Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5503: Build a base

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After returning to the temporary camp, the actuary moved to the shore. Reported the current general situation to Lin Rui.

As for the specific affairs of the mercenary alliance, the actuary Jiangan handled it quite well. The mercenary alliance, which has always been leaderless, has temporarily settled down.

Lin Rui looked at the report submitted by the actuary and nodded to him, "I already knew I should leave these things to you."

"Actually I didn't play a big role, it was the services we brought over from Russia that played a big role.

This group of people is quite capable, they are accountants, lawyers, and some other non-military personnel. They handle everything, including contracts, business disputes, and complex accounting issues.

I'm just in charge of scheduling and commanding. "The actuary Kishi smiled.

"Yeah, the group of people who were recruited from the Russian branch at the beginning is finally time to use them." Lin Rui nodded, "But it's time for us to think about our own business?

What do you think about the establishment of a permanent base? "

"This is necessary. Our business is getting bigger and bigger, and this time we have obtained such a big benefit from the mercenary alliance.

Our business will be further expanded. At present, our business share in Africa has reached nearly 20%.

This is the first time that a private military company has reached such a large scale since the dissolution of the Black Island Company.

And it is foreseeable that in the next few years, our business will develop rapidly, and sooner or later will rush to 30% of the market share.

From an investment perspective, we are a quality stock with a lot of potential. "The actuary smiled.

"So, we have to build a headquarters base camp. Just like the Black Island before, yes. To ensure that our troops can be quickly deployed to any corner of Africa.

What do you think about the location? "Lin Rui looked at the actuary and asked.

The actuary took off his glasses and wiped them with a handkerchief. "We have to find a suitable location, and we also have to take into account the stability of the local political situation.

When all this adds up, there are not many locations to choose from. I did some research after you mentioned it last time.

One of several alternatives was selected and the location was on Lake Victoria. "

"Lake Victoria?" Lin Rui frowned slightly.

“Yes, the largest lake in Africa. Most of it is in Tanzania and Uganda, and a small part belongs to Kenya.

The lake basin covers an area of ​​238,900 square kilometers. The Lake District is one of the most densely populated regions in Africa, with millions of people living within an 80-kilometer radius along the coast, almost all of whom speak the Bantu language. The lake is navigable by local steamboats.

Ferries on Lake Victoria have been an important means of transport between Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya since the 1990s.

There is a nice island there, the location is quite good, the water transport plane can stop or take off at any time.

There we can avoid distractions and have a great location for quick access to the rest of Africa. ' explained the actuary, Kishi.

"Sounds good." Lin Rui nodded.

"The important thing is that the island was once a French army station, and then the French army withdrew, and the island remained.

There is some infrastructure on the island, but it's all deserted. If it is refurbished, it can be put into use in a short time.

I have already contacted the relevant countries and leased the island from them. If there are no problems, the lease can be as long as thirty or fifty years.

For a small fee, we can get access there. But including other construction on the island is a lot of money.

But with our current capabilities, these are not problems at all. As long as you nod, I'll find someone to do it right away. "

Lin Rui nodded, "Is there any problem?"

"Absolutely not. I've looked into the details. If we get there, we'll start building.

I reckon it will be ready for use by next summer. Of course, this is a process that cannot be done overnight.

Compared with this, I am more concerned about the recruitment of personnel. After the base is completed, the scale of the company needs to be expanded, and we need a large number of personnel.

Around Lake Victoria is the most densely populated area in Africa, and we can get a training camp there. We can provide a large number of soldiers every year.

You also know that Uganda is currently the largest exporter of African mercenaries. Many people there are willing to join mercenaries, and most of them have experience in military operations.

This is also an advantage for us. "The actuary nodded Kishi.

"What is the current situation of the replenishment of troops in each unit?" Lin Rui asked.

"So far, the situation is quite good. Most of the troops we lost before have been effectively replenished.

But just the basic resources are not enough. We are already thinking of ways to recruit some cadres, mainly retired soldiers. Certainly not in Africa.

African soldiers have good physical strength but are lazy, and have good physical fitness, but are loose and timid. The military quality is quite poor. That's why they are cheap.

Therefore, the most ideal target is still European and American countries. Especially some military powers. The military quality of the soldiers there is guaranteed, and like Russia or the United States, there are retired soldiers who have participated in the battle.

Some of them fought in the Caucasus, some in Afghanistan. There are also some professional mercenaries who do this at all.

These people are asking high prices, but there is a reason for the high prices. Compared with the African black buddies, they have more military qualities. ' replied the actuary, Kishi.

" If you want to make a group of new African mercenaries have a look, you must have such old guys. Only with such experience, veterans are the real backbone. The higher the price, the higher the price. , but I must find the best one." Lin Rui nodded.

"You can rest assured, boss, in this regard, the company's human resources department is working on this matter.

We have launched open recruitment to many countries through website announcements.

The risk is high, but the income is attractive enough. As long as the salary offered is generous enough, the number of people who sign up will not be small. "The actuary nodded Kishi.

"I can finally rest for a while." Lin Rui sat on the chair. "This time is really tiring. We have just finished the mission in Western Sahara, and are busy fighting for power in the mercenary alliance.

Just taking this opportunity, let the brothers rest and take a big vacation. "

The actuary nodded Kishi, "I think so too, but I'm afraid it's not time for us to rest yet."

"What do you mean? There's a new mission?" Lin Rui frowned.

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