but it did not affect the movement, and quickly exited the valley. Lu Xiaotian and the others had no intention of pursuing them.

"This monster is so powerful. It is different from ordinary monsters. It is extremely difficult to deal with. If Fellow Daoist Lu hadn't killed Zhan Yunliang, we might have to fight hard." Mrs. Hua Ying took back the flying hairpin and wiped the hair on her forehead. , there was still a look of fear in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, Zai Yunliang, who is familiar with this place, is dead, what should we do next?"

"Pluck these few plants of Bixiao Spirit Grass, find a place to rest and recover your mana, whether to go or trade. We will make a decision at that time." Lu Xiaotian thought for a while and said.

Luo Qing nodded in agreement. The two consecutive fights just now were indeed a lot of consumption. Moreover, Luo Qing also benefited a lot from the fights with the ghost clan and the eight-legged magic bull. The experience of fighting the enemy is extremely valuable.

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