Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1736: Secret Society Advisor

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At noon the next day, when Lin Rui and others were busy reorganizing their troops and completing the handover with the government army. There are also some people in the rebels who are busy. Several people in gray combat uniforms are beside the bombed artillery position, checking the artillery that was bombed out last night.

The rebel leader was yelling at several rebel officers, obviously extremely dissatisfied with the attack on the artillery position yesterday. The rebel leader became more and more scolded, took out his pistol on the spot, and was about to be executed. But a man in a gray combat uniform came over and held his hand, "General, this has nothing to do with them. The people who come are experts, and there will be no more than ten, or even fewer."

The rebel leader was even more furious, "A dozen people destroyed my artillery position, these **** idiots, what the **** did they do. I originally thought that these artillery pieces could continue to put pressure on Leta City, but now they are all in vain. Damn, they should be shot, all shot!"

"Even the most elite people under you can't guard against this raid team." Another man in gray walked over and pointed at the wreckage of the artillery, "The blasting technique is very professional, and only people who are very familiar with the structure of the artillery. , can the artillery be bombed like this. This is not done by the government army, it should be an experienced mercenary squad."

"Mr. Powell, you mean, this was done by mercenaries?" the rebel leader frowned.

"That's right." The man in gray picked up a shell from the ground and threw it to him, "5.56mm NATO bullet. The opponent is using an M4A1 automatic rifle, or a German mg4 light machine gun. So this raid team is extremely It is possible that they are mercenaries of the Black Isle Company. Because there is a defense contract between the Black Isle Military Company and General Kofi. According to our information, they should have a small force in Leta City, about five or six hundred people. ."

"These **** mercenaries." The rebel leader said angrily. "Mr. Powell, you are the military advisers you have assigned to me. Can't you give me some advice?"

"My advice to you is to strengthen your vigilance, especially your personal vigilance." Powell looked at him and said, "These mercenaries are small in number, but they are good at special raid operations. If they cannot win head-on, they may Again with a similar surprise attack, decapitating you. So you better strengthen your personal guard."

"Are you kidding me? Mr. Powell, we have already surrounded Leta City, and it's only a matter of time before we capture the capital. How could they still organize a counterattack, or even assassinate me?" The rebel leader said disdainfully.

"I'm not kidding, you better pay attention. In addition, we must report this situation to the Baron." Powell shook his head. He ignored the rebel leader and walked a few steps, took out the communicator and said in a low voice, "Baron, I'm in Anmore, there are some situations here that you need to know."

"Don't waste time, just say it directly." The voice on the phone was cold and authentic.

"There are about five hundred mercenaries from the Black Island Company. Although they are currently suppressed in Leta City. But they organized a surprise attack yesterday and blew up the artillery positions outside Redstone Town. The rebel leader Getting **** off," Powell replied.

"I know that there is indeed a mercenary from the Black Isle Company operating there, but I still say that, we will not send anyone directly to the war. We have to make good use of those rebels. Help them create more for the government army. Trouble, this is the best way to make the Black Island Company unable to fight back." The Red Baron said indifferently.

"I understand, it's just that I'm worried that this small group of mercenary troops will cause some trouble." Powell whispered.

"Regardless of them, under the pressure of the big army, this small army can't turn the sky." The red baron said coldly, "What you have to do is to control those rebel leaders and let him act according to our ideas."

"Understood." Powell nodded. "So far his actions are still within the scope of our regulations. We control their funds and arms, they can only listen to us. Although their successive victories have made these The Turkish warlord is a little bit flirtatious, and he really thinks of himself as an African Napoleon."

"Then beat them up and let them know who the boss is." The Red Baron said lightly.

"Yes, Baron." Powell nodded. He put away the communicator and turned towards the rebels. "General, in view of this unexpected situation. I need your people to strengthen night patrols, all units."

"Don't worry, I have given an order. If my people encounter this situation again. They suffer losses, but not even a single enemy is killed, I will personally execute the shooting of the commander involved." The rebel leader said viciously. .

"It's best, Your Excellency, we've besieged the capital. Victory, I don't want you and your subordinates to wreck our whole plan. So I consulted with the Baron just now. He felt that we were serving as military advisors. , should not just stand by and watch, but should be more deeply involved in commanding operations." Powell smiled.

"Of course, I am absolutely loyal to Mr. Baron." The rebel leader said with a smile.

"So in the next month, all the combat plans of your troops will be reviewed and approved by us. Military transfers require our approval. How do you feel about your Excellency General?" Powell looked at the rebel leader and asked.

"This... are you going to take over my command? Or do you have any doubts about my ability?" The rebel leader frowned somewhat Neither. It's just that our plan has reached a critical stage. The Baron didn't want anything to go wrong at this critical juncture. That's why it is recommended. General, you are well aware of our partnership. The Baron values ​​your popularity in the region very much, so he will not spare financial and material resources to support you. To put it bluntly, your success will depend on whether the Baron can recover his investment from you. "Powell said slowly.

"Of course, of course, I like working with the Baron very much, and I promise him that the conditions will never change." The rebel leader immediately said with interest. These African warlords have always been like this, if you have milk, you are a mother. Whoever gives money to weapons, they will listen to whoever.

Powell nodded with satisfaction, "General, I believe you will be a very wise leader. Then the conditions I just proposed..."

"No problem, I will meet any of your requirements." The rebel leader nodded with a smile, but he had already scolded him in his heart. "You're just the Red Baron's dog, what are you doing here? I'm following you now, and when we take down Leta City, the overall situation has been decided, you guys are nothing!"

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