Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1686: false information

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

Cobain's work efficiency is extremely high, because he not only has the support of the mainframe computer, but also has a very strong hacking team. In fact, he and several people on his team are among the top 20 hackers in the world. He himself is a legendary figure in the history of computer network crime.

More than an hour later he had news.

"Captain Rick, I found it," Cobain called.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Lin Rui replied immediately.

Cobain said solemnly, "You guys really have a good idea. I just checked the guards' private account information. A total of six people have recently opened new accounts, and there is an inflow of funds. And strangely, these accounts are Neither are in the US.

But in Europe, Brussels. The source of funding is several offshore companies operating outside the two countries. I believe all of this is done to avoid tracing, and it's handled very smartly. "

"Well done, there must be something wrong with those guards. I need their information and the area they are responsible for." Lin Rui said solemnly. "Maybe we'll follow them and find the **** strategist."

"I have already found out that my system and their system belong to parallel, not only have access rights to the fbi system. And even if they trace it, they can only trace it to a higher authority. I will send you their information. ." Cobain replied. "You owe me another favor, Captain."

"Keep the accounts first, and pay them back together later." Lin Rui shook his head, hung up the communication, and turned to Jiang Andao, "Actuary, come here, Cobain has information to pass over. Receive it, and then we will study it."

"Understood, I'm downloading, okay." Jiang Kishi turned the pictures and information on the tactical computer to the players.

"Everyone has paid attention, come here. This is Cobain who found several suspicious people through the Internet. They are all guards at the Quantico base. According to their information, they were all soldiers before, and they were in the same company. The anti-terrorist unit, after retiring, entered the FBI as a security guard with good performance and achievements." Kishi pointed to several humanitarians on the screen.

"You mean, they were all bribed?" Crazy Horse frowned, "Is there any evidence?"

"The proof is that they have all become millionaires in the last week. And the source of funds all point to the same company." Lin Rui said, "Let's take a look at the warning area they are responsible for. The two are lobby guards. , the other is for the office area, and the other is responsible for the training area. The last two are responsible for the peripheral security. Actuary, transfer the floor plan and place these guards in their respective areas. "

Kishi nodded, "According to the information already available, the main body of the FBI National Academy includes 3 dormitory buildings, 1 restaurant, 1 teaching building, 1 forensic research and training center, and 1 auditorium with 1,000 seats. , 1 small chapel, 1 large gym, 1 outdoor track and 1 fully equipped auto repair shop.

In addition, there is a simulation city in the National Academy, which is specially used for the actual combat simulation of the students of the FBI training academy. There are also 1 indoor shooting range, 8 outdoor shooting ranges, 4 flying saucer shooting ranges and a 200-meter rifle submachine gun shooting range near Sim City.

For the convenience of action, we divided the whole place into four areas: a, b, c, and d. The positions of these guards almost cover the above four districts. This makes it very difficult for us to guard against and have no idea where they are going to attack. "

Lin Rui nodded, "This is indeed a problem."

"Why are we so troublesome?" Sergey frowned. "How about finding these people and killing them?"

"Not much." Lin Rui shook his head. "This will startle the snakes. If the strategists are scared back, we will do all this in vain. And this is just a suspicion, and we are not completely sure that these people were bought by the strategists."

"Isn't it basically sure that it is them?" Yelena also believed that these people were bought by strategists and were ready to kill Aladdin.

At this time, Jiangishi suddenly said, "There is satellite communication access, it's Aladdin."

"Come here." Lin Rui nodded.

"Captain Rick. I think you've started your work now. But please pay attention to your scope of work, what you have to do is to help me rescue my daughter, not me. So you better stop your tracking activities now. By the way Just one thing, the six guards you are targeting are not the ones that Maklovsky bought." Aladdin whispered.

"What? How did you know?" Lin Rui frowned.

"It's very simple, you should lock them only after finding out the abnormality through their capital account. But don't forget, the strategist is followed by White Glove White, who specializes in handling funds for the secret society and is responsible for money laundering, etc. A master of business. He can handle things so that you can't trace them at all." Aladdin whispered.

"But they did leave traces." Jiangan frowned.

"Yes, so, they are not the guards who were bought. They are the bait thrown by the strategist, who led you astray through these unknown accounts and unknown funds. The guards involved did not know that they had With such a sum of money, I don't even know when I have a bank account." Aladdin said, "Everything is a trap."

"You're saying that Marklovsky deliberately set up a game, let us beware of these guards who are not killers, and thus ignore others." Lin Rui frowned.

" When our attention is drawn to these people, it leaves others with an opportunity to assassinate. This is called in ancient Chinese tactics, it is very old, but Very effective." Aladdin said slowly.

"You mean we give up tracking these people?" Lin Rui asked.

"Yes, because time is wasted on them," Aladdin replied. "Actually, I have locked up a few other guards, and I think they are the real killers. But these things are left to me. You just need to do your thing, find and rescue my daughter."

Lin Rui was silent for a while and said, "Actually, I still have a clue about weapons. We found that someone buying weapons on the black market is most likely a strategist."

"This is the right path. Go on, follow the clues and you should be able to find my daughter Crystal. I repeat, you must be very careful, this young strategist is very powerful. He will not be exposed easily, but don't think about him. Too bad, because people make mistakes. He's just a person." Aladdin whispered.

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