Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1666: sound east hit west two

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

"Platform!" said Kishi, turning to Lincoln, "in a triangular formation, and we're going to the road on foot. Except for the wounded and the dead. I need all the soldiers who can still take up arms to come forward. We must All-out feint attack, so as to cover the captain and the others."

Lincoln shouted through the team communication channel: "Go, brothers of group b! Triangle formation, target: that side of the road outside town."

Lin Rui had reached the ambush position in the northeast corner at this time. He turned his head to look in front of him, and saw his team members appearing at the edge of the town on the other side. Soon he couldn't see any of them, as they had spread out, jumping from one rubble into another, so as not to be raided by the mercenary troops. They walked silently through the dappled ruins, occasionally flashing quietly in the green light of night vision goggles, and then disappearing.

Lincoln's men were quick to open fire. "Encountered an enemy soldier... The danger has been cleared."

"There is also one here." Another member of Group B then reported, "The danger has been cleared." There must be more than this enemy. Lin Rui knew that mercenary troops would never act in small groups.

It would be even worse if their men were deployed on a large scale around the highway, because that would mean that Lincoln and the others would fight very hard... as time went on, it would become more and more difficult for them to complete this mission.

While crawling forward on the ground, Lin Rui listened to the report sent by the members of Group B, and almost bumped into two mercenaries. He instinctively melted into the shadow of a grassy bush, and did not move.

The mercenary didn't see him, but the two heard the exchange of fire on the side of the road and walked forward more cautiously with guns in hand. It was getting closer and closer to where Lin Rui was hiding. While waving their weapons, they charged towards the opposite side.

Lin Rui pressed the button of the communication channel and signaled an all-out attack to Group B. His signal was confirmed, gunshots and explosions blared in the distance, and that side of the road flashed a bright light.

"Group B provides us with an opportunity. The infiltration team comes with me!" Lin Rui's voice came through the team's communication channel, "Lincoln, I'm half a kilometer behind you, and I'm ready to pass through the defense line. Be careful to cover us."

"Received." Lincoln said to him, and then shouted, "Group B, suppress fire." The fire of the weapons flashed one by one. The bullets crossed dense red lines in the night.

Lin Rui half squatted and rushed towards the opposite side. There was a bright light ahead, and the grass gradually faded away, because there was no longer any shade. The hay was flattened to the ground, either blown to shreds or burned to charcoal. It should be a masterpiece of roadside bombs in the morning.

The enemy's camp, located a little further on the edge of the battlefield, is still intact. A reinforced concrete bunker, densely covered with shooting holes, defended the low building in the middle. It's a small village with a Kurdish flag hanging at the door. This seems to be the reason why this Gusmez mercenary force has not been captured so far, as they are pretending to be a Kurdish-controlled village.

"There is a situation ahead." Lin Rui said in a low voice, he raised his hand and made a stop gesture, and the team members squatted beside him. The camp of these mercenaries is completely a small fortress. There is also a large parking lot in the back, with camouflage nets built to cover hidden vehicles.

Although it is not marked on any map, it is clear that the parking lot at the back of the village is against the hillside, there should be some caves below, and these mercenaries have turned them into a place to store their transport vehicles. The outer structure has been reinforced and concrete is poured to withstand some attacks and to prevent drone reconnaissance. It would be the perfect hiding place if the situation got out of hand.

Some mercenaries were rushing out of the camp with weapons, apparently heading for the road on the other side.

Lin Rui hid and stood in the south overlooking the battlefield. As the temporary headquarters of these mercenaries, this bunker was built in a hurry. Although quick-setting concrete dries faster, some places are not dry yet. This bunker is not in the best defensive position, but it has a good view. He could clearly see that the mercenaries were busy strengthening the defenses around the road.

They have drawn up sharp barbed wire, planted massive improvised explosives and patrolled the area. A six-man fire team was on the battlefield scouring the battlefield for available weapons and ammunition when they were attacked by Group B from Lincoln and others. The sudden attack of firepower made these mercenaries nervous. They obviously suspected that the o2 team members were going to break through at night, so they all rushed in that direction.

This gave Lin Rui and others an opportunity to take advantage. After all, these mercenaries were a mob. As soon as he noticed the situation ahead, he started to rush forward. Not even a guard on duty. Lin Rui sneered, he quietly walked out of the shadows, avoiding the mercenaries, and walked towards the headquarters inside.

It was said that the headquarters was actually just a low two-story building, and Gusmoz was furious inside, "Intelligence, intelligence! I need information on those people. Who are these people?! They fought with us all afternoon, and they actually They can still launch a counterattack. Who are they and what are they going to do? No one knows?"

"We really don't know, but judging from the way they fought, it should be mercenaries, some big military company. Maybe the Americans, or maybe the French. Our guys cleaned the field and they left nothing, not even Not even a corpse. But according to our people, a few of them should have been killed. This means..." A mercenary leader hesitated.

"What does that mean?" Gusmuz frowned.

"The opponent's tactical literacy is very high, and they knew that we might find some clues from the corpse, so they sent back the corpses of their companions. Only some very professional mercenaries, when performing tasks that require a high degree of secrecy, will Do this." The mercenary leader said, "Maybe they're not here for us."

"Impossible, there are no other worthy targets for the Americans or the French here but us. And it's too late now, they've found us. We can't keep them alive. This is our best hiding place. , if it's discovered, we'll play. You know, we're done." Gusmoz said loudly.

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