Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1445: Connection failed

The parachute slowly fell, Lin Rui tried to maintain correct breathing, analyzed the airflow with both ears, and then adjusted various parts of the body to keep the body in a state of balance. A first-class skydiver must know how to control the main parachute according to the air flow, maintain the parachute posture, and control the main parachute according to the air flow.

Military skydiving is different from civilian and recreational skydiving. The most prominent thing is that military skydiving requires skydivers to land at a high speed as much as possible to avoid attacks and ambush from land and gain enough reaction time for their own side. The landing speed must take into account the ability of the human body to withstand the impact, because a small damage may make the soldier lose combat effectiveness, and even affect other comrades and the completion of the entire combat mission.

Therefore, in the landing of military parachuting, special landing posture must be relied on to ensure that no damage occurs during high-speed landing impact. Since the advent of military parachuting, the airborne troops of various countries have very strict requirements for the landing posture of parachuting. In the vast majority of countries in the world, the rollover skydiving landing position is commonly used.

However, unlike most countries, China and some countries of the former Soviet Union use the semi-squat landing position. The landing position of the semi-squat skydiving requires that the lower limbs be in a semi-squatting position when not landing, to achieve "three tights and one flat", that is, the legs are bent, and the knees, ankles, and the inner sides of the forefoot are aligned and clamped, and the soles of the feet are parallel to the ground.

Its main feature is that it actively and greatly bends the lower limb joints after the initial contact, reducing impact overload and preventing potential damage by extending the buffering time and increasing the buffering distance.

Among them, the "three tightness" is to ensure that both legs can bear the impact at the same time, and avoid damage caused by separate load. This requirement is consistent with the improvement of the roll-over skydiving landing method made by the United States in June 1943 according to the investigation. It is believed to help Keeping the muscles in good condition can reduce damage.

"One level" is to ensure that the human body has the largest contact area with the ground from beginning to end, which is similar to the requirements in Australia's rollover landing.

Internationally, it is generally believed that the impact overload on each segment of the body when landing in a rollover position is much smaller than that when landing in a semi-squatting position. When using a rollover landing, the segments of the lower extremity and their joints exhibit a rotational motion.

This kind of movement is conducive to changing the strain energy stored in elastic materials such as muscles and ligaments, enhancing its ability to absorb impact energy, exerting a greater buffering effect, and reducing the impact overload of each segment. Therefore, from the perspective of reducing the impact overload on the body's center of mass, the foot and each segment, the rollover is better than the half-squat when skydiving. But there are also studies that point out that the half-squat is better than the tumbling.

The so-called novice is afraid of going out of the cabin, and the veteran is afraid of landing. This is a famous saying about skydiving. The correct landing posture is very important. In fact, many paratroopers in various countries will break their legs due to temporary negligence. Lin Rui's landing posture is a standard half-squat landing, which is fast and quick, but bears a slightly larger impact.

After he landed, he quickly took off his parachute, raised his gun to check the surroundings, and then looked at the rendezvous point marked on the GPS locator. He didn't deviate too far, but a few team members fell farther. . While receiving information from the team members through the communication headset, he quickly rushed to the meeting point.

"It's safe nearby, we're on our way to the assembly point," Sergey's voice replied in the headset.

"Very good, how about the others?" Lin Rui continued to ask.

"No problem, I'm with the chief and sausage, and I'm rushing to the assembly point, captain." Biscuit replied.

"Okay, see you at the meeting point." When Lin Rui arrived at the meeting point. Jiangan and Yelena had already arrived, and he shrugged, "You are faster than me."

"I was a member of the skydiving club when I was seventeen. As for Yelena, she was a professional athlete in Russia." Shrugged, "It's not everything, you can lead us."

Lin Rui shook his head, "Contact Cobain. Ask him when our assistance will arrive."

Kishi nodded and pressed the headset to contact Cobain, the communication officer of the technical department, "Hey, Cobain, we have arrived at the scheduled location. Yes, it is half an hour earlier than expected, so when will our assistance arrive? ?"

Cobain's voice was a little helpless, "Sorry brother, our informant in Syria is obviously unreliable. He should have driven a truck to pick you up at this time, but half an hour ago, he lost contact, I can't notify to him."

"Half an hour ago? What are you kidding? This is a secret mission. What if this informant is caught, and you didn't inform us until now?" Jiangan frowned.

"Don't worry, he can't betray you, because I didn't give him your landing place before the last I'm sorry, but our control in the Middle East is not as good as in Africa." Ben said helplessly, "There are not many people who can win to do things for us."

"But what do we do now? Are you going to let us walk through this desert?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Don't be like this, Rick, it's just that something went wrong, and I'm trying to remedy it. Twenty minutes, you give me another twenty minutes, and I'll arrange another car to pick you up." Cobain was a little helpless.

"Okay, let's do it first, you continue to arrange manpower and vehicles. However, we can't wait here for long. The parachute drop just now is obvious, which will attract the attention of nearby armed personnel. There are many factions of these Syrian militias, we do not need to follow They clashed and caused other troubles later. So we have to avoid here." Lin Rui whispered, "I need you to make a route for us. To go to the nearest town, we need to get some news from there, or see Let's see if we can get a car."

"Okay Rick, I'm really sorry." Cobain sighed.

Lin Rui didn't say much. Although he was not satisfied, he also knew that Cobain tried his best. The Black Island Company's control in the Middle East is indeed limited. At present, the foreign aid they can obtain mainly comes from other companies in the International Mercenary Alliance. Not reliable anymore.

If something went wrong, Cobain had nothing to do. What better way could he, a technician at the headquarters in St. Cayser Island? So it is up to them to solve this problem.

Lin Rui turned to look at the brothers, and said in a low voice, "Is everyone ready? We have encountered a little problem now, the support vehicles can't reach, but we have to evacuate quickly. Therefore, we can only give up some hidden equipment and try our best to Go lightly."

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