Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 8: Weapon expert

"Escape?" Qin Fen's expression changed, and he lowered his voice, "You are not dead? Do you think their security measures here are just for fun?"

Lin Rui's heart also tightened suddenly, turning his head to look at Jin Haoshan. "

"I have observed that this is an old-fashioned Soviet military base, mainly built in the hillside. Although the people at the door are difficult to deal with, we don't need to go through the door." Jin Haoshan said in a low voice, "I still have a friend. He is an engineer, and he and I have calculated that there is a weak spot in the room here. If we can get the police, maybe we can blast a way."

Qin Fen's expression moved, and he whispered, "Are you sure?"

"You can't be wrong, he is a directional blasting expert. I measured the approximate distance with his pace. There is a place, except for the reinforced concrete of 80 cm, only one meter of rock formation. If we have enough* *, it is completely possible to escape from here. And that place is not at the gate, so you can avoid those guards." Jin Haoshan whispered.

Lin Rui suddenly grabbed him and shouted in a low voice, "You'd better not have this idea. Even if you get the **** and blow up a road, how far do you think you can run out? You are the rest of the training camp. Are people all vegetarian? It’s freezing and snowy outside, with a low temperature of minus 40 or 50 degrees. How far do you think you can run? At that time, you will not only kill yourself, but also hurt others."

Jin Haoshan's face turned pale and authentic, "I'm just talking about it."

"Can't say, or even think. In this place, any wrong idea can kill you!" Lin Rui whispered, "Who do you think they are? Can the former Soviet military base be used as a training camp? , A variety of weapons and equipment, and have these high-quality military guards outside. This is not what ordinary companies can do. You are willing to sign the contract. If you choose to go back now, there is only a dead end."

Qin Fen's expression was a little unnatural, he whispered, "Actually, I thought about it a long time ago. It is said that the training of mercenaries is cruel. You said, if we can't pass the training, will we..." He did not continue. , But Lin Rui and Jin Haoshan knew what he meant.

Lin Rui shook his head and said, "This is still unclear, but I think we people were recruited after selection. Most of the military qualities are good, and there should be no such situation as you said. , Don’t have any dangerous thoughts."

Jin Haoshan and Qin Fen stopped talking, and they were silent for a long time. Qin Fen couldn't help it anymore. He asked Lin Rui, "Brother, what should we do now, depending on you?"

"Sleep." Lin Rui glanced at him and said, "We have six hours to rest. If you don't want to drag your tired body to cope with the next training, it is best to get enough rest. This **** mercenary training has just begun. In the future, there will be guilt and suffering." After saying this, he lay on the bed trying to calm himself down, and slept for a while in a daze.

Lin Rui said nothing wrong, and soon it was training time. The rest time was short and desperate. After barely sleeping for a few hours, they were gathered again and taken to the training hall in the base.

This time, it was Zhao Jianfei who was still teaching them, and what he taught was still weapon knowledge. He was still busy decomposing and combining various weapons, and then Zhao Jianfei explained the characteristics and technical data of each weapon. No one dares to say one more word, because they all know that there is only command and obedience. Zhao Jianfei's training is very simple. Whoever can quickly sort out a pile of weapon parts and assemble them into firearms that can be fired, and complete the firing of live ammunition within his prescribed time, can rest. Otherwise, repeat the exercise.

Lin Rui, like most of the students, failed to meet Zhao Jianfei's requirements, so he kept practicing in groups.

Qin Fen couldn't help but said, "Instructor Zhao, are your standards a bit too high? There are at least dozens of different types of firearms in this pile of parts. The parts must be sorted and assembled successfully within two minutes. We have to complete live ammunition. This..."

"A weapon is the life of a soldier, and being unfamiliar with a weapon means disregarding one's own life." Zhao Jianfei walked to him coldly, completed the assembly of the gun at a very fast speed, and quickly shot at the shooting target behind him. Then slowly said, "This is just the beginning. I ask you to do more than this. When the weapons are acquired, you should be familiar with the performance in the shortest possible time. Because no matter how unified the production of each gun, their shooting performance Neither will be absolute standards. When shooting, the accuracy will be offset. This is the time that will test the gunner the most."

Zhao Jianfei said indifferently, “A real good gunner can complete the debugging of the gun after shooting one or two bullets, and know how to rely on his own hand to correct the ballistic. This is by no means a simple thing, and what you have to do now It's just the basics."

Lin Rui frowned, "How does it feel?"

"Yes, it's the feel." Zhao Jianfei slowly picked up a bullet from the side and looked at all people. "Speaking of the feel, this is a standard bullet. M1943 7.62x39 mm Huayue bullet, loaded The amount of ammunition is 1.6 grams. The total length of the projectile is 56 mm. The length of the warhead is 26.8 millimeters, the length of the projectile is 38.7 millimeters, and the weight of the warhead is 7.91 grams. The muzzle velocity is 710 meters per second. The mass of the projectile is 16.4 grams. A good gunner can feel the subtle difference between the dozen grams of guns by his hand."

Zhao Jianfei backed down the magazine and threw it to Lin Rui, then he covered his eyes with a cloth tape, and said calmly, "Pick up the bullets. I can show it to all of you, even if I don’t watch you. The number of bullets. You can know what gun it is and even how many bullets there are in the gun.”

Everyone was a little surprised. They are all veterans and they are no strangers to firearms, and they all know that it is impossible to achieve the kind of feel that Zhao Jianfei said. However, they still witnessed the impossible. Zhao Jianfei tied his eyes with a cloth tape, and did not see how many bullets were in the magazine of any gun, but as soon as the gun arrived in his hand, he would immediately be able to report what type of gun it was, even There are several bullets in the magazine.

It's like he has eyes on his hands.

Lin Rui really took it this time. Zhao Jianfei's hand is a speculation like a joke, but it contains too many things. It's not that you are extremely familiar with these weapons, you can't do this at all. Lin Rui only thought of the calluses of Zhao Jianfei's hands playing with guns. I don't know how much time of hard training was involved in this.

For the last time, Qin Fen put a gun in Zhao Jianfei's hands. Zhao Jianfei said indifferently, "This gun is famas, the world's first unsupported small-caliber assault rifle, made in France." He suddenly pulled off his blindfold, raised the gun to Qin Fen, and smiled slightly. "Do you want to believe that I will shoot?"

Everyone was stunned, not knowing why Zhao Jianfei suddenly got into trouble, they all stared blankly at him raising a gun to Qin Fen's forehead.

Qin Fen turned pale, "Instructor Zhao, don't be kidding."

Zhao Jianfei said indifferently, "You are joking with me, because there are no bullets in this gun, there are none at all." He decisively pulled the trigger at Qin Fen's forehead. "Click." The sound of the gun was a little crisp, but there was no bullet in the gun.

Zhao Jianfei said indifferently, "Do you know what this is? This is self-confidence. If a gunman lacks self-confidence in his opponent's guns, what else can he rely on? Your seemingly boring gun decomposition exercises allow you to build this Full of confidence. If you understand everything, then continue to practice."

Qin Fen's face turned pale, and he smiled forcefully, "Instructor Zhao, that's amazing."

"I don't need a pig-headed compliment." Zhao Jianfei waved his hand and said, "Practice hard, when will you meet my requirements? When will I get rid of this boring and boring practice and enter the next stage. From an ordinary veteran to A true expert on light weapons, you still have a lot to go."

Lin Rui silently took the gun in Zhao Jianfei's hand, disassembled it as quickly as possible, and then assembled it again. The rest of the mercenary students also bowed their heads. These veterans who were once top-notch military training in the army were completely convinced this time in front of real experts.

For the next many days, Lin Rui spent almost soaking in this pile of scrap iron in the training camp. He believes that what Zhao Jianfei can do, he can do the same. He has always been proud, because in military training, he has never fallen behind anyone. But Zhao Jianfei let him know that there is no strongest in this world, only stronger.

During the arduous training for more than ten days, Lin Rui's hands were almost worn out. But his knowledge of various weapons has also been tempered invisibly. In the end, he was one of the first batch of students to reach Zhao Jianfei's standards. He can already accurately complete the assembly of each firearm among a pile of parts, and compresses the process within one minute. This is even an unbelievable speed before.

At the same time, Lin Rui did not fall behind Quentin's latency and survival training. He can now lie still in the snow for an entire hour. When he was lurking, even a lonely **** would fall unsuspectingly on his head full of snow. His whole person was like a stubborn rock in Siberian ice and snow, except for those eyes that were still bright like stars.

In contrast, Tang Kun's training is more difficult than the previous two, so the students not only have to receive combat training, but also receive human anatomy training. In his words, if you want to learn the skills of killing people quickly on the battlefield, you must master human anatomy. Only by deeply understanding which parts of the human body are the weakest can we train truly efficient military fighting skills.

The corpses used for the dissection were all transported from outside, and they were still labeled with the Novosibirsk Medical University. Tang Kun will personally guide them to familiarize themselves with every part of the human body. Facing the **** corpses, sometimes Lin Rui felt that he was as cold as these corpses.


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