Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5306: Dawn Shelling

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For a moment, the fire was shining. The shells fell continuously into the camps of the jihadist terrorists. The smoke soared into the sky, and a thunderous roar exploded.

The mortar shells slid in high arcs, screeching down, bursting with clouds of fire and smoke. And those rocket shells are blooming in all directions. With a roar, it shot at the enemy's camp and exploded. The ground shook, and plumes of smoke rose from the desert.

The tent camp of the Jihad Alliance is like dancing. People and objects exploded everywhere, and the flames of the explosion set the tent on fire.

Due to the shortage of mortar shells and no high-explosive shells, a small number of incendiary shells were also fired. These incendiary bombs worked wonders.

The jihadist alliance's camp was in flames. The frightened camels neighed and stomped wildly. A large number of jihadist militants. In the black smoke, in the raging fire, running around.


"Kill them!" Cheers erupted from the mercenary unit's position.

These enemies are like rats on fire, scurrying about.

It was all firelight and black smoke, and a tragic howl could be heard faintly.

Lin Rui's sudden attack that did not talk about martial arts caused these terrorists of the Jihad Alliance to suffer huge losses.

Most of the terrorists were kneeling on the blankets in prayer when the shelling took place. A frenzied shelling blows them upside down.

The jihadist camp was in chaos. Because they've always been on the offensive side. The opponent has always been passive defense.

They did not expect that the mercenaries who were guarding the Hart Dry River on the opposite side would suddenly attack them at this time.

And the scale of the bombardment was quite large. The shells that fell one after another exploded violently like thunder in a hurricane. Some tents in the camp were completely overturned, and some rocks were blown to pieces.

Fragments of cracked tents churned in black smoke and flames.

The jihadist alliance terrorists, who were lucky enough to survive, climbed out of the fireworks. His face was covered in blood, and his body was on fire.

It took a long time for these terrorists to regroup.

Their mustache commander, after getting the report of the loss of the troops, was so angry that he almost led the team to the front line desperately.

After being dissuaded by other militants, he issued the most severe order, the whole army attacked, and launched the most violent counterattack against the enemy.

But after all, this round of attack cost them a lot, even the crazy mustache officers attacked with the most concentrated force. Their attack strength is far less than yesterday.

Cannonballs and bullets roared and roared all over the positions along the Hart Dry.

The mercenaries used all their strength to block them again at the front of the position.

Multiple firepower points poured a large number of torrential bullets on these enemy troops.

After blocking the enemy's second attack in a row, Lin Rui asked to minimize the reliance on machine gun firepower, considering the lack of existing medicine.

This means that the enemy will be closer to the position. The firepower of these machine guns can only be used at the most critical time.

And at this moment, the good news came.

The transport convoy that was sent out before came back. The mercenary leading the transport was a Nigerian black.

After the convoy arrived, he flew all the way over to report. He gasped with his mouth wide open, and sweat was accompanied by dust, blood, and mud on his face, making his face unrecognizable.

In addition to being a black man, the only things he could see on his face were his eyes and a set of white teeth.

The transport team brought their most urgently needed water and ammunition, and Lin Rui finally breathed a sigh of relief with their arrival.

"Why so long?" Lin Rui asked while looking at the black mercenary.

"We encountered the enemy at the supply point, but we beat them back with the brethren in charge of the supply point guard.

And on our return we encountered another enemy force and lost a car. ' The Black Mercenaries reported.

"Okay, let's go. Distribute the supplies, especially the ammunition. The ammunition of several important firepower points must be replenished first." Lin Rui nodded.

The arrival of the supplies boosted the morale of the mercenary troops, and this time the attack launched by the Jihad Alliance troops was repelled.

Most of the enemies who attacked the frontal positions fled back, and at least hundreds of them were knocked down on the ground, with dead bodies and wounded soldiers lying in a large area.

"It looks like they lost a lot." Eric leaned against the edge of the ditch with a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Damn, you're the most comfortable kid. We were beaten all over, this guy Sergey was blown away by the grenade, and the bad movie almost cut his head off.

You are not injured, and you are wearing a pair of sunglasses here to pretend to be cool. Do you think this is a vacation? "Scarface was upset when he saw Eric.

"I'm a technical soldier. The most valuable things in my body are my eyes and my hands. Of course, my eyes have to be protected from such blazing sunlight." Eric stretched his waist, "Let's say I kill There are no less people than you."

"Damn snipers, they will hide in the distance and shoot cold shots." Scarface said helplessly. "This is not a sniper position. What are you doing here?"

"There is a situation Eric came over and said to Lin Rui, "Imilikli, there is news that they have just won it. "

"Imiricli was taken down?" Lin Rui finally let go of his dangling heart. "Communication with the command has been cut off, where did you get the news?"

"From the enemy." Eric replied, "I took two brothers and circled to the high ground over there from the flank. From there, I can see the situation of the opponent's camp."

"You ran close enough," Lin Rui frowned slightly.

"Snipers have to look for high-value targets, and that's what we do.

Having said that, you don't want me to use a sniper rifle with tens of thousands of dollars and expensive sniper ammunition to shoot and kill a small minion.

I touched the brothers, just to try my luck and see if I could find an opportunity to kill a few enemy officers. ' Eric shrugged.

"Then how do you know? Imricli has been taken down?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Judging from the reaction of the enemy forces, they were planning to launch another attack after the operation just now.

But I noticed that their attacking force suddenly stopped moving during the build-up.

Not only did the assembly suddenly stop, but it also disbanded immediately. Also, I found out that they disbanded the team in preparation for the evacuation. ' Eric replied.

"The enemy is ready to evacuate? Wait a minute, but there is no sign here..." Lin Rui frowned.

"That's why I came back to report. This group of enemies was originally going to support Imricli. They suddenly gave up the attack and prepared to withdraw.

It shows that their mission objectives have changed, and Imricli has lost the need for support. That said, the actuary may have taken that down there. "Eric whispered.

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