Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 621: door-to-door business


Long Zhengwu smiled slightly, "Why did you choose us?"

"Because I know that you have this ability, and I also know that you have this intention. {Dream}{][}" Fox waved his hand, "Don't be in a hurry to deny, I know what you think. But even you can See the benefits of working with us."

Long Zhengwu nodded, "I understand that you are the world's largest military manufacturer, involving a variety of defense secrets. From satellites and space technology, to civilian aircraft manufacturing. You have resources that are unimaginable to ordinary people."

"Yes, but it is precisely because of this that we need a large number of security guards every year. But I know that what you can do is not as simple as being a guard at a certain base. Mr. Long, please be blunt. , you have several strong mercenary teams under your command, and they are still growing. But how to make good use of them is what you need to consider." Fox looked at Long Zhengwu and said.

"Yes, our main business is currently in Africa, and we also have some business in South America." Long Zhengwu shrugged.

"Those tasks can be handed over to mercenaries who have been trained for a few days before going to the battlefield. You know that most mercenary tasks are actually not that dangerous. But what I want to discuss with you is the most difficult task. This is what I The reason why you need these outstanding team members. Mr. Long Zhengwu, what I can provide you is a high-risk mission that you can't imagine at all. But at the same time, it also means an absolute high reward. " Fox looked at Long Zhengwu and said.

Long Zhengwu looked at him and smiled slightly, "Like what?"

"There are some highly dangerous and sensitive tasks that the military cannot do, but mercenaries have no restrictions." Fox shrugged, "You know we provide a lot of system support******, we and the military are in the same boat. Some aspects are almost inseparable. So we have a lot of similar tasks in our hands.”

"Dirty work." Long Zhengwu nodded.

"Anyway, the dirty work has to be done by someone, and if you don't do it, other companies will do it. And you know, because there are no guarantees, the price of these kinds of tasks is several times what you and your people are desperately trying to do in Africa. ." Fox sighed. "You know that this is a capital society. It is always easier to follow a powerful consortium than to walk alone."

Long Zhengwu pondered, "Thank you, but I want to know how many opportunities you can provide?"

"I've thought about it for you. At your current size, you're not big enough to take over all the contracts in our hands. But I can assure you that your business can be as big as you want. Our employees have 125,000 people, doing business in 457 cities in 45 U.S. states and 56 countries around the world." Fox looked at Long Zhengwu and said, "Think about how many opportunities we can provide you in such a large market. "

Long Zhengwu smiled slightly, "It's really shocking. But why did we get this opportunity?"

"Because of you, Silver Wolf, and these young people." Fox pointed to Lin Rui and others, "Actually, we have been observing the changes around us and know your situation very well. So we all agreed that you can cooperate. , but like all cooperation, it is not without barriers and restrictions.”

"Oh? What kind of restriction?" Lin Rui frowned.

"First of all, in this year, you can only sign a contract with our military industrial enterprise, which means that you can do business with our counterparts. Of course, if a contract has already been signed, we will compensate you for your losses. ' Fox replied.

"That is to say, Hei Dao Company will only serve you." Lin Rui frowned.

"Of course not, I'm just talking about the same type of military company as ours. Because we are likely to compete with each other in terms of business, and we are involved in a lot of extremely secret projects, it is very important to keep your interests aligned with our company's. Important. The rest doesn't matter. You can continue to do your business in Africa, we have no reason to interfere." Fox smiled slightly.

"That's right, you do have a lot of things to keep secret." Long Zhengwu smiled, "but I'm worried that other people might have an idea about it. You know we're just a new company, and some recent performances have It puts us on the cusp. A lot of people are not very happy with us."

"If you mean the management committee, I don't think you need to worry about it at all. Because everyone knows our position and strength in the committee, and standing by our side, no one dares to say anything to you. Morningstar's Joe He is not a problem at all. And the other people on the management committee have to give us some face." Fox said to Long Zhengwu, "Why are you hesitating, my friend?"

"I suddenly thought, why did you come to give me such a big surprise?" Long Zhengwu smiled and said, "Can you reveal it?"

Fox was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "God, you should be called a fox. You already saw that I have something to do with you."

"And I know, this is definitely not an easy thing to do." Long Zhengwu laughed.

"Okay, UU Reading This will be the first business between us. I have a task for you to complete." Fox nodded. "I need you to help us rescue a hostage."

"Rescue the hostages?" Long Zhengwu frowned. "What kind of hostage?"

"Caucasian, forty-seven years old. Because of the long-term detention, there may be communication barriers. This will make rescue a certain difficulty." Fox shrugged, "The Petak Prison where he is held is very strict. It is specially designed to be confined. The most dangerous prisoners. Like the famous Alcatraz in the United States, Petak Prison is surrounded by water. Petak Prison is located in the White Lake area, which is considered the most beautiful place in Russia, but in stark contrast is the prison inside Brutal reality."

Long Zhengwu was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "Petake prison? The person you want to save is in Russia? Damn, he's locked up in Petak?"

"Yes, he has something in his hand that is very important to us. The company has decided to get him out at all costs." Fox looked at Long Zhengwu and said, "You should understand what it means at all costs."

"I understand, what you mean is that you are willing to spend a lot of money. But with all due respect, if you go to places like Petak, there may not be many people who are willing to take the job." Long Zhengwu shook his head and said.

"Mr. Long, this is a door-to-door business, so are you trying to charge the sky?" Fox said helplessly.

"Dude, we are talking about business." Long Zhengwu sighed and said, "I am asking for a price, you can pay it back on the ground."

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