Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 568: Hellfire Tactics

? Yelena's precise marksmanship made the rest of the militants immediately choose to hide on the spot. This group of people are veteran mercenaries with very rich experience. As soon as they sensed that there were snipers on the other side, they all hid behind the cover and immediately chose other directions to make a roundabout attack.

Lin Rui took advantage of this opportunity and rushed out quickly. The ak47 in his hand continued to shoot, taking advantage of Yelena's sniper suppression, and the opponent did not dare to raise his head, he quickly moved to the other end of the street.

The high-speed movement affected his wound again, and Lin Rui felt a warm wetness in his chest. He knew it was a wound and bleeding. He covered the wound and gasped for a while, then turned the gun and aimed in the other direction.

This direction is the only position that can avoid Yelena's frontal sniping. He can be sure that those mercenaries will pass through here. Lin Rui couldn't even lift his gun. The potency of the military morphine was gradually waning, and he now felt unbearable pain with the slightest movement. The recoil of the shooting was only slightly pressing on his right shoulder, but it could cause severe pain from the wound on his left chest.

He could no longer hold the gun in his hand. In desperation, Lin Rui could only crouch under an abandoned truck and shoot in a prone position. The recumbent shooting stance helps to keep the weapon steady in his hands. He needs to hold the gun more smoothly in order to have more accurate shooting.

"Keep the frontal suppression, and leave it to me to detour from the side." Lin Rui pressed the earphone with one hand and whispered.

"Understood, be careful." Yelena said solemnly, "There are too many of them."

"But they don't know how many people we have." Lin Rui whispered, then took out a grenade, pulled the insurance, and threw it out. The way he threw the grenade was a bit special. Instead of rolling down, he slammed the grenade on the wall on one side and rolled into the street corner by rebounding. To the greatest extent, the grenade can be rolled into the dead corner of the street.

Lin Rui's prediction was very good. When his grenade rolled into the street corner, there was a burst of exclamations covered by the explosion. These mercenaries who came around from the side were obviously not lightly injured. But after a while, someone rushed out. Two mercenaries rolled at the same time, jumped out of the street corner, and started shooting in a half-squatting position. It's just that before they could finish the action, Lin Rui, who was lying on the ground, had already shot two consecutive shots, knocking them backwards.

"Six or seven?" Yelena whispered.

"Seven, I also threw a grenade, so there may be more." Lin Rui rolled out from under the car and quickly left the area where he was staying. The first principle in urban warfare is that constant movement must be maintained, using complex street and terrain shading.

Lin Rui was well versed in these tips, and sure enough, not long after he escaped, a rocket hit the vehicle where he was hiding. With a loud bang, the firelight illuminated Lin Rui's eyes and cheeks, making his pale face due to blood loss appear a morbid red.

"Lin Rui" Yelena exclaimed in a low voice.

"I'm fine, stay in front. There should only be four or five of them left. It's time for me to attack." Lin Rui smiled lightly and touched the blood oozing from his chest. Lin Rui put on another full magazine and whispered, "I hope my luck is good enough."

Then he went out with the gun, not stupid enough to launch a frontal assault, but leaped forward under the cover of the trees by the sidewalk. The mercenary on the opposite side obviously also discovered his intentions.

After paying the lives of many players in succession, the mercenary team of Morningstar Company became especially cautious. They didn't know who they were facing or how many people there were, so after being attacked, they began to shrink their formation consciously, and then suppressed them by firepower. This is the famous "Hellfire" tactic,

The "Hellfire" tactic is actually the most commonly used escape technique for patrol and reconnaissance teams of the U.S. special forces.

When the reconnaissance team suddenly encounters the enemy, the team members who first discover the enemy will automatically shoot in the direction of the enemy, and immediately leave in the opposite direction after firing the magazine; the team members closest to him will also point in the shooting direction when he fires and light up. He disengaged immediately after the magazine; then another member of the team closest to him did the same, and so took turns firing and retreating, running away from the enemy before the enemy woke up from the shock. .

The soldier in the green beret was quoted as describing this tactic: "For the first 30 seconds, it was like God's blessing, no unit in the world could resist this kind of fire and shock; after 30 seconds, God's blessing The side with more people and more guns.”

Compared with the traditional tactics, the traditional tactics are aimed at killing the enemy's multi-directional fire coverage, and the tactical retreat is more demanding. It is not aimed at killing, but is aimed at disrupting the opponent's will and quickly retreating to complete the second-line tactical deployment. The synergy consciousness and obedience spirit have very strict requirements.

These Morningstar mercenaries are indeed veterans of this industry. The strong firepower suppression made it impossible for Lin Rui to continue to pursue. He could only escape from the sidewalk and choose to hide under the corridor of a building. A large number of bullets flew on the street. The Morningstar team has gradually begun to retreat while maintaining the suppression of firepower.

These people must not be allowed to escape. Once they escape, they may find more support. Lin Rui felt a burst of tension and anxiety in his heart. The persistent firepower suppression of those mercenaries also revealed a point, that is, their number and location. Lin Rui has a pair of very keen ears, he can distinguish the type of firearms used by the other party and their location from a long distance.

This method was learned from Zhao Jianfei. After he listened to countless gunshots at the shooting range and actually tested many weapons, he was slightly successful. Zhao Jianfei's younger brother died of a So Zhao Jianfei has been working on finding ways to deal with snipers.

But the result is regrettable, the sniper's first shot is unstoppable. Unless you know the exact location of the sniper. So Zhao Jianfei retreated and asked for the second one. He couldn't guard against the first shot, so he guarded against the second shot. Zhao Jianfei's theory was to judge the sniper's position by the sound of the gunfire, and to fight back decisively before he fired the second shot.

These techniques of his made Lin Rui learn well. In a split second, he could basically tell that there were five other people on the other side. Although they were using the same gun, they were in different positions, resulting in different gunshots.

One of them used an m4a1 with a muffler, but this man used an abandoned car bunker on the street corner. The vibration of the gun body when shooting made the roof of the car have a kind of cavity sound, although the sound was not loud but very clear.

The other also used an m4a1, but without a muffler, and fired in the lobby of a supermarket. The echo of the empty building was enough to reveal his exact location. Several other mercenaries flank him.

Lin Rui closed his eyes slightly, the shooting position of the opponent's mercenary became very clear in his mind, and he had been waiting for an opportunity.


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