Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1374: stand still

Outside the command headquarters controlled by the militants, the U.S. and South Korean troops have moved quickly. They have pulled up fences and built fortifications on the periphery. Various communication command vehicles were deployed nearby. And multiple blockades have been set up to surround the joint headquarters building of the Osan Air Force Base.

The snipers were already in place, and the assault troops were ready to go. The blast unit has even brought in detonation robots to prevent terrorists in the building from using explosives. In the command car at the scene, a group of US military officers issued orders loudly. "Where's the commandos?! I need them to be ready!"

"Notify the tower, we need to call the drone!" "Colonel, get your medics ready, in the event of a conflict, they must start emergency work immediately."

"Damn it, who is in charge of the peripheral security?" There was a panic in the noise. All the officers tried to give orders loudly to reassure their subordinates and at the same time reassure themselves, as if everything was still under control. middle. But they all know that things are getting out of hand. This incident is likely to end in bloodshed. Lots of bloodshed!

Some more senior US military officials have arrived, and an emergency meeting is being held. "How is the situation?" a senior military official frowned.

"The command center building of Osan Air Force Base has been occupied. There are about 40 or more militants, and they are very professional. They sneaked into the base in the early morning and have been hiding in the base, waiting patiently for the opportunity. Until they occupied Building, none of our people noticed their presence.

At present, there are more than 100 people who have been captured, including personnel from the United States and South Korea who are participating in important military meetings during the meeting, and other staff members of the command center. "A major explained the current situation.

"What about the guards at the command center? How did they let these people rush in?"

"It's pointless to talk about this now. Three of the guards on duty were killed, and the others should have been controlled. Like I said, these people are very professional." The major said helplessly.

"Damn it, what do we do now?" the officer frowned.

"Half an hour ago, we were ordered to take no action to avoid angering these gangsters and injuring our people. Just now, we received the latest order to suspend all current operations. All personnel are looking forward to it indefinitely." The major whispered.

"What do you mean, just let us do nothing? Even if they pass in front of us, we have to let it go?" The officer said stunned, "What kind of **** order is this."

"The latest order from the headquarters was directly issued by Mr. Minister. The reason is unclear, but they ordered us to do nothing." The major said in a low voice, and there was silence in the U.S. military rescue headquarters.

Lin Rui, who was caught in the siege, was even more worried. The US military and the Korean army outside had built a temporary fence to surround the entire headquarters building. The men in black continued to film, not only the captured hostages, but also the surrounding US troops outside. It doesn't seem to worry at all.

Taking a peek at the surrounding situation, Lin Rui knew that this matter was going to be troublesome, and his face couldn't help but turn pale again.

"What's wrong?" Lee Young-soo whispered.

"The reaction of the Americans is not quite right." Lin Rui whispered.

"Haven't they already responded? There are all their people outside, and even people transferred from other bases." Li Yongzhu frowned, "I don't see anything wrong."

"Do you think these terrorists will be beneficial or harmful to the Americans if they shoot real-time video on the scene?" Lin Rui whispered.

"Of course it is harmful. These terrorists use this to restrict the US from taking too extreme actions, so that they have to pay more attention to the safety of the hostages, because this is in front of the whole world, they don't care, but the Americans can't lose Get up with this person." Lee Yong-soo frowned and commented.

"Since it's not good for the U.S. military, why won't they allow this video to spread on the Internet?" Lin Rui whispered. "Cyber ​​Combat Command, which is under the US Strategic Command, has nearly a thousand people. They have powerful strength and resources, and as long as they want, they can make any news against them disappear completely."

"Yes, they do have this strength. Not only do they have this strength, but they should also perform very well." Li Yongzhu whispered, "The Cyber ​​Warfare Command was established in 2010, but at that time it was under the jurisdiction of the US Strategic Command. Responsible for missions such as space operations, information security, and strategic nuclear deterrence.

And just yesterday, the U.S. military just announced that the joint command center for cyber warfare will be upgraded. This means that this center will be on the same level as the other nine combat command centers, and the cyber warfare department will enter a stage of rapid Earlier this year, in order to strengthen the U.S. cyber defense capability, the Pentagon became the commander of cyber warfare. Ministry allocated $35 billion. In the future, they will compete with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and independently carry out cyber warfare missions. At this time, it is precisely when they want to show their talents and show their abilities. "

"With their capabilities and resources, they can knock down terrorists' servers in a matter of minutes. But they didn't do that, even if they held back because they were worried about hostages, but they had the technology to let these terrorists go. Unlimited interruption of live video broadcasts. But they didn't, why?" Lin Rui looked at Li Yongzhu and said in a low voice.

"What do you mean?" Li Yongzhu's expression moved.

"The Americans can obviously prevent it, but they are tacitly allowing such a thing to happen. There is only one possibility, that is, everything is under their control, and they hope so." Lin Rui whispered.

"You mean the Americans deliberately didn't stop them, and deliberately let them make a big noise?" Li Yongzhu whispered, "Why?"

"I don't know, but they obviously want to expand the influence of this incident. So they took certain wait-and-see measures." Lin Rui whispered.

"But why is that?" Li Yongzhu said nervously, "There are still their people here. Are they going to look at these senior US military officials being captured and humiliated and ignore them?"

"This is the most terrifying point." Lin Rui whispered, "If the Americans continue to wait and see and condone, it means that they secretly want this matter to be even bigger."

"What?" Li Yongzhu said in disbelief, "How big is it?"

"More bloodshed, even sacrifice." Lin Rui whispered, "Americans hope that this incident will end with moderate bloodshed to achieve some of their goals. They need sacrifices, and people like us are the most suitable."

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