Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1731: Demoman

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

"Withdraw, withdraw. Fourth, where did you die?!" Ah Hu turned around and scolded in dissatisfaction as he shot.

He hoped that the fourth child who was responsible for installing the blasters would show up as soon as possible, wipe out these **** artillery in one go, and then retreat together. It's best to get back before dawn, before you can get into the broken basement and get a good night's sleep. In the past few days, he slept for five or six hours in the afternoon and was exhausted.

Suddenly, Ah Hu noticed that a bush on the front **** was shaking slightly. He picked up the binoculars and looked over, and a fourth child was quickly retreating. "It's done, we're pulling back. We're going to blast these **** to the sky." The fourth child's voice rang in the communication headset.

Just as his voice finished speaking, a fire in the distance lit up, and gunshots rang out. The fourth child seemed to have suddenly lost his center of gravity while running, and leaned aside.

"Damn it! The fourth child was shot. There must be an ambush in the woods! I saw the muzzle flame." Ah Hu howled while holding the earphone, took the gun and rushed over, suppressed by a burst of fire. Looking behind the fourth, the weeds and shrubs there did not sway at all.

"It's another team of the rebels! The man just now saw the real number of us. We can't let him send the reconnaissance results back! Otherwise, the rebels will ignore the suppression and swarm up." Lin Rui pointed to the fourth child in a deep voice. The direction of retreat: "Sniper, kill him!"

The sniper, Peng Lefeng, got up in response, put the gun stock on his shoulder, and quickly completed the aiming and firing. The flames at the muzzle seemed like three faint flames suddenly appeared in the darkness. On the heads of the rebels, almost At the same time, dark red blood appeared.

"Good job, Hu, cover me." Lin Rui shouted in a low voice, he and another team member in charge of blasting rushed up. The fourth child who fell to the ground was dragged back. The other two team members who rushed forward immediately raised their guns to suppress the rebels behind them. Several rebels were suppressed by this rapid firepower, and they shrank their heads and hid behind the mound and did not move!

The two machine guns at the back of the camp were still screaming "click, click", and the red bullet trajectory was clearly seen in the night vision goggles. Lin Rui turned around and shouted, "Relocate!"

Before he finished speaking, a spot of light suddenly lit up in his night vision goggles, and Lin Rui turned his head to look at the flank. Five or six black rebels stood up like ghosts on the **** and threw something into the woods with their hands up.

"Grenade! Right side!" Ah Hu shouted anxiously. Lin Rui's reaction was one step faster than his, and the faint light spot in the night vision device could be magnified several times. He saw the grenade thrown over. It was the faint reflection of the grenade when the rebels raised their arms. Lin Rui pulled the fourth brother and rolled to one side, and shouted in a low voice: "The enemy is on the right hillside, detonate the bomb, and all evacuate..." He then jumped to move his position. After paying the body, the thing exploded with a "Boom!" The distance of the explosion was about ten meters. Although Lin Rui chose a good evasion angle and was not hit by shrapnel, it was not pleasant to be shocked by the air waves of the explosion.

"Let's go, fourth child." Lin Rui rolled over and grabbed the fourth child, but he grabbed the sticky blood in his hand.

"Press!" The fourth child gritted his teeth and stuffed a **** wireless detonator into Lin Rui's hand.

Lin Rui knew that this shot on the fourth child was not easy, and he didn't even have the strength to make a fist. He pressed the fourth child's head and pressed the detonator. Amidst the loud noise of the continuous explosion of the artillery position, Lin Rui dragged the fourth child and continued to run back. Ah Hu rushed over to help them. The artillery on the artillery position was shrouded in huge fireballs one after another, and the rebels were even more panicked, and some people were already fleeing backwards.

"Go, it's done, withdraw all. Withdraw!" Lin Rui shouted in the communication headset as he turned to shoot. The flash of fire reflected his sweaty face.

Ah Hu and another mercenary evacuated back with the injured fourth. Lin Rui frowned and turned around, "No, we can't escape like this, and they will catch up with us soon."

"Xiao Lin, what's your idea? We'll listen to you!" Peng Lefeng said loudly.

"Evacuate with someone first, I'll get a car over here!" Lin Rui whispered.

"Are you crazy to get a car? The cars are parked next to those guys' tents." Peng Lefeng said in surprise.

Lin Rui whispered, "You must get a car and drive back quickly. Otherwise, we will have no way to get rid of them in this **kilometer distance. Their pickup trucks will catch up with us and use machine guns to turn us into a hornet's nest."

"Then I'll cover you!" Peng Lefeng said loudly.

"Follow me!" Lin Rui patted him. Lin Rui quickly and secretly walked around to the front of the enemy. He tumbled and leaped forward, then slumped and rolled sideways. Seeing Peng Lefeng behind him, a heart was raised in his throat. Lin Rui suddenly felt bad. With several years of fighting experience of licking blood at the edge of a knife, he has developed an almost intuitive sixth sense, accompanied by slow and fine footsteps, in the bursts of gunshots like fried beans.

He stopped suddenly, because he suddenly realized that it wasn't just his own voice that entered his ears.

enemy! Lin Rui, who was crawling, quickly turned his head to the side, and found a weed through which the shadow of the enemy was passing through. He was squatting and sneaking towards the left side. Lin Rui was less than twenty meters away from him. A heart almost jumped out.

shot? No, now Lin Rui and others are still at a disadvantage. Most of the team members have retreated. He and Peng Lefeng are not dominant in firepower. The slash here is less than 50 meters away from the front of the enemy. Even if the m4a1 with a muffler is used, it is easy to expose the target; and then the exchange of fire is triggered again~www Losing concealment and suddenness, they have to fight the enemy with inferior firepower and numbers, which will only be more dangerous.

what to do? Because Lin Rui was crawling in the bushes, the outflanking enemy got up and bent over to search forward because of the light and a few desert plants. These rebels did not find Lin Rui in front of their field of vision. He was still cautious but didn't realize it, and was still looking for Lin Rui and Peng Lefeng, who were hiding and searching for the approximate location.

Lin Rui decided to take a risk, he secretly put away the gun, and took the hilt of the combat knife around his waist with the other hand. Holding his breath, he crawled towards the shadow of the enemy at a slow speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, and the enemy also cooperated to touch this side. Even though the surrounding is hot, but the small wilderness is filled with a dignified and treacherous murderous intent, and life and death are decided in an instant!

The enemy still didn't notice, and secretly lurked Lin Rui on the side of his forward line. Lin Rui fell to the ground, quietly hiding his entire body behind a few bushes of desert plants. Listen to the crunch of the enemy stepping on the dead grass step by step, and the rubbing sound of thatch hanging on the enemy. Lin Rui, who was lying on the ground, had never felt that the night air was so cold at this moment, and the blade of the combat knife was colder than the air.

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