"It will take another five days to cross this asteroid belt." Long Yunxi heard the report from his subordinates in the brainwave and said to Luo Yikong.

"Five days! We have to wait so long!" Long Li immediately frowned when she heard that it would take another five days to cross this asteroid belt.

"There were no wormholes in the original interstellar voyage. It might take people ten years or even a hundred years to cross the starry sky. It is the emergence of wormhole technology that has shortened the time required for interstellar voyage and allowed the footprints of civilization to go further. Compared with those who first sailed in space and endured loneliness, you have nothing to complain about in these five days." Luo Yikong said coldly.

"Hehe, the times are progressing!" Long Li scratched and smiled. If it was twenty years ago, she would have said a few words back, but now she really didn't dare. After all, if she was facing Luo Yikong, Long Yunxi would not stand by her.

The voyage in the interstellar space is not so romantic. There may be shocks, but after that short shock, it is the endless loneliness from the starry sky, which is what everyone who sails in the starry sky will experience.

When he was a child, Luo Yikong wondered why the universe was so big, but no civilization other than human beings had been discovered. Later, Xuanyuan Luoying told herself that human beings were too small to even go out of their own world, so naturally they could not see the civilization outside.

Every low-level civilization is like an ant in a bubble. Only when it is strong enough to pass through the bubble can it see the civilization outside. Those bubbles are not only used to imprison those low-level civilizations, but also to protect those low-level civilizations from being noticed in advance by the existence of high-level civilizations. Those bubbles are called "plane worlds".

A civilization must be at least as strong as a third-level civilization to have contact with external civilizations. To completely get rid of the shackles of bubbles, this civilization needs to reach the level of a fourth-level civilization.

Luo Yikong lived in a small room on the Leviathan mothership. He had hardly left the room for five days. In the whole room, except for the lack of windows and the flesh-and-blood walls and the ground that made people very uncomfortable, everything else was good.

During these days, the fleet also passed through the death asteroid belt without any accidents. After leaving the meteorite sea, the fleet began to accelerate until it reached the maximum speed, turning into a ray of light and heading for the destination marked on the star map...


There are only a few life planets in the neutral zone star field. In this star field, there is no trace of civilization in the place where the fleet passes, not even the interstellar pirates. But speaking of it, the interstellar pirates would not dare to act rashly when they see this large fleet.

After a month of superluminal voyage, the fleet successfully arrived at the place agreed with the human civilization fleet, but the human civilization fleet arrived 10 days earlier than the dragon civilization fleet.

As the highest representative of the dragon civilization, Long Yunxi and the fleet commander Zofuya met with the high-level representatives of the human fleet, but Luo Yikong did not go to this meeting. After all, almost all the high-level figures of the tripartite council have seen Luo Yikong's information. Luo Yikong was afraid that when he went over, he would find that they were all familiar faces.

However, although Luo Yikong stayed in the Leviathan mothership of the dragon civilization and never went out, he was still found by someone.

"Why did you bring her here..." Luo Yikong looked at the white-haired girl beside Long Yunxi, and didn't expect that he still couldn't escape.

"She said you are her father, so I brought her here. Although it seems impossible, I still brought her here." Long Yunxi explained. She actually wanted to know what the relationship between this girl and Luo Yikong was. She had already felt that the girl beside her was not only not a simple human, but also had an extremely terrifying aura.

"Xue'er, what are you doing here?" The girl was Ji Xue'er. For Luo Lisi, the tool man, Luo Yikong didn't want to ruin his relationship with her. But Ji Xue'er should be managing the affairs of the Blood God Star, why did she come here?

"The Blood Clan of our Blood God Star also participated in this operation, so the affairs of Blood God Star will be handled by my mother for the time being, and I guessed that you, Dad, will definitely show up for this incident." Ji Xueer showed a sweet smile, and Long Yunxi, who was standing by, froze for a moment when she heard that Luo Yikong did not deny the title of father. The intelligence department of the Dragon Civilization did not know that Luo Yikong had a daughter, otherwise she would definitely know.

"In this operation, the other party may have an external civilization behind it, so don't expose yourself unless it is absolutely necessary." Luo Yikong reminded Ji Xueer. After all, Ji Xueer is now a god-level combat force and has most of the permissions granted by Luo Yikong's administrator authority system.

Luo Yikong is not sure whether there is a god behind the Zerg civilization. If Ji Xueer is exposed in advance, she will definitely be targeted by the other party, and even set a trap, just like the trap set by Luo Yikong for Long Xingtian after he was exposed.

"I know. When I came here, my mother also reminded me of the same thing. You two... Alas..." Ji Xueer pretended to be deep and sighed deeply.

"You came to the Dragon Civilization's mothership alone. Aren't you afraid of the consequences if you return?"

Luo Yikong knew that the blood race was now classified as a human race, and strictly speaking, they also belonged to humans. Although the dragon civilization and human civilization were in a peaceful stage, a human high-level person coming to the dragon civilization mothership alone would definitely have an impact, not to mention that Long Yunxi brought him in personally, which would inevitably arouse other people's suspicion.

"I have agreed with the high-level people in the fleet that I came to see you, Dad. They also know the relationship between you and me. After all, some of them are your students and also my classmates." Ji Xueer said indifferently. Luo Yikong didn't want to meet those old guys in the first place, and this time Ji Xueer sold her tracks completely.

"It's hard not to meet those old guys now."

"In fact, meeting them is not necessarily a bad thing." Long Yunxi persuaded, she was still thinking about Luo Yikong getting back the warship technology for their dragon civilization.

"That's fine... find a time to meet..."

Luo Yikong thought that the dragon civilization and human civilization would soon face the Zerg together in the future, and it might not be a bad thing for him to meet those guys. They haven't seen each other for so many years. The reason why they only let Ji Xueer come and not let everyone else come to disturb Luo Yikong in the Leviathan mothership of the Dragon Civilization was out of respect for Luo Yikong.

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