The hall of the cemetery.

Shi Shaojian's body was lying on the cold ground.

From the outside, there was no injury on his body.

But if you look closely, you can see that Shi Shaojian's internal organs were destroyed, and his three souls and seven spirits were sealed and suppressed in his body.

If the three souls and seven spirits do not leave the body, they cannot be reincarnated or transformed into a fierce ghost. This is to make Shi Shaojian never reincarnate.

All the true disciples of Maoshan were in awe and dared not breathe.

They all knew that the eldest brother Shi Jian loved this son very much and basically responded to his every request. Now he was killed.

According to their investigation, the murderer was a Taoist master who might have some connection with Maoshan, because they saw traces of Maoshan magic.

But after a closer look, it was not done by Maoshan disciples.

If you want to blame someone, blame Shi Shaojian himself. I don't know what he wanted to do. He actually opened an altar to perform a ritual, but was broken by others and caused a disaster.

In this case, it is difficult to investigate who did it.

Unless the murderer used the magic of this sect, they would not be able to find the murderer even if they dug three feet into the ground.

Even the restrictions that Shi Jian placed on Shi Shaojian could not lock his aura, not to mention that Shi Jian asked them to investigate manually.

Unless they have the ability to trace back to the source, they will never find the murderer.

After all, the murderer is not a fool and it is impossible for him to leave any traces.

"Senior Brother, please calm down. Even if we mobilize all the Maoshan disciples, we can't find the murderer. The most urgent thing is to save Shao Jian."Uncle Jiu stood up and said.

Others are afraid of Shi Jian, but he is not.

The reason why he tolerated Shi Jian was that he felt he owed Shi Jian, and also because he respected the senior brother, not because he was afraid of him.

"My son is dead, how can you calm me down!!"

Shi Jian's eyes were red, and he shouted,"Save? How to save? His internal organs are destroyed, and his soul is sealed in his body. I don't know what kind of sealing method this person used, but even we can't break it."

"I have coffin fungi here that can repair Shao Jian's damaged internal organs. As for the sealed soul, we will slowly find a way. If it doesn't work, we can take it back to Maoshan and let the ancestors take care of it."Uncle Jiu said

"You have coffin fungus?"Shi Jian's face lit up,"Okay, okay, Junior Brother, give me the coffin fungus quickly."

Uncle Jiu waved his right hand and gave all the remaining coffin fungus to Shi Jian.

Qin Jiuyang, who had just walked in from the gate, saw this scene and just sneered, and didn't say anything.

He knew that Uncle Jiu would take out the coffin fungus. He had already expected it when he killed Shi Shaojian.

Want to use coffin fungus to repair Shi Shaojian's internal organs? Dream on! Do you really think that he is a vegetarian after practicing hundreds of layers of magic?

It is no exaggeration to say that no one can repair it except him, not even the ancestors of Maoshan.

""Master, what happened?"

Qin Jiuyang looked at Uncle Jiu with a puzzled look and asked.

"Have you broken through to the late stage of the Shapeshifting Realm?"

Feeling the fluctuation of the spiritual energy in Qin Jiuyang's body, Uncle Jiu's face was shocked.

"Well, I was lucky to break through. Qin Jiuyang nodded and said

"Originally, your breakthrough was a great joy, and your master should have taken you to celebrate, but your master's uncle's son Shao Jian died. He was killed in a battle with someone in the air."Uncle Jiu said

"What! Who is so bold as to kill the master's son?" Qin Jiuyang shouted angrily:"No matter who it is, the murderer must pay a heavy price!!"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Uncle Jiu glared at Qin Jiuyang fiercely and reminded him in a low voice:"The murderer did not leave any evidence, and the means were strange, sealing Shao Jian's three souls and seven spirits.

Your master uncle and I joined forces and could not break the seal. According to my guess, the person who killed Shao Jian is likely to be a Taoist master.

If he is a Taoist master, what you just said was heard by him, be careful to follow in Shao Jian's footsteps."

"Thank you for your reminder, Master." Qin Jiuyang said with a lingering fear.

"How could this happen? The coffin fungus is actually ineffective and can’t repair Shao Jian’s internal organs at all!!" Shi Jian suddenly screamed in shock

"There is such a thing?"

Everyone was shocked and frowned.

""Big Brother, why don't you take Shao Jian back to Mount Mao and let the ancestor take action?" a true disciple suggested.

"Yes, what if the person who attacked is a Taoist master, and Shao Jian happened to have offended that person, and we cure him now, wouldn’t that anger the Taoist master?"Another true disciple spoke.

Like Uncle Jiu, they also felt that Shi Shaojian had offended the Taoist master. The

Taoist master wanted to kill someone, but they wanted to save him. Isn't this openly making an enemy of him?

As for the strength of these people, they are not enough in front of the Taoist master.

This time, Shi Jian was surprisingly silent.

Taoist master, these four simple words, suppressed him so that he had no temper at all.

If it was really a Taoist master who killed his son, even if he knew who it was, he would not dare to seek revenge on him.

Because revenge has only one end, and that is death!

Even if he practices evil arts and falls into the devil's way, he is definitely not the opponent of the Taoist master. But he can't save face by taking him back to Maoshan and letting the ancestor take action.

Looking at his son lying on the ground, Shi Jian's heart was torn. He gritted his teeth and was about to agree to take Shi Shaojian back to Maoshan when Qin Jiuyang stood up.

"Master, I can save Brother Shaojian." Qin Jiuyang said

"You can! ?"Shi Jian seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and he became very excited.

"Jiuyang, don't talk nonsense!!"Uncle Jiu hurriedly stopped Qin Jiuyang.

Whether it was true or false, this was a thankless act.

If it was false, it would offend Shi Jian.

If it was true, it would offend the Taoist master. He was still too young, inexperienced, and could not tell the seriousness of the matter.

"Jiuyang is a congenital Taoist body, maybe he can really save my son, how can this be nonsense, hurry up, Jiuyang, try it, just tell Master Uncle if you need anything"

"Well, I won't be polite to Master Uncle. I need Master Uncle's Lightning Thunder Fist."Qin Jiuyang said straight to the point in front of everyone.

Suddenly, everyone, including Uncle Jiu, was stunned.

Lightning Thunder Fist, this is the master's specialty, and it is also the most powerful skill.

Even Shi Shaojian has never taught it, and Qin Jiuyang actually came up with this idea, how bold!!

""Master, please don't misunderstand me. Only I can master the Lightning Thunder Fist and use it with the coffin fungus to repair Brother Shao Jian's internal organs. There is no other way." Qin Jiuyang added.

Shi Jian, who was about to attack, calmed down a little after hearing this.

However, he still had a gloomy face and remained silent. No one knew what he was thinking.

"How sure are you?" Shi Jian asked in a deep voice.

""I'm very confident." Qin Jiuyang blurted out with a resounding voice.


Shi Jian nodded and said seriously:"Today, Master Uncle will teach you the Lightning Thunder Fist. You follow me."

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