Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5244: General's slap

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"I don't believe you would do this. This is in my barracks, my headquarters," the Moroccan commander snapped.

"That's right, this is your military camp, your headquarters. So when I hold you hostage, no one dares to move." Lin Rui looked at him and said solemnly, "So you have two choices now, or get caught. I'll take it away and use it as a hostage in exchange for my people. Or, let it go now. I don't want to be a hostage, and it won't look good in face."

The Moroccan commander was in a difficult situation. He never thought that these mercenaries were not only bold, but also so difficult to deal with. Don't buy his account at all.

At this time, one of his staff officers took the initiative to step up and go down the steps. "Mr. Rick, I don't think it's necessary to get to this point.

You just let the general go, and we let your men go. "

"The five minutes I gave you have already wasted thirty seconds. If you continue to dwell on this topic, I think you can only follow me." Lin Rui raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

"Release!" The Moroccan commander could only grit his teeth. "Mr. Rick, I want you to remember what you did today."

"Don't talk nonsense." Sergey put a gun to his head, forcing him to shut up.

In a few minutes, several mercenaries from Jiang An and the intelligence team were pushed and escorted down.

Each of these mercenaries had wounds on their faces, but they were all laughing and laughing nonchalantly. "I said earlier, you have to let us go."

Lin Rui turned his head to look at the Moroccan commander, "What's going on?"

"I brought you the person you wanted, what else do you want?" the Moroccan commander said viciously.

"Damn, how dare you hit my people?!" Lin Rui stepped up and kicked the Moroccan commander to the ground.

Just as the other officers in the headquarters were about to move, the mercenaries all raised their guns with a bang.

"Anyone who wants to die, move it and show me! Save me the wrong person." Kuaima shouted sharply with his weapon in hand.

The Moroccan commander fell to the ground and was kicked as soon as he got up.

Lin Rui stepped on his chest and looked at him and shook his head, "Do you know who they are? They may not be the best fighters in the world. But they are much stronger than guys like you."

"" The Moroccan commander was embarrassed. "You are a bunch of lunatics."

"That's because you haven't seen us crazy. You haven't fought the enemy face to face, you just sit in the command room and drink coffee, thinking you have a plan.

It depends on the people below to help you die. You treat the people below as ants, they work hard for you, and they have to flatter you. That's what you generals do.

My gang, any of them, can bring you down and kill you in a minute. Do you think you can insult them wantonly? What the **** are you doing? ! "Lin Rui said sharply.

The actuary walked over to Kishi and patted him on the shoulder, "Forget it, it's not worth it, talk to him so much nonsense."

"Forget it? Is there such a thing as cheap?" Lin Rui glared at the Moroccan commander fiercely.

"Mr. Rick...what else do you want? My people are a bit heavy, but I have already handed them all to you." The Moroccan commander finally persuaded.

Lin Rui put him up, then turned around and said to the released mercenaries, "Come here. Each of you slaps him twice, and this matter is over."

"What?" The Moroccan commander didn't react.

The actuary slapped Kishi on the face, "Let me come first."

This guy Jiangan is very smart. As soon as he looks at his posture today, he knows that Lin Rui is on fire.

If he doesn't speak this way, I'm afraid he won't be able to cooperate with the Moroccans.

So he took the lead and fought.

These mercenaries were laughing and laughing, but they didn't show any mercy. Several people took turns to go into battle, each with two slaps.

The Moroccan commander's face was red and shiny, and it was swollen high.

"You, you..." The Moroccan commander spoke, and his words were a little unclear.

Lin Rui only stood up at this time, turned around and walked out. "Don't act rashly, be careful of the vests on your body. Find out about the remote control detonation. It's better to wait until we go far enough to exceed the remote control distance before trying to take it off."

The mercenaries all got into the car with a sneer, and followed Lin Rui and others away.

After they left, the officers helped the Moroccan commander up.

"Be careful of the vest on your body..." The Moroccan commander pushed away the officer who was supporting him, "Don't get too close to me, be careful to rub against static electricity."

The officer found a dagger and slowly cut along the edge of the bomb vest strapped to the Moroccan commander.

It took a lot of work to get the vest off the Moroccan commander.

Several other officers also assisted each other and took off their bomb vests.

Suddenly, an officer exclaimed, and everyone in the headquarters was startled. Thought something was wrong with him.

"What's going on?" the Moroccan commander asked calmly.

"Broken, the vest is broken..." It turned out that the officer accidentally cut the bomb when it was cleared.

But isn't there a bomb inside? But yellow sand.

The other officers don't immediately lower their heads to examine the bomb vests removed from themselves.

It was found that there was nothing in it except that it was filled with sand and a few wires were pretended to be plugged in.

In the so-called bomb vest, there is not even a single bomb at all. They are all filled with yellow sand, as if they were taken nearby in the desert.

The Moroccan commander and the officers were all silent for a and a minute later the Moroccan commander almost went wild. "Too despicable, too despicable! Shameless!"

In the car that had gone away, the actuary turned Kishi's head and looked behind him, "You said that if they found out that the so-called bomb vest was just a weight-bearing sandbag vest for training, what would their expression be?"

"I guess the expression on the commander's face is the same. After all, his face is so swollen, I'm afraid he can't see any expression anymore." Sergey mocked.

"This is the first time in my life that I have slapped a general." A mercenary looked at his hand, "This is the hand that has slapped a general."

"If it weren't for the fact that the two sides still have a cooperative relationship, I don't want to make things too ugly. I'm afraid it wouldn't be a matter of two slaps, this time it's cheap for him." Lin Rui said coldly.

"I think you're going too far. Moroccans are still an important partner of our cooperation. There's no need to fight with such a person." The actuary Kishi shook his head.

"This is not just a battle of wills. I want the Moroccans to understand. Although we cooperate with them, we are not their dogs." Lin Rui said calmly and authentically.

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