Daotian World... Yanhuang Xingjin United Army Supreme Council...

"Four hours ago, the entire Yuanxing A51 galaxy completely lost contact with us. According to the last picture sent, they were attacked by a mysterious fleet! According to the database comparison of the fleet in the picture, we did not find any information about that fleet. It was not until we retrieved the top-secret database of the Tripartite Council period and matched it that we found something." A neatly dressed, heroic-looking woman reported to the senior officials in the council and shared the virtual projection screen with everyone in the council.

"This is the picture obtained from the external battleship Yuhuo during the Zerg War. From that time, the former council also knew that there was an advanced civilization in the Black Sun Black Hole. However, in order to avoid panic, the former council concealed this truth. Carefully comparing the fleets in the two pictures, the similarity is more than 99%." The woman continued to introduce, and everyone's expression was not very good after hearing the woman's words.

"According to the information from the previous council, that civilization fleet has a weapon that can turn all living things into ashes. After the bodies of those living things are decomposed in reality, their consciousness will be controlled by it and become the enemy's soldiers. But in both pictures, we only see a weapon that turns us into ashes. As for the ability to control consciousness in the end, even the previous council has never experienced it. So who told the previous council this?"

"It's me."

At this time, a voice came, and thousands of senior officials from various departments of the entire Xingjin United Army Council all looked towards the door in front of the conference hall...

I saw a black-haired boy in ordinary clothes easily passing through the system authority restrictions of the door and entering the conference hall...

Everyone looked at each other, after all, they had no impression of the boy's unfamiliar face. The surrounding soldiers all rushed up and surrounded the boy. Even the surrounding defensive weapons locked onto the boy in the first time, ready to annihilate the strange boy at any time.

"Who are you?" A young girl asked the boy at the main seat in the conference hall. Although she looked like a girl, she was actually hundreds of years old. With the current technology of human civilization, it has reached the point of virtual immortality and eternal youth.

The girl's name is Jiang Ruoli. She has experienced the civil war in the human civilization. After a hundred years of training and tempering, she has now become the supreme leader of the Star Embers United Army. The supreme leader of the Star Embers United Army serves for a hundred years. After Zhao Longsheng and the rebel Makarov retired, Jiang Ruoli also took over.

"My name is Luo Kong, and the original body sent me here." The boy said, facing this scene, his face was still calm.

"Original body? Is your original body called Luo Yikong?" Jiang Ruoli suddenly asked as if she thought of something.

"Yes." Luo Kong nodded.

"Do you have any way to prove it?" Jiang Ruoli and Luo Yikong have not met for more than two hundred years. Although he knows that Luo Yikong is not simple, he will not easily believe that a strange boy who suddenly appeared is Luo Yikong's clone.

"Of course I have a way to prove it!" Luo Kong snapped his fingers, and at this time, except for the time of the meeting people in the conference hall, all time was paused...

Jiang Ruoli looked at the huge clock above the conference hall. The time on it had stopped, and the sand in the hourglass on her desk stopped in mid-air...

"Is it the illusion of time suspension brought by space technology? No, the body can't feel the feeling of space restraint, and now humans are conscious bodies, and conventional space attacks don't work at all."

The stopped time did not last long. Jiang Ruoli believed that the person in front of him was Luo Yikong's clone, because so far, the Daotian world has not been able to stop time with time technology.

"What is the task that person gave you?" Jiang Ruoli looked at Luo Kong. She realized that Luo Yikong sent his clone to appear in front of all the senior officials of the Xingjin United Army, and something big must have happened.

"Take over all the armed forces and fleets of the Star Embers United Army!"



"You want to take over all our fleets with just one sentence!"

As soon as Luo Kong said this, he caused an uproar in the entire conference room. Almost all the senior officials refused Luo Kong to take over all the forces of the Star Embers United Army...

"Everyone, there is another equally powerful fleet of the extra-civilization fleet on the way. Only by concentrating all our forces can we avoid this disaster and catastrophe! Whether the civilization in the entire Daotian world exists, your decision at this moment is of great importance!" Luo Kong looked at the many senior officials present and said, now Luo Yikong and the Virtual God and the Emperor Star Civilization are allies on the surface, but in fact they are all eyeing covetously. So he must concentrate all the forces of the Star Embers United Army to deal with this crisis.

"Everything is just your empty words."

"Why should we believe you?"

Faced with Luo Kong's words, the human and dragon senior officials in the parliament did not choose to believe it. After all, the command of all the fleets of the Star Embers United Army is of great importance. How could it be handed over easily?

"If Lord Luo Yikong comes here in person, it is not a bad idea to hand over the command power." A senior official from the Blood God Star said. If it is someone like Luo Yikong, he may be able to get all the command power. After all, Luo Yikong did such a thing during the previous parliament.

"Alas... But by then it will be too late..." Luo Hui sighed helplessly. If Xuanyuan Luoying's fleet arrives, it will be too difficult to integrate all the command rights.

"Are you really Mr. Luo's clone?" At this time, a rough voice came, and everyone saw a man's projection appear in the middle of the conference hall. The man's projection quickly materialized, and that was the current fourth-level human civilization life form, virtual life.

"The last time we met was on the cold planet outside Yanhuang Star. After so many years, the appearance has not changed!" Luo Hui said calmly, and the man who appeared in front of him was Zhao Longsheng.

"I can now be sure that you are Mr. Luo's clone." Zhao Longsheng is now certain that the black-haired young man in front of him is Luo Yikong's clone. After all, not many people know that he was dug out of the ice.

"We can follow your orders, so what do you want us to do?" Seeing Zhao Longsheng appear, the voices of opposition immediately decreased a lot, and Jiang Ruoli also took this opportunity to ask.

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