Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1386: Fireworks are fleeting

Summer nights in Korea, with the cool sea breeze, are refreshing. This military zone seems quiet and peaceful, and I believe tonight will be another peaceful night as usual. The night is getting darker, and there are no pedestrians on the road in this military area at this moment. The locals seem to have become accustomed to the life of the garrison camp, either returning to their homes early, or drinking with three or two friends outside.

Several patrol armored vehicles drove through the Stanley Camp in Gyeonggi Province again, and everything was fine. The armored convoy turned a corner and drove back to the military camp. The routine night patrol mission for several hours was over. Only the hired military security personnel are left to faithfully guard the camp. Originally, they didn't even have night patrol missions, but in the last few days, because of the incident at the Wushan Air Force Base, there was a lot of confusion.

"It's all to blame for those damned guys, why did they keep them here?"

At this time, a few dark shadows appeared in the weeds on the side of the road. There were not many people, and they quickly sneaked into the camp under the cover of the night. It seems that this group of people has been lurking here for a long time, and the timing is quite accurate. The US military patrol armored vehicles came in as soon as they withdrew, and they seemed to be quite familiar with the nearby terrain. The shadow moved quickly, and without stopping, he touched the northwest corner of the camp. This area was the weakest part of the camp's guards.

Apart from a dozen U.S. military and military company security guards on duty with guns, there was no extra resistance. Even if a few arrested mercenaries are being held, they don't seem to need any protection. The U.S. military personnel who are already sleeping in the camp never imagined that there would be daring people who would dare to come here to rob prisoners. The men in black moved quickly, and the dozens of men in black were already hiding outside the tall fence of the prison.

At this time, a man in black who took the lead made a gesture and sent out an attack signal, almost without covering it up, the dozens of black shadows sneaking all the way along the wall quickly rushed up, the fire flashed, "Bang Bang" Two crisp gunshots rang out, and before the two security guards could react, blood splattered and their heads were shot at close range.

The sound of gunfire cut through the night sky, and it was extraordinarily clear and loud in the middle of the night. It also alerted the personnel in the barracks. The searchlights in the darkness were lighting up one after another. At the same time, dozens of black shadows rushed into the prisoners. In the prison area, people's voices, gunshots, screams, chaos...

On this seemingly peaceful night, the US military suffered a surprise attack at Camp Stanley in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. The militants have only one target, prisoners inside the base awaiting extradition. These were the only people captured at the last Osan Air Force Base. Among the more than fifty armed personnel involved in the incident at the Osan base, only four were still alive, including Pluto.

But this time, the U.S. military seems to have responded quickly. With an order, dozens of commandos rushed into the prison area from various assault positions. At the same time, dozens of tear gas grenades broke through the window, and the prison area was filled with smoke, gunshots were loud, and tracer bullets shone.

Dozens of U.S. commandos rushed into the building with rapid movements, and the plan never changed quickly. At this moment, suddenly! There was a loud "Boom", a deafening explosion sounded, a huge fireball flashed, the ground of the entire prison sank violently, thick smoke billowed, dust flew, and a strange blue mushroom cloud condensed over the building.

The sound of the huge explosion lingered, and the glass shattered everywhere. The windows of the cars parked around the company were shattered by the shock wave emitted by the explosion, and the heat wave hit the face. The building collapsed in an instant, shards of glass mixed with shards of concrete were flying, dust filled the air, and the crowd who had no time to avoid the stone rain attacked with screams of "ouch", and they fell to the ground looking for cover. The scene was in chaos.

The huge explosion made the whole earth tremble. It was a shocking explosion. The prison cell where the prisoners were held was wiped out at the moment of the explosion.

This is a big explosion that perishes at the same time. The building is full of pre-installed explosives, which should be some kind of autonomous super-yield explosives. The moment the commandos stormed the building, they detonated the pre-buried explosives with great power. of explosives. The sky was like a brilliant blue firework. The US military station suffered heavy losses in this tragic explosion, and the bad news quickly spread all over the world. In this attack, many American troops were killed, and those captured mercenaries were also bombed to pieces.

Lin Rui sighed and put down the newspaper in his hand. The explosion in the newspaper was photographed very strangely, completely blue. Lin Rui was silent for a while and closed the newspaper, but just as he turned around, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Lin Rui didn't look back, but smiled, "It's done? Actually, you don't need to make such a big noise at This is my farewell season with Pluto, I can't help exaggerating a bit. ." Lan Qilin wore large sunglasses on his face, almost covering half of his face.

"Why, you want to quit?" Lin Rui frowned.

"We're getting old, it's time to leave this circle. That's why I directed this big bang as a farewell show. From now on, there will be no blue unicorn and Pluto in this world. Can I ask you a question?" Lan Qilin said suddenly.

"Speak." Lin Rui shrugged.

"Finally, why are you helping us?" Lan Qilin frowned.

"We are opponents at work, but outside of work, you are not my enemies." Lin Rui said calmly, "And even out of my respect for the members of the first-generation Lucifer team, I think I should help you. One. The Red Baron is my enemy, and you are only my opponent. A living opponent is always more interesting than a dead opponent. And the enemy, I will kill him no matter what."

"Pluto is right, you are really a good person." Lan Qilin said slowly, "But friendship warns you once, in this circle, good people don't live long."

"Thank you, I try to live every day." Lin Rui said calmly.

"I'm not talking about you." Lan Qilin looked at him and said, "I'm talking about Silver Wolf, who has survived until now and is a legend in the mercenary world. Do you know why?"

Lin Rui frowned, "Why? Because he's not a good person?"

"You know the answer very well, kid, as someone who has come here, I can only give you this advice." Lan Qilin said coldly, "The thing I regret most in my life is getting to know the Silver Wolf." He turned around and raised his eyebrows. And go. "Do it yourself, lad. I send you this sentence because you saved Pluto." ()

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