Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6200: canyon sniper

Chapter 5876 canyon blocking battle

General Claude also heard the roar of the cannon, and couldn't help but jump in his heart.

"Where was the cannon fired?" Claude's adjutant also looked around nervously, looking for the source of the cannonball.

Sure enough, in less than ten seconds, the sound of the second round of cannons sounded again. This time, the cannonball landed less than 100 meters away from Claude's adjutant. Two huge vortexes were also blown up. In the rising black smoke, two broken vehicle fragments fell next to Claude's adjutant, smashing the two high-speed Oromi federal troops head-on. , Before he could scream, he was trampled to death by a panicked companion behind him.

General Claude turned his head hastily. Suddenly, it felt dark in front of him, as if something was expanding in front of him. Without thinking, he hurriedly lowered his head and leaned on the seat tightly, and then felt the back of his head was cold, as if something passed by, slap. With a bang, he smashed the guard on his right off the jeep.

After a while, the frightened General Claude dared to raise his head, only to see that his guard was hit in the chest by a **** corpse. The blood vomited wildly on the spot, the flesh was blurred, and it was no longer difficult to identify.

"The artillery of the Anmore Army!" General Claude was shocked, and then roared hysterically.

It is indeed the Anmore military artillery.

The Orumi Federation Army is heading south to Devil Canyon. The first to catch fire with the Orumi Federation Army in the canyon was Anmore's guard battalion. These Anmor soldiers, they just used manpower and camels to tinker with two 75mm howitzers. These two guns inadvertently became the only heavy weapons of the Anmor army in this battle, and played a role in the subsequent battles. great effect. But at this time, these Anmor warriors didn't know this at all. They just desperately hoped to get ahead of the mercenaries and display the heroic appearance of Anmor warriors.

When the shells fell in the ranks of the soldiers of the Orumi Federal Army. When the violent explosion exploded, many Orumi Federal Army soldiers instinctively fell into chaos. Many of them, in Savile, have seen the deadly fire of Anmor's army, and they definitely don't want to repeat the same mistakes again. However, in the high-speed running, in the dense queue, it is impossible for them to turn around or even turn. Explosion around him.

General Claude realized painfully. It may be worse for me to go south this time. However, after a few minutes of suffering, he soon discovered that the artillery fire of Anmore's army was quite sparse, not comparable to Savile's day. Although each cannonball fell, it would cause several casualties of the Orumi Federation Army knights, but the Anmor Army's cannonballs did not fall fast.

"Go on!" General Claude tried his best to make his voice sound calm and decisive.

After the fierce artillery bombardment that day, many Orumi Federation Army soldiers cast a huge shadow in their hearts. As long as they hear the huge roar, they will involuntarily fall into panic. If they are the supreme commander, they also show panic. The consequences would definitely be out of control. If the troops are really in a panic, let alone continuing to go south, it will be a problem to be able to retreat completely.

"Adjutant!" General Claude roared sharply.

Claude's adjutant hurried over.

General Claude said in a low voice: "mobilize your 10,000-strong team to remove all the garbage in the way!"

Claude's adjutant agreed loudly and turned his head away.

General Claude pulled out his officer's knife and held it high. The golden hilt and blue blade reflected colorful rays of light in the sun. The Oromi Federation Army badge engraved on the knife was illuminated by the sun. , seems to exude boundless energy. General Claude will use this symbol to represent his power and power to encourage all Oromi Federation Army warriors to continue to maintain high morale and strong combat effectiveness, and must not shrink in the slightest. If these candy-like Anmore troops cannot be repelled as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous. It is entirely possible that the Orumi Federation Army will be buried in the desolate land of Devil Canyon.

Under the order of Claude's adjutant, the Oromi Federation Army readjusted the array and launched an organized attack. He personally commanded a team of ten thousand soldiers to launch a violent attack on the Anmore Army garrison, intending to disperse them all at once. They lined up in more than 40 columns, holding their weapons high, and rushing towards the Anmore army's position.

Lin Rui saw from the telescope that he didn't need a telescope at all. The rest of the soldiers could see the charge launched by the Orumi Federal Army with the naked eye. The power of the Olumi Federation Army was indeed very shocking, and it seemed to be overwhelming. The deep breathing and the dense formation were enough to make the opponents of the Orumi Federation Army tremble.

"Machine guns! Machine guns! All concentrated on these rocks!" Khan shouted anxiously.

He absolutely did not believe that the garrison battalion in front of him could stop the enemy's attack. After all, they only had less than 500 troops. In the southern direction of Devil Canyon, it is still necessary for other troops to support the final situation and firmly secure the pockets of the ambush circle.

More than 20 light and heavy machine guns were quickly gathered and erected on the protruding rocks. Khan personally directed them. A large number of magazines were also piled up on the rocks. Dozens of machine gunners were standing by, patiently waiting for the Olumi Federal Army to come.

"Mortar! Mortar! Hit me hard!" Lin Rui decisively ordered the fire when he saw that the soldiers of the Oromi Federation Army had approached the defensive line of the Anmor soldiers.

The shells fell on the soldiers of the Orumi Federation Army, blasting out small vortexes, blowing all the people in the vortex to the side, but they could not stop the soldiers of the Orumi Federation Army. , In less than a few minutes, the soldiers of the Orumi Federation Army and the soldiers of the Anmore Army garrison led by Douro were in short-handed encounters, and they fought in a melee.

The Anmor army soldiers on the front line seemed to be insane. Machine guns and automatic rifles all fired at the same time, and grenades slammed into the enemy like raindrops. Under their blows, the soldiers of the Orumi Federation Army fell to the ground one after another, as if the autumn wind swept the leaves. Especially the strafing of the machine guns, almost a whole row, and even a column of Orumi Federation Army soldiers are all within the machine gun shooting circle.

However, after all, they could not build trenches, and could not completely block the way forward of the Orumi Federal Army soldiers, so their figures were quickly overwhelmed by the Orumi Federal Army soldiers, but they relied on the cover of stones to hide in the stones. The fight continues inside the seam.


This is a typical dogfight.

The Orumi Federation Army wanted to use their speed to cross the front of the Anmor Army, but the isolated stones, dotted with each other, were like small holes in a fishing net, strung together. into a huge fishing net. As long as there are three or four Anmor army soldiers in each stone pile, it can form a dense firepower point. Any Orumi Federation army soldiers passing by nearby will leave a large number of corpses.

Looking through Lin Rui's telescope, the impact of the Orumi Federation Army was indeed very ferocious. They quickly ran the stones occupied by the Anmor Army far behind, but to greet them, there were also More stones, and more Anmor army. They are like very ferocious beasts, passing through a sharp thorn, maybe it can trample all the thorns to the ground, but this thorn will also make it scarred.

Every time the Orumi Federal Army passed a stone, they left a large number of corpses. The more they got to the end, the more people they fell. In the end, it was like a flood that rushed into the great desert recklessly. The great desert absorbs all.

If the number of the Anmor army is small, the Orumi Federation army can undoubtedly pass quickly.

However, the number of Anmor Army is not large now, and there are 2,500 fully armed Anmor Army soldiers standing in front of the Orumi Federation Army.

General Claude looked at everything in front of him helplessly.

On the surface, it seems that this large area is under the control of the Orumi Federal Army, and there are fierce figures of Orumi Federal Army soldiers everywhere. The Anmore Army surrounded by the Orumi Federal Army, and the stones they occupied, seemed to be inconspicuous to the isolated island, as long as a wave gently beat over them, they could all be submerged.

But in fact, the Anmor army hidden in the cracks of the stones is the real master of the battlefield. They seem to penetrate deeply into the soldiers of the Orumi Federal Army. The more the Orumi Federal Army struggles, the more impulsive , the deeper the damage. These deep thorns in the isolated islands in the Orumi Federation Army soldiers are like blood troughs, which will eventually cause the Orumi Federation Army to lose too much blood and die.

As it approached the afternoon, the sun became more intense, and every inch of Devil Canyon was dyed red by the blood of the soldiers of the Oromi Federation Army and the soldiers of the Anmor Army. The rocks here were dyed dark red because of the splash of blood, and under the sunlight, they gave off a shocking look. The weeds swaying in the breeze have all been broken, either by the machine gun bullets fired, or uprooted by artillery grenades, or crushed by the flying mace. Devil's Canyon no longer has any prominent objects.

By about three o'clock in the afternoon, the battle was even more tragic.

Although the Orumi Federation Army soldiers have an advantage in numbers, they can also give full play to their speed and use their high mobility to attack the Anmor Army. However, the stones that looked messy in their eyes, and the Anmor army entrenched near the stones, became pains that they could never clear. Every time they passed by those stones, the Orumi Federal Army had to leave a large number of corpses behind. Many Orumi Federal Army troops were killed by a sudden cold shot before they even realized that death was coming.

What makes the Orumi Federation Army feel even more desperate is that what the Anmor Army deploys is definitely not an ordinary skirmish line, but a continuous in-depth defense. No matter how far they run away, it seems that there will always be security ahead. The gunmen of the Mohr army awaited them.

General Claude is very clear and desperate. He has seen such a situation many times. The soldiers of the Orumi Federal Army are like the tide of the sea, constantly surging upwards. The Anmore Army was like a breakwater, always blocking the path of the Orumi Federation Army soldiers. He didn't even know how many lines of defense the Anmor army had deployed, in short, there was never an end in sight.

He could clearly see from the binoculars that large groups of Orumi Federal Army soldiers rushed over the first line of defense of the Anmor Army, and some of them fell down amid the fierce gunfire. The rest of the Orumi Federation Army knights continued to charge forward. At the second line of defense, amidst the sound of gunfire, another part of the people fell, and the rest continued to charge forward.

At the third line of defense, the number of the remaining Oromi Federation Army soldiers was less than half of the original number. Amid the fierce gunfire, some people fell down, but the Anmor Army still had the fourth and fifth lines. The first, sixth, and even seventh and eighth lines of defense, they are like skinning machines. Layer by layer, all the lives of the Orumi Federation Army were deprived.

When the large groups of Orumi Federal Army soldiers were dispatched, the ground shook, the mountains and plains were covered with darkness, and it seemed that they could destroy everything in front of them, but they actually acted. But it seemed like a raging flood that suddenly rushed to a desert that had been dry for tens of thousands of years, and was gradually absorbed until it disappeared completely. And this desert seems to never end.

"Can you tell how many people there are in the enemy?" General Claude said to his adjutant in a low voice, because he was too desperate and angry when he observed the situation on the battlefield just now. He bit his lip so hard that he unknowingly bleed, but he didn't feel the pain at all. He had already begun to realize that what was standing in front of the soldiers of the Orumi Federation Army was definitely not a makeshift troop, but a real regular army of the Anmore Army, and there were still a lot of them.

The mood of Claude's adjutant was even more desperate and unbelievable than that of General Claude. Now it is their confidant who is attacking the Anmor army. Those were all commandos he had trained by himself. Every member of the team was the best fighter, and many of them were his relatives. Whether in the past or now, they have achieved countless brilliance and created a huge record.

But now, what he can see is no longer the heroism of his subordinates, no longer their glory, but their death. They kept falling down, falling on the overgrown ground, and never moved. Inside the Devil's Canyon, there are already corpses everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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