Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5261: choice puzzle

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Lin Rui nodded, "The point is, we don't know what follow-up methods they have now. Therefore, we can only see what we can do. And this will make us more passive."

"Otherwise, I'll go to urge the intelligence team again?" Actuary Kishi asked in a low voice.

"It's useless. If there is news, the Eye of Horus intelligence team will definitely notify us. But if they don't have news, no matter how much you urge them, it can't be created out of nothing." Lin Rui shook his head. "And we all know how secretive the secret society organization is."

The actuary Kishi sighed lightly and agreed.

A few days later, more news finally came. The Orumi Federation Army, which is affiliated with the Six Nations Anti-Terrorism Alliance, has undergone two rest periods. Finally, a large-scale offensive was launched against the terrorists.

In addition to the previous incident of killing the leader of the terrorist organization, the counter-offensive operation of the Oromi Federal Army was very hot, and was once called the greatest offensive operation of the joint counter-terrorism force in the history of the major media.

Lin Rui convened a high-level officer meeting immediately after he got the news. Hassan and Quinn and other officers all gathered in the conference room.

Some of them have already learned the news through other channels. Others are not aware of the full-scale counter-offensive of the Orume Federal Army.

"The Oromi coalition forces took the initiative to attack the areas occupied by terrorists?" General Hassan shook his head in surprise, "What's the matter? Although one is an anti-terrorist force and the other is a terrorist organization.

But we are all aware of their relationship to each other. Will they actively fight terrorism? Either it's another trick, or it's just nonsense trying to distract us. "

The actuary Kishi whispered. "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Otherwise, the secret society wouldn't make it so big."

"Mr. Rick, what do you think?" General Quin looked at Lin Rui and asked.

"This matter is definitely not easy." Lin Rui stared at the map closely. "At present, the Orumi Federation Army has begun to move towards the area where the terrorists gather.

I doubt their target, most likely Ceballera. "

"Sabaella?" General Quin said in surprise. "No? At present, Seballa is surrounded by three of us. How could they set their target there?"

"Simply because the terrorists who occupied Saibaera had nowhere to go.

The secret society armed forces launched an offensive against Saibayera under the guise of anti-terrorism. Everything seems to be in order. " Lin Rui replied.

"But Seballa is under our siege. How did they get there?" General Quin was puzzled.

"It's very simple. They will ask Morocco or the Western Sahara People's Front to cooperate. They will take the initiative to release the defense line of Gushou. So that they can launch a surprise attack on Saibayera." Lin Rui replied.

"But Sebayela is currently surrounded by our three parties. What if we don't agree to the intervention of the Orume Federal Army? In this case, wouldn't they have nothing to do?" Hassan asked.

"No, there is actually a way. If any of us refuses them, it will be considered to be sabotaging the regional situation, and may even be accused of colluding with terrorists." Lin Rui replied, "This That's why they're so high-profile, and they're promoting this counter-offensive."

"But it's not right. The area controlled by the terrorists is in the east. Isn't it strange that they didn't go to the east to fight, but went to Sebaera?" General Quin shook his head.

Lin Rui explained, "Because there are at least 4,000 terrorists in Sebayera. They can be said to be trying to recapture Sebayera. Rescue Sebayera from the clutches of terrorists.

And as long as any of us dares to stop them, they will immediately be condemned by public opinion. "

"Condemn it, condemn it, who is afraid of this." General Hassan didn't take it seriously at all.

"If we get to this point, we will add more pressure. First of all, the relationship between me and you and the Americans may be frozen.

You're going to lose U.S. military assistance, and it's not up to us. The Popular Front for Western Sahara, the Moroccan anti-terrorist forces, are likely to make way for them.

They will eventually attack the terrorists in Sebaera without hesitation. Of course, only a feint is needed, and the terrorists will surrender as soon as the Orumi Federal Army enters.

That is, they even have a chance to take those terrorists away. So as to break the dilemma we set. "Lin Rui pointed to the map.

"In other words, under the banner of counter-offensive in name, they actually want to help these terrorists get out of their way." Actuary Kishi frowned slightly.

"It should be like this. You see, we have used Sebayela as a trap before, trapping the terrorist force of more than 4,000 people here.

And what about the other main terrorists? The pincer offensive formed by the Popular Front for Western Sahara and Morocco's anti-terrorist forces was firmly confined to this area.

On the one hand, these terrorists cannot take care of themselves. On the other hand, it completely blocked their westward road. "Lin Rui drew a straight line on the map.

"Look again, because of the intervention of the Orubi Federal Army, they are currently in this position. In the name of liberating Sebayera, these terrorists can be rescued from Sebayera."

General Quin shook his head, "This is too blatant, isn't it? Are they not afraid of being detected by covering up terrorists so much?"

"No one can detect. As long as the two sides cooperate, incorporating these terrorists into the Orumi Federal Army is just a matter of a uniform.

If they really want to explain they can also kill some innocent civilians. Impersonating the terrorist they killed. They have done this kind of thing, and it's not the first time.

Rather than helping the terrorists get out of their way, the more important thing is that the Orumi Federal Army will take the opportunity to control Sebayera.

The rest is up to them to play freely. For example, they will say that a large number of terrorists have fled westward, and they will lead their troops to pursue them.

Under reasonable pretexts, carry out a de facto westward plan. And now they have actually controlled the jihadist alliance.

Feel free to speak up through the Jihadist Alliance and declare that they have entered the northwest of Western Sahara.

Faced with such a situation, what can we do? To chase or not to chase? To catch up means that it can no longer continue to suppress the terrorist forces.

If they don't catch up, follow the Orumi Federation forces deep into the northwestern part of Western Sahara. It is likely to lead to more serious consequences.

I guess this is the problem that the secret society has given us. "Lin Rui looked at everyone in the conference room.

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